It's that time of the year when hubby is busy picking apples and blackberries from the garden. It really has been a bumper year for the crops we grow, obviously down to the glorious weather that we have had here in Devon this Summer.
A couple of years ago, as so many of our apples were going to waste, hubby decided to buy a small Press and, by doing this, we have fresh apple juice for many years to come. Here is the Press...
First of all, the apples are taken out of the freezer (we were recommended to do this) to de-frost. This takes about four hours. It is important not to let the apples get too soft at this stage, otherwise it doesn't work.

The apples are then put into the Press ....
The pressing process then begins....
The lovely apple juice starts to flow ....
This is what we are left with (which is called the cake). This will go onto the compost heap at the bottom of the garden. Preferably with a lid on, because the wasps get very interested in it!
The apple juice is then filtered - hubby's hands ARE clean!
Voila! Here we have the finished product ....
Now this really is PURE apple juice. It tastes delicious. The juice will now be poured into cartons, and then any surplus can be frozen for up to, say, three months. CHEERS! (I wrote a similar post to this in 2011).
I really love the following quotes, and I hope you will like them too. I very much try to live my life by them. My dear mum always used to say "As ye sow, so shall ye reap", and I firmly believe this to be true.
"We must give more in order to get more. It is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest." (Quote by Orison Swett Marsden).
"Remember to be gentle with yourselves and others. We are all children of chance and no-one can say why some fields blossom whilst others remain brown beneath the August sun. Care for those around you. Look past your differences. Their dreams are no less than yours, their choices no more easily made. To give is to love, to withold is to wither. Care less for your harvest than for how it is shared, and your life will have meaning, and your heart will have peace." (Quote by Kent Nerburn).