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Thursday 24 March 2011

Another Birthday Cake to Deliver!!

I wasn't going to post today, until I heard that someone else needed a birthday cake, so I have been slaving over a hot oven for the past hour, and, voila!!


Now I know that Odie loves his little dog Rocky, but, unfortunately, I couldn't mould a Rocky on my cake, so I hope he won't mind a Snoopy one!

Odie is a very warm  blogging friend, who is always very caring towards others.  I'm sure he would love it if you popped over to say 'hi' and wish him a happy birthday at the same time.  He has a lovely blog, called The Simple Life, which is all that Odie really wants.


Claudia Moser said...

So sweet of you, This :)

SkippyMom said...

That cake is a cutie. Very apropos.

Natasha in Oz said...

I will pop on over right now to visit dear Odie! You are so right about him being a wonderful bloggy friend! You are a a pretty fabulous bloggy friend too!!! You are also a brilliant cake decorator!

Best wishes always,

BB said...

I think you and I should open a bakery!! Glad to know this and am going over to Odie's house now. Hugs sweet lady.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Wishing I could bake a cake like that, it looks beautifully! Bet it will taste great too.
Have a sunny Thursday xx

Desiree said...

I'm nipping right over to make sure I get a slice of that cake you spent so many hours putting together... it's lovely...hope it tastes as good. I'll be sure to come right back over here and complain if it isn't!

flowers on my table said...

You must be worn out with all this baking! Thanks for the comments. Have a happy day, love Linda x

Shady Del Knight said...

Good for you, Thisisme! You are very kind for saluting Odie on his birthday. I'm sure he appreciates it. May you have a delightful Devon day, dear friend!

Shady Del Knight said...

Good for you, Thisisme! You are very kind for saluting Odie on his birthday. I'm sure he appreciates it. May you have a delightful Devon day, dear friend!

Gawgus things... said...

Wow! Such talent This!! I will pop over and wish Odie a Happy Birthday :)

LindyLouMac said...

A friendly tribute of course I will call by and wish Odie a Happy birthday :)

Bethe77 said...

What a blessing you are. Happy Birthday to Oddie. Yes! the simply life. I must go and check this out.

Lyndylou said...

Cool cake Thisisme :)

Unknown said...

WOW! Thank you so very much Thisisme for the beautiful cake and the good words. And so many comments as well wishing me well. I have one great blog family and feel really blessed.

Southhamsdarling said...

Everyone - I think I should have made a bigger cake, unless you only took a small portion each!! Quite honestly, I think my talents as a master baker of birthday cakes has been hidden away for far too long. I shall have to buy a larger oven! lol! Thank you for popping over to wish Odie birthday wishes on his special day.

Empty Nester said...

I going to visit Odie now! What a sweetheart you are!

Tatiana said...

This is such a cute cake! So nice of you to do this!

Teresa said...

such a beautiful cake! quite the talent you have there!

Rebecca said...

happy birthda Odie

Southhamsdarling said...

Empty Nester, Becca, Tatiana and Teresa - hope there was enough cake for you as well!

Stella said...

How nice of you to make such a cute cake. I am sure it is as delicious to eat as it is to look at.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Birthday Odie! SANDIE

Belle said...

I love the cake and the sentiment, This. Lovely!