Fortunately, we found the hotel Spa. Very posh . We could see lots of loungers around an indoor pool.
We decided that this would be the place for us today. 25 Euros each, but worth it to get out of the b....y rain!
We made ourselves comfy and settled down to read our Kindles. I was re-reading Surfing in Stilettos, by our lovely bloggy friend, Carol Wyer from facing50withhumour.
Then, vot vas zees (sorry ! I'm still in the book) - we were being rained on - INDOORS!! Do you ever get the feeling that someone up there doesn't like you ?
We hurriedly gathered up our belongings and moved to another area. Whereupon a very handsome , young Spanish guy ( he looked like a boy, but, then, everyone looks so young to me these days).
Don Juan was full of apologies, saying that they had never known rain like this on the island before. (DOH! Quell surpreez (I know that's not the real spelling, but it looks good ) I should have known that the dratted rain would have followed us here from darkest , deepest Devon).
Anyway, because we had got soaking wet INSIDE his lovely,exclusive Spa, we could use it tomorrow at no charge, gratis and for free.
(well, there's a silver lining behind every raindrop I suppose !)
Uno vaso de vino rosado, per favor!
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Sunday, 28 October 2012
Holiday - Day 1 Continued ....
Holiday- Day 1....
The flight from our local airport was on time, so granddaughter number 1 and moi were looking forward to our holiday in the sun.
Chaos at Las Palmas airport whilst waiting for our coach to take us to our chosen resort. (Memo to self; make sure to book a private transfer next time).
After sitting on the coach for almost an hour, the rep said that we had a problem . Apparently, there were 44 on the coach, when there should only be 40. Eeek!! He now proceeded to ask each of us in turn, in very strict tones, were we absolutely sure that we were going to the hotel named on the front of the coach.
I immediately started to feel guilty and almost put up my hand to admit that , yes, we were two of the scoundrels that shouldn't be on his coach. I dont know about you, but I've been like that all my life. Feeling guilty if something goes wrong, even though it's nothing whatsoever to do with me.
After much tut tutting by this rep, who we shall call John, (we will call him John, because that's his name), we finally set off to our Hotel.
We were suitably impressed. It was, according to old grumpy boots, the best hotel on the island, so we were feeling suitably smug as we alighted from the coach.
John informed us that he would be the one giving us the welcome spiel at 10 am the next day. Mmmm- we decided to give it a miss.
On waking this morning on our first day, what was this I could hear? Was it the gentle pitter patter of rain ? NO! It was the sound of hailstones bouncing off the balcony. I consoled myself with thinking that it would soon clear and we lazing by the pool after breakfast.
Pfft! By mid morning I'm afraid I was saying some not very nice things to God, as the rain continued to pour from leaden skies. This really was beyond a joke .
To be continued....
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
To All Those Brave Ladies Out There ......
My daughter flew over from Paris at the weekend, on a flying visit, just to go and spend some time with her friend after the operation. It was a surprise visit, so very emotional for them both, but the friend was so thrillled. I went along to see her as well on Sunday, and I have to say that she is being so incredibly brave and positive. At the moment, she doesn't have any hair, but, hopefully that will start to grow back in the not too distant future.
It's wonderful how, at times like these, the goodness in people comes out. They were saying how friends and family had really rallied round, and they have visitors most days, which helps to keep their spirits up. Also, they find that friends leave cooked meals on the doorstep, which is such a help to them at this time.
It is incredible to think that something like 140 women A DAY learn that they have breast cancer. I pray that my daughter's friend will get through this and then be able to lead a normal life again with her beautiful little daughter.
I also take my hat off to all those women out there that are going through something similar. Our love and positive thoughts are with you all. xx"
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Try to Keep a Twinkle in your Wrinkle! ....
At 40, we don't care what they think of us.
At 60, we discover they haven't been thinking about us at all.--Jock Falkson.
Friday, 19 October 2012
I've Lost My Mo-Jo! ....
Well little bloggies, it's been five days since I've posted. I'm stumped, I'm afraid! I've lost my mo-jo, I've come to a grinding halt, my brain has gone blank.
In fact, I need some of this
It's funny how blogging goes sometimes, isn't it? I seem to have a little flurry of posts, and then - nothing! I read all your posts, and they are full of beautiful words, musical memories, lovely stories and poetry, stunning photographs, fabulous finds, and renovation or decoration of your properties, and then - here am I, trying hard not to bore you with my random musings.
Oh! Do you remember that I 'distressed' a stool a couple of weeks ago, which was my first attempt at this sort of thing? Well, I have just finished a little table and I am quite pleased with the result.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Sunday Snaps! (And Blessings Too!)
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I love this one, because I think it shows Devon at its best, where you can see that the hills really do roll down to the sea. (Son in law number 2, Eli & step-grandson). |
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This was taken a couple of years ago. After a day on the beach, Eli & Ruby are chilling in their little tent. |
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I like this one, because it is daughter number 2's stepson, who is called Hendrix, and he is wearing his Jimmy Hendrix t-shirt! |
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Just love this one where the sun is setting on the water. The little figure is Eli. |
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I've included this one, because, to me, it captures a child's pure innocence and delight. (Eli is 2 years old here). |
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
50 years ago .....

Monday, 8 October 2012
Sorry, I*'m Here Again .....
I'm Over At Carol's Party Today! ....
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Sunday Snaps!
granddaughter number 1 |
Anyone else like Scoobydoo and Shaggy?! My two daughters used to love it, and granddaughter number l. Now the two little ones love this show as well.
I hope that you are all taking care of yourselves and keeping well. If there are any of you not feeling quite so good at the moment, I'm sending loving thoughts your way.
Facing 50 officially invites you to the launch party for Surfing in Stilettos. Heels essential and a sense of fun imperative.
"He who laughs...lasts!"
My 'older' Followers will remember last year's launch party of Mini Skirts & Laughter Lines, which was written by my very funny blogging friend, Carol E. Wyer (facing50withhumour) - it really was an excellent party, and I don't think Carol has got the wine stains out of her carpet to this day.
Anyway, tomorrow (Monday) will see the release of her second novel, "Surfing in Stilettos" and she is having more fun and games over at her place to celebrate. Prizes galore, and lots of fun. Don't be square - be there! I shall certainly be scrabbling around at the back of my wardrobe for my tiara.
Hope to see you all again soon. |