I was thinking just the other day about how fortunate we ‘women of a certain age’ are in the year 2019. (When I say ‘women of a certain age’, I think I’m being kind to myself, as I’m sure I’m now in the ‘women past their sell by date age’!).

When I think of my grandma’s time, and even my mum’s time, I can see how things have really improved over these past fifty years or so. Don’t get me wrong, I realise that we still have some way to go. I’m a big fan of the “me too” movement, and it’s so good to see how that Movement has improved things for women over just the past couple of years. Now, at long last, talented women are achieving those top jobs, and getting salaries to match their male counterparts. When you think where we’ve come from, that really is worthy of huge celebration.

There are so many amazing groups that women can join now, to learn new things, and to forge exciting new friendships. These things don’t just happen, of course. You have to go out and look for them. I know, sometimes, it’s easier to just carry on with the ‘same old’, and if you’re happy doing just that, then that’s fine too. The main thing is, we have CHOICE these days. Just remember the old saying......”life is not a rehearsal.” THIS IS IT!

I do think it’s important to keep a close circle of lady friends. As we get older, these ladies become even more important, and we realise how blessed we are to have them in our lives. Cherish these friends, and let them know how much they mean to you. Remember, life can change in an instant. Never be afraid to say “I love you”, or compliment them when they look good, or tell them when you like their new perfume, or lipstick, or whatever. Try to love all the stages of your life, for they are all magical in their own way.

I hope you have enjoyed all the little quotes I have included with my Post today - all courtesy of Pinterest.com. I’ll leave you with one that, hopefully, will make you smile, from the wonderful Dame Maggie Smith......

See you next time little peeps, and thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings ❤️