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Tuesday 23 October 2012

To All Those Brave Ladies Out There ......

I have just realized that it is two years to the day (23rd October) since I started on this blogging adventure of mine.  Two years in which I have met some truly wonderful friends from all over the world.  My blog now has 188 Followers and has had over 70,000 page views.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your encouragement and support.  I think all of us, when we wrote our very first post, had no idea how things were going to turn out.  Would anyone read our posts, how would they find us, how would we find other peoples' blogs! It was all a complete mystery when I first started out, but in that two years I really have learnt so much from you all.
It was my daughter in Paris who started me on this road.  She had already started a Blog of her own, and thought that I would very much enjoy doing it as well, especially as I had always enjoyed writing - so, thank you Emma, for that initial idea and for setting it all up for me at the very beginning!
I think most women now know that October is Breast Awareness Month, so I thought I would re-post one of my very early scribblings in honour of all those brave women out there who are going through this disease, or have been through it.  I admire you all so much.
"For a minute, I couldn't really think what I was going to write about today. Then, as October is Breast Cancer month, I decided to dedicate this blog to one of my daughter's best friends (she is actually one of my granddaughter's godmothers) who is undertaking treatment for this awful illness. She has a little girl who is only nine months old and, all through the Summer, she has been undertaking chemotherapy treatment, which, at times, has left her feeling drained. They then found that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, so, last week, she had a mastectomy as well as having all her lymph nodes removed (which is quite unusual apparently). In a couple of weeks, she has to start a course of radiotherapy. You can probably imagine how gruelling all this has been for her, especially as she hasn't been able to devote herself to the little baby, like most mums are able to. I feel so sorry for her, because she had wanted to be a mum for so long. I also feel terribly sorry for her mum and dad, who are in their eighties, and never thought that they were going to be grandparents. Obviously, when the little baby girl came along, they were over the moon. Then, just a couple of months later, they were hit with this. I just can't envisage how it must be for a mum to see a beloved daughter having to go through so much suffering.

My daughter flew over from Paris at the weekend, on a flying visit, just to go and spend some time with her friend after the operation. It was a surprise visit, so very emotional for them both, but the friend was so thrillled. I went along to see her as well on Sunday, and I have to say that she is being so incredibly brave and positive. At the moment, she doesn't have any hair, but, hopefully that will start to grow back in the not too distant future.

It's wonderful how, at times like these, the goodness in people comes out. They were saying how friends and family had really rallied round, and they have visitors most days, which helps to keep their spirits up. Also, they find that friends leave cooked meals on the doorstep, which is such a help to them at this time.

It is incredible to think that something like 140 women A DAY learn that they have breast cancer. I pray that my daughter's friend will get through this and then be able to lead a normal life again with her beautiful little daughter.

I also take my hat off to all those women out there that are going through something similar. Our love and positive thoughts are with you all. xx"
The good news is that my daughter's friend came through all her treatment.  She is such a joy to be around - always positive and full of fun.
Most of you know that I am off on holiday on Saturday for a week with my beautiful granddaughter, so I will say Au Revoir for now, and will look forward to catching up with you all on my return.  Meanwhile, take care of yourselves my friends.


Terra said...

Sweet post with good news in it about your daughter's friend and her successful treatment. Is there an update on her, two years later?

Raindrops and Daisies said...

It is so lovely to know you Diane and to count you as a blogging friend.

Thanks for being there

x Fiona

Rebecca said...

beautiful post and so happy to hear your daughter's friend is doing well

Shelly said...

Happy anniversary! I am delighted you have undertaken this world of blogging and that I have gotten to meet you through it.

Very timely post~ and I hope your daughter's friend has a sunny road ahead of her.

Enjoy your wonderful trip!

Shady Del Knight said...

Hallo, dear Thisisme, and happy two year blogiversary! I feel as if I've known you all my life, my special friend, and I don't know what I'd do without you in it. I am so glad to know Emma's friend came through her bout with breast cancer and is doing fine these days. I pray that you are feeling chipper and ready to have lots of fun with Ellie on your holiday. I wish you a safe trip over and a very relaxing and restorative vacation. Take lots of pictures and post them for us when you return. I'll be missing you and thinking about you, dear Thisisme! Blessings, hugs and smooches!

Unknown said...

Hi, hope you have a great holiday, will miss you on here and playing words on Facebook.

Very good news about your daughter's friend, it is such a horrible disease.

God Bless

Claudia Moser said...

Congratulations for the 2 years my dear!

And as for Emma's friend I hope she will recover soon, I have personal experiences with cancer in the family and I know what it involves, so much energy, emotions, power. But being positive helps!

Unknown said...

Dear Diane,
You are such a wonderful inspiration and I always enjoy visiting your blog to read your posts. I am still very new to blogging and don't write as much as I should, guess I am better in showing with pictures. But I must say, that the friends I've gotten since I started blogging..each and every one is important...and it's just so nice to see all the great and inspiring people out there.
big hugs to you my friend, and enjoy your well deserved holiday!


Chatty Crone said...

I hope they find a real cure soon. And congrats on two years. I am so glad to have met you.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

So happy your daughter's friend came through her treatment, it must of been soooo upsetting and stressful for her, and her family..

YESSS we know you are going on holiday :-) :-) .. have fun.

I didn't know you daughter has a blog, does she still do it and can we visit it ... if so, name please.

Take Care and hae a fantastic holiday with your grandaughter :-) xx

Suzanne said...

Well, a Happy Blog Anniversary to you Thisisme! You've done well, and, you're right...who knew how blogging would affect us, and, who would find us and become grand blogmates? I have loved your blog ever since I stole over from one of your followers almost 2 years ago. And, I'm glad I did.
Your post for breast cancer awareness is so touching...I don't know if I could be as brave as your daughter's friend. My hat is off to her too, and, I hope she makes a great recovery. She's a very strong girl!
Have a fun trip, see much, eat much, and...oh yes, a glass or two of wine probably won't hurt either, lol! Hugs!♥

Unknown said...

I count you as friend too Diane. Thanks for the happy news that your friend has beaten the dread disease that is plaguing the world these days. Every survivor gives hope to the rest! Enjoy your little vacation. Hubby and I head to Florida this weekend for a quickie too. Back on Monday, back to hard work, studying and writing. See you then.

Pat MacKenzie said...

A lovely post. Happy anniversary. I've always enjoyed reading your entries and getting to know you and yhour little corner of the world.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Diane,
Happy two years of blogging♡♡♡
I am really honored to be friend with you, you are the first friend from England☆☆☆
My mother and her sister (my aunt) died of cancer. I admire the way both of them fought against it bravely! I really am happy for your daughter's friend and respect her knowing that enormous burden she must have been through both physically and mentally.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Lyndylou said...

I am really pleased that your daughter's friend has pulled through...a very scary time for all x

Linda O'Connell said...

Your posts are so inspirational and upbeat. Have fun.

Unknown said...

So sorry for your daughter's friend but grateful for loving friends and family that have shown such support and love. I just know that you and your amazing and beautiful grand daughter will have the most wonderful time and will be building memories to look back on and enjoy forever. Just remember to take lots of pictures.

Cindy Ellison said...

Hi Diane, once again you have a fantastic new header photo. I really like it! All this horrible cancer around us ... I sure hope your daughter's friend has all this totally behind her for good.

Would you believe I was just thinking of breast cancer, I was holding an old bottle of my cousin's perfume. She was a beautiful woman who died at 50 from breast cancer. I had just sprayed a little on my arm and was thinking of her. It is sweet of you to remember others the way you have today on your blog post.

May you have the most wonderful time with your sweet family and granddaughter! Be will e missed on here! ♥

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Breast cancer is such a terrible thing, my aunt had breast cancer many many years ago and underwent a mastectomy and has suvived it, she then was diagonsed with MS but is still alive and kicking......

It is good to hear that your daughter's friend is doing much better now two years down the track

flowers on my table said...

Hello Diane, what a wonderful post to all those brave ladies out there, and especially your daughter's friend. How lovely that your daughter was able to surprise her friend with a visit. My thoughts and prayers go out to her.

Have a wonderful time with your little granddaughter. I look forward to hearing all about it.

Many thanks for your comments on my blog, they are much appreciated. Much love to you, Linda x

pembrokeshire lass said...

It is so good to be aware of all those who are going through this awful cancer so thanks for this. I hope you have a wonderful time and lots of snuggles with your grand daughter!! Joan

LindyLouMac said...

Congratulations on your two year anniversary. I knew you were away enjoying the sunshine(sorry rain) but as back on-line decided to call by and catch up. I was surprised to find you have blogged from your holiday the weather must be bad! I hope it improves.