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Sunday 27 February 2011

Sunday Snap!

Eldest granddaughter & Youngest granddaughter.  Taken April 2010.


SkippyMom said...

Squeeeee! How cute are they. Cheeky cheeks. :)

LindyLouMac said...

Gorgeous girls :)

Christmas-etc... said...

This is such a cute picture!!! What lovely girls they are! How blessed are you!!!
Have a nice Sunday!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful pair they are. You are so blessed to have such adorable grandaughters.

Shady Del Knight said...

Is that little Ruby on the right? Where's Alfred? (LOL) That's a wonderful photograph, Thisisme. The composition, color, lighting and facial expressions are all perfect. I wish you a safe, happy and healthy Sunday, dear friend!

Lyndylou said...

Cute! :)

Southhamsdarling said...

SkippyMom - Hee Hee! Aren't I the lucky one?!

LindyLouMac - thank you! Hope the sun is shining over there in Italy this weekend.

Ann - Yes, I am blessed indeed, as I also have my gorgeous little 2 year old grandson as well.

Odie - thank you so much. Hope you're having a relaxing weekend my friend.

Shady - yes, that's little Ruby on the right! She looks a bit different than that now, and is walking all over the place, opening all the doors in the kitchen etc. and generally being very inquisitive! Alfred will be visiting us in April for the first time, as he will have his Passport to travel, so watch out out then!!

lyndylou - Aren't they just?!

Sandra said...

I love it when you post pictures of your family. Eldest and youngest granddaughters are beautiful!

Southhamsdarling said...

Sandra = thank you for your lovely comment!

Belle said...

Isn't it wonderful how children and babies bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart! Beautiful girls.

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Oh my goodness! What beauties!

Everyone loves a giveaway

Southhamsdarling said...

Belle - you're so right. They do make us smile, don't they? I am just so blessed to have them.

Tanya (a Taste of T) - thank you! I am rather biased of course!!

Teresa said...

they are so cute!

Southhamsdarling said...

Teresa - thank you!!

Bethe77 said...

Your granddaughters are so adorable and precious! Those eyes! Love them. Blessings
Oh yes! Thisisme I did make home another long trek but I did stop and see some beautiful scenes in that where covered in ice and snow. Will share in some up coming blogs. If you do face book I may be posting there as family wants to see them. Blessings

doreen said...

Oh they are just too cute. My oldest grand daughter is 15 and the youngest is 8months old. I have 11 all together. Quite overwhelming at times but I love every minute:)
I am visiting and following via Java's Follow Friday.

Donna B. said...

Adorable!! Oh you are so blessed. How are you feeling?

Southhamsdarling said...

Bethe77 - so glad you arrived home safely, and I will look forward to seeing the photos.

Doreen - thank you SO much for visiting my blog. Lovely to have you here. I shall pop over to yours in a moment. 11 grandchildren! Gosh, that must be very expensive, especially at Christmas!!

DonnaB - Thank you. It's Monday as I write this, and I am so pleased to say that this is the first day in three weeks that I feel a bit more like my old self. Yay!!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - you have a pink bundle - so sweet - mine are blue. sandie

Southhamsdarling said...

Chatty - yes, they are very sweet! I also have my little two year old blue bundle!

Unknown said...

What beauties! I love the pretty braid in your eldest granddaughter's hair. It's nice to see a picture of a teen that is smiling. I can never seem to capture mine with a grin. But then, if she was holding a baby as sweet as that one, I'm sure she'd be smiling too.