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Wednesday, 11 January 2017

January - Time for a little nurturing!

I'm always looking out for new quotes that I haven't seen before, quotes to inspire and encourage, and I came across this one recently. I think it will become one of my new favourites!


I like to think that most of us try to nurture others as we pass through life, but sometimes, you know, it's important to also remember to nurture ourselves.   Perhaps January is one of the best months for us to do this, as we await the return of the longer days.

At this time of the year, whenever the sun appears, or it's a bright day, forget the housework and the ironing - go outside, look around and appreciate the beauty of the day. If you're able to go for a walk, so much the better. 

If you're confined to the house on these darker days, play some of your favourite music whilst carrying out your chores and dance around the kitchen! Become that young, carefree girl you once were - the girl that is still inside you somewhere.  Sounds silly?  Try it, and I guarantee you'll end up with a smile on your face 😊. One of the songs that will always do it for me is "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor! 

Write down a list of things that make you happy and then try to do at least one of those things every day.  

My friend in Green Bay brought me a Blessing Bracelet as one of my Christmas presents and I really loved the idea behind it. I truly believe that if you take the time to count your blessings every day, then life does feel so much better. For me, a blessing can be a simple thing, such as finding a parking space in a crowded car park, meeting a friend unexpectedly when you're out and about. How many times do we say, it really is the simple things in life that can make us feel at our happiest. 



I find that if I take photos when I'm out and about, this makes you take more notice of things around you, and you might notice something special that you might otherwise have missed. Just sayin' ! 😊😉

Well, I seem to be rambling on a bit here, and I'm sure you have more important things to do - such as having a dance round that kitchen!  Go on .. be wild, and don't forget to crank up the volume!  Anyway, I'll finish off by saying .....remember to be kind to YOU. 


Unknown said...

As I near the big "70" I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am not having any major issues with my health such as being able to walk and take care of myself and my Chihuahua Rocky. I see others that can't take a step without experiencing pain and know as I tell others "I can outwalk anyone in Walmart". I have always been a fast walker and enjoy it a lot. Today my sweet friend I am blessed for another reason. Day before yesterday I was out trying to clear some ice from my car after this menacing ice storm we had and came back into the house and made the mistake of walking into my kitchen. As soon as my shoes touched the tile a split second later I was on my back as the ice on my shoes slipped on the tile. Luckily my elbows took most of the blow removing skin from both but no other apparent damage. So even after a bad fall I am still blessed and realize how truly blessed I am. Happy New Year my sweet friend and I look forward to making this journey with you. Odie

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Odie! I'm so glad that you also enjoy walking - it really is so good for you, isn't it? I agree with you that we are certainly blessed, when you think of people that have to cope with struggle and pain every day of their lives. Oh my goodness though, I'm so sorry you slipped on the tiles like that. My goodness, that could have been a lot worse. I do hope you're not a aching too much tomorrow. Look after yourself.

Suzanne said...

That is a very pretty bracelet, Thisisme! I love silver and blue jewelry.
Well, you are correct in advising us to nurture ourselves as well as others. They always say you can't care for others unless you care for yourself.

And, I am right there with you about dancing around. My kitchen is just straight forward, and I keep a radio in there. Since I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, it is the ideal spot for single dancing, haha! I like to dance to Taking Care of Business by Bachman Turner Overdrive. And, I love Mony Mony! Those two songs really get me going! Gloria Gaynor's "I will Survive" is also a favorite.

Good idea to make a list of things that make me happy! There are really a lot of things we can find to make us smile and laugh, I believe. This is a very nice post, Thisisme...gets us thinking more about positive and good things we can do. Have a great day, see you soon! Hugs! ♥

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Suzanne. There you are!! Somehow I just knew that you would be one to dance around like that! Like your music choice by the way! Yes, I love blue jewellery as well. I have a lot of turquoise and I read the other day that it is a stone of protection and emotional healing. Actually, it was extremely interesting, so I think I will make it a future blog post! Do hope your January is going well so far, Suzanne.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Haha Diane. Spot on. Think this post was written for ..😊 Gaynor singing and me dancing. Yes good job Lorraine Kelly hasn't seen this post ..on the other hand ,we should point it out to her. Women do dance after 39 !!!! I love Blue Jewellery too.very healing take care xx

Southhamsdarling said...

Hello Anne. I appreciate you popping over to read this post. What does LK know anyway. I'm sure she will live to regret that comment about dancing. My only regret, as a teenager in the 60's, was that I never learnt to Jive. I love to watch it and would love to be able to jive to one of my old records! Keep dancing!! 😊

Glenda said...

What a pretty blessing bracelet your friend gave you! Friends are some of our biggest blessings and certainly grateful for mine. Dance! Always dance! It will keep us flexible and young at heart!

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there Glenda (twin). Thank you - it is a very pretty bracelet. I couldn't agree with you more about friendship being such a special blessing. As I have no sisters , my girlfriends mean such a lot to me. Lovely to see you here today! 😊

Unknown said...

Loved this post!! You know I always try to be thankful for the little things. Your bracelet is absolutely beautiful. I just love that little note that came with it. Isn't it true? When we take time to be grateful for little things we really are quite "rich".

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there Bee Bee. Always good to see you over here 😊 - yes, I do know that you always try to be thankful for the little things - at the end of the day, it is those little things that help to brighten our days. Simple things quite often. Look after yourself my awesome friend, as we embark on another year.

Tanzir Rahman said...

Nice blog. I love your bracing bracelet. Thanks and keep posting.
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Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Tanzir. Thank you so much for taking the trouble to leave a comment. 😊

flowers on my table said...

Hello Diane,
such a lovely quote, and really quite powerful, there is not enough kindness in the world. I love your blessings bracelet, a constant reminder to be always grateful for what we have. I am not comfortable dancing in front of people which is a shame as I used to really enjoy it when I was younger. I remember one time strutting my stuff in the kitchen, then feeling someone was watching, when I looked out the window, there was the binman having a good gander, I did feel a fool, but I probably cheered him up no end!
Have a happy day, sweet lady, so glad we kept in touch however tentatively! Linda xx

Unknown said...

Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Mengatasi BAB keluar darah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Akut Tanpa Operasi
Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Mengobati BAB berdarah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Atau Wasir
Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Mengobati wasir berdarah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Bengkak
Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Mengobati ambeien berdarah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Berdarah