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Thursday 21 March 2019

Spring Has Officially Arrived ....

Hallo to you all once again.  So yesterday was the first day of Spring, and I’m certainly looking forward to it. We haven’t had a particularly hard Winter here in Devon, but I think we just all want the longer days once again.  As I write this, I’m well aware that some of my Followers will be heading into Autumn, so forgive me! 

I do think that Spring has to be one of my favourite months.  Simply because it follows the dark days of Winter, I suppose. But it’s more than that - Spring brings hope, as we see new life appearing all around us.  From the bulbs poking out of the earth, the garden gradually coming back to life, and the lambs gambolling in the fields. How can our souls and spirits not be lifted?  

You would have to be a bit of a curmudgeon if your heart wasn’t lifted by the sight of daffodils everywhere. They bring their own sunshine, don’t they? 

 The Poet, William Wordsworth, summed it up perfectly in his poem, “I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud”, also known as the daffodil poem ......

We are now in the Star Sign of Aries, and I am an Aries person - Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac.  We are supposed to be the trailblazers, although, to be honest, I’m not sure that I’ve done much trail blazing in my life.  Although, I think we always tend to think of things being done in a very outward way, with all guns blazing if you like.  But, thinking about it, things can also be done in quiet ways.  Aries are supposed to be passionate and independent, and I certainly see that in myself.  Although with regard to the independent bit, I always thought that had something to do with me being an only child.  They are also supposed to be loyal and impulsive.  I like to think that I am a loyal friend, and I am certainly impulsive!

I’m sure there are people reading this, who do not believe in such ‘nonsense’!  But I believe that there must be something that determines us from the month that we  are born.  After all, the earth is ruled by the moon and the pull of the sea, as they both wax and wane.  My mind has always been open to everything alternative, really.  It would be a foolish person to dismiss these things.

Anyway, I will leave you for now.  Thank you, as always, for taking the time to read my scribblings!  (All images today, apart from the daffodils, are courtesy of Pinterest).  Oh, and here’s a pic of my little pup, walking through the Spring flowers in my garden....

Friday 8 March 2019

International Women's Day

Today, on the 8th March, we once again celebrate International Women's Day. It is now the year 2020 and no Country in the world has achieved gender equality. My, but it's a slow process! According to the United Nations Women, the theme for 2020 is "I am generation equality : realizing women's Rights."
The UN Women has been leveraging the Generation Equality campaign for years. It aims at “bringing together people of every gender, age, ethnicity, race, religion and country”, in a bid to drive actions that will lead to a “gender-equal world we all deserve”.

 I think it is important to talk about this event each year on my Blog, as we celebrate women everywhere, all over the world, and recognise the progress that has been achieved, and to give thanks for all the courageous women over many, many years, who have fought for women's rights. Rights that promote a position of legal and social equality of women with men. 


 Huge strides have been made over the years. Certainly since the 1960's when I was a young woman.  We didn't have a lot of the freedoms or rights that women have these days. Women certainly were not allowed to get credit under their own name. So a mortgage would be out of the question. Women at that time were very much looked on as mothers and homemakers.  Hard to believe, but right up until the late 60's, women were not allowed to wear trousers in the workplace. 

Of course, if modern mums want to still be stay at home mums and raise their children themselves, there is certainly nothing wrong with that. In fact, in my eyes, that is to be lauded. Many women these days, of course, HAVE to work, purely for financial reasons. 

I suppose my point is, that the younger women now have CHOICE, which was certainly not available before, and that, surely, has to be good for everyone. 



My wish is that my granddaughters will live in a world where they can be anything they want to be.  I also take this opportunity of celebrating all the women that follow my Blog. Remember, you are ALL special and you are ALL important. 

Wednesday 6 March 2019

What Happened to Spring?!

Hallo again little peeps. As I write this new Blog Post, I had to move my little puppy to one side - he never likes to stray too far away from me, as you can see! 🐶.  Anyway, he's now having a little nap, so I should be alright for a little while. 

Tomorrow, Benji will have his final injection, so I'm delighted to say that I will finally be able to take him out to explore the big, wide world. Well, my little corner of it, here in heavenly Devon, anyway!

After a real touch of Spring a couple of weeks ago (well, it was almost like Summer, really), I'm afraid to say that we are now having very heavy rain, and the forecast for the next week isn't looking  good either. Despite that, there are signs of Spring appearing in the garden.  As usual, I have to apologize  to my Facebook friends, as they will have seen some of these pics before. 

I was thinking about my eldest daughter and my eldest granddaughter, and I can quite appreciate why they would never want to come back to this Country to live. Why would they, when they can have blue skies almost all year round, and the Winters are warm?!  Daughter lives in Ibiza and granddaughter is at University in Madrid. To be honest, I think my granddaughter feels that she is really European now. 

You obviously miss family when they have to move away from their home location - years ago, families all lived very close together. Sometimes even on different levels of the same house. That way, there was always someone to keep an eye on babies, youngsters, teenagers and the older ones of the family. 

But things move on, and I don't suppose we will ever go back to that situation. 

Well, I will leave you again for now. I don't want to bore you!!  What's that you say..."too late!".  

Anyway, look at the gorgeous blue sky in this photo - not bad  for February! 

Bye for now. I hope all is well with you, wherever you may be reading this. ❤️