Well, I've just about recovered from all the Royal Wedding celebrations, and I hope that all those who watched it thought it was as wonderful as I did. For those of my little bloggy friends who aren't at all interested, please forgive me. I just thought it was wonderful to have an event that brought so many people together with such a feel-good factor about it, when you think of all the doom and gloom that is around us at the moment. There! I promise that I won't say any more about it, but just couldn't resist sneaking a little photo in!
Today I decided to link up with Pink Saturday.

I have never done that before, but realized that I do like the colour pink, and I have chosen just a few of the pink things that I have around me.
Pink money box and Royal Doulton figurine in the background.
Pink Camera Case
Pink Washbag
Pink Travel Clock
2011 Pink Diary
Pink Tissues
Pink Radio
Last, but by no means least, my lovely little pink Laptop, complete with pink mouse!
Gosh, I didn't realize quite how many pink things I do have around me. Can you tell that I'm quite a 'girlie' sort of girl?!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
At my age many women don't wear pink, but it is one of my favorite colors. Kate's dress was beautiful. I remember watching Dianna's wedding.
Thank you for your comment on my blog. It means a lot to me.
Linda O'Connell - it's lovely to have you visit! It's always a pleasure to come and read your Blog. Thank you for your comment.
I got all choked up watching that bride arrive at the Abbey to marry her lad. Simply perfect.
Possum - thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a comment! I must admit that I got a bit emotional, especially when they would sneak little glances at each other! A happy day.
Indeed an event worth wacthing, I stayed home just for that :) And pink is a very bright colour and your items are simply lovely. The laptop is WOW :)
Claudia - glad you enjoyed THE wedding!Yes, I adore my little laptop!
The wedding was wonderful, I spent all day watching, but the bonus was the ironing got done!
Wow you do like pink, so do I actually but it appears more in clothes rather than items I think :)
As a Dell rat I am very fond of pink mice (plural of pink computer mouse) and I'll have you know that pink is Daisy's signature color! (LOL) By now I have seen many highlights of the Royal wedding, Thisisme, and have come to the conclusion that those kids are a wonderful, classy, down-to-earth couple and that the event itself was a welcome distraction from the horror stories unfolding around the globe. Have a fine weekend, dear friend!
LindyLouMac in Italy - Yes, I DO like pink! Wasn't the wedding wonderful, and the bonus was you got all your ironing done as well. I'm just about the tackle the pile that I've got here! :(
Shady - I'd forgotten about Daisy for a moment! It's been a while since she's made an appearance!!!
William & Kate do seem so grounded, don't they. Have a good weekend over there dear friend, and thank you so much for always stopping by to leave a comment.
I love pink too - and I didn't realize there was an age cutoff [sorry Linda O' :D] and a lot of pink clothing. Such a happy color, like yellow [my most favorite of colors].
The wedding was sublime. I like what Del said and have to agree. It was nice to see how very much in love they are.
While I didn't get up at 4:00 am to see the wedding what I caught on the news later was lovely.
You have some beautiful pinks !
SkippyMom - hi there dear friend. So glad you enjoyed the wedding. It all went off so perfectly I thought! Glad to know that you like pink as well.
Francie - thank you SO much for popping over to my blog. Hopefully you might come over again. Glad you enjoyed the wedding!
Pink sure is a pretty color and you have done some major collecting girl. It was my first pink blog and I enjoyed it. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
Odie - thank you. Glad you enjoyed the 'pink' theme!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend my friend.
I am watching the wedding now; I had to DVR it because I was out of the house early yesterday and did not rerurn until late. I totally agree with you it is a moment of happiness for the world actually as so much unhappiness is all around. I watched Diana's wedding in awe and remember William toddling around. I'm so old.
I want to say thank you for your support during the A-Z challenge I really appreciate your kind comments.
Pink is such a pretty colour and adds that "little something special" to the mix. (one of my favourite movies, with lots of pink in it, is Legally Blonde - a favourite background movie when I am typing)
As to the Royal Wedding - who couldn't love it! We need a little ray of sunshine and happiness given all the turmoil and tension in the world.
I confess, due to my work schedule I was not able to pull myself out of bed at two in the morning to watch it live - but I will be getting the "official" commemorative DVD when it comes out.
I enjoyed the full coverage when I got up and I must say Kate's dress was all I hoped it would be - she is a beauty and will do England proud! (in fact, she already has)
On a final note - You have been an amazing find on my journey through the A-Z challenge and since you are on my "reading list" I will be back often to say hello.
I have valued your wonderful and supportive comments - you really left your mark in my world, for that I say a heartfelt - THANK YOU!
Hugs, Jenny
Doreen - it was lovely reading your posts on your A - Z challenge! I was also around when Charles & Diana got married, so I am as old as the hills as well!! LOL!
The Pearson Report - I loved Legally Blonde as well! Likewise, I am glad to have found you as well. I will be interested to read your posts, now that the A - Z challenge is complete! So glad you loved the Royal Wedding as well. I'm sorry, but I just cannot understand all the 'kill-joys' out there, but that's just me!
I saw all the most essential parts of the royal wedding...it was really beautiful and I thought of you!
You're even wearing pink in your profile picture ;)
I love those delightful pinks as well - as I'm sure you noticed this past week with my Shabby Chic post.
And what a magnificent couple the newlyweds are. Even more of a fairytale wedding than Charles and Diana - they look very much in love. As Shady Del Knight said, it is a nice distraction from the bad news that's always reported. Think Pink!
what a beautiful and simple dress Kate had on and love all the cute pink items. I'm more of a blue kind of girl
My you do love pink. I love the radio and the travel alarm clock.Thankyou for your lovely comments, you are so right about the giveaway, I am over the moon. I don't usually win things and Wendy's makes are so gorgeous.The cake was simple, just sponge, fresh cream and fruit, but it went down well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, love Linda x
Love the alarm clock..altho it still wouldn't make me want to get up...I agree the Royal Wedding was a wonderful relief from all the mess going on in the world...for a while, we were in 'wonderland'...and that's not bad...come visit me...Kristine
Hi Diane .. Hooray .. I can comment now .. not sure what was wrong ...Loving all the PINK ... we did a post about Pink either last year or year before .. suprising isn't it .. think I might just add some more to my house :-) :-)
Desiree - so glad you got to see the main parts of the Royal wedding, and hope the little pups are doing well and not causing too much havoc!! (That was nice that you thought of me when you were watching it).
Glenda Manus - Think pink indeed!! Yes, the Royal wedding was stunning, and they do seem so much in love. I so agree that it's nice to get away from all the bad news for a change.
Becca - Hi blue girl!! Yes, the dress was simple, but stunning and so romantic.
flowers on my table - the cake didn't look simple.! Now you have described it fully, I'm feeling quite hungry! The giveaway must have been such a lovely surprise for you! YAY!
Kristina - That's a lovely way of describing it - we certainly were in "Wonderland" if only for a day! I'll pop over and see you in a moment.
Anne in Oxfordshire - YAY! You managed to get here and comment. Wonder what the problem was before?! Glad you liked all the pink. I didn't realize just how much I had of it, until I started to look around! Hope you're having a good weekend.
Welcome to PS. I enjoyed "attending" the wedding too - and I didn't have to send a gift!
Pat - thank you for your welcome, and thank you so much for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment.
This...I'm so glad you enjoyed it as much as you did. It wasn't my cup of tea but I did see glimpses on the news and she made a lovely bride and they did look happy. Love all your pinkness! Hugs.
Handbag fund money box...now thats my kind of saving. Love ll your pinks.
I just love the radio! It must have been pandemonium there for the big day. She is a lovely bride. I hope they will fine happiness together. Have a wonderful weekend. Terri
I loved what I saw of the Royal Wedding had to wait till hubby was asleep before I could check it out...
I have recently been more drawn to the colour pink also the colour purple and even yellow....I want to move away from black, green and blue it is bloody amazing how much of stuff are in those dull colours and I want to brighten my house and wardrobe no matter how annoyed those around me get......Daughter Jes hates the colour pink......oh well this is really shaping up to be the year of Jo-Anne
I've seen many photos of the wedding, but will see it on the DVR tomorrow (it conflicted with the World Figure Skating Championships). Loved Kate's dress! Pippa's was nice, too, although I am not a fan of tanning beds....
Bouncin'Barb - I realize that the royal wedding wasn't of interest to a lot of people, but I'm a sucker for things like that, and it was a real feel-good day, bringing people together, which certainly makes a change!!
~Shabby~Prim~Delights - what a lovely name for a Blog!! ThANK you very much for coming along to read my Pink Saturday post! I have lots of handbags!!
Terri Morse - Likewise, thank YOU for dropping into my BloG for PS. Nice to see you! I think it was organized pandemonium though!!
Jo-Anne Mother and Nana - yes, the wedding wasn't really a 'man' thing, was it. I love the colour purple as well. It's funny with daughters - they are either for pink, or against it!!! You go Jo-Anne, and have something that YOU want!!
On my Soapbox - I hope you really enjoy the wedding when you get to watch it! Kate's dress was stunning, but you are right - Pippa looked gorgeous as well. Her dress was so understated and elegant, and she did a fantastic job, I thought, as Maid of Honour.
I can't believe there's no pink handbag in there!! I've watched the wedding three times now :)
Speak on! The Royal Wedding was magnificent and majestic and showed all the history and charm and pride of being English!
I'm an Englishman and I was watching the entire wedding from my home in Kuantan, Malaysia.
You're right about the feel-good factor. I have a renewed sense of patriotism and I'm mighty proud to be English!
Duncan In Kuantan
Gawgus things - Eeeek! I forgot to put a pink handbag in!!! I have also watched the Royal Wedding 3 times. I recorded the BBC Highlights so watched it yesterday afternoon whilst I was doing my ironing! I suspect I shall be watching it again!
Duncan - thank you SO much for popping along to my Blog and leaving a comment. I also see that you have become my latest Follower - Great!! I shall be visiting your blog in a moment. I am so pleased that, as a youngster (!) you enjoyed the wedding so much. It was fantastic, and, like you, made me so proud to be British, and it really did bring the nation together, which doesn't happen very often these days!!! Welcome!
Lots of lovely pink pretties. Big Hugs!
KatherinesCorner - pink pretties! I like that. My daughter couldn't believe that I didn't have a pink handbag in there!
(smile) I may be young but I'm doing everything I can to gain a good knowledge of the history of Britain and the monarchy and so forth. We do have such a great history!
Thanks for popping by my blog too!
Duncan In Kuantan
I did watch the wedding and I enjoyed it very much.
I love your pink things! Especially the laptop!
I love all of your pink items (I have a lovely pink Nook cover) and loved, loved, loved all of the pageantry of the royal wedding. (I have also been watching "The Tudors" on BBC; what a happy group they were!). Thank you so much for your comment about my post on our south's severe weather; the wedding actually was a joyous moment that took me away briefly from the sadness here.
You do have a lot of pretty pink items! And I loved the wedding - you guys did it right!
Duncan - well, I think it is wonderful that you are learning all about our great British history and royalty. It really is so interesting. See you soon!
Empty Nester - so glad that you enjoyed the Royal wedding. People are still talking about it over here! Yes, I love my pink laptop!
Annie Joy - lovely to hear from you! The wedding certainly had that effect, didn't it, that it could let us escape for a while from all the awful things that are happening (weather, wars) in the world. I thought the young couple just seemed to radiate happiness.
My sister, Chloe, stayed up all night to watch the wedding. I'm afraid I fell asleep but watched a bit the next day. They are a lovely couple and I'm sure they will do fine since they have known each other so long.
I loved her dress - so simple and elegant!
Belle - Chloe did very well! Yes, Kate did look wonderful, and you're right, they will be absolutely fine, as they have known each other for so long, and lived together almost like any other couple for a long time now. Thanks for popping over after your vacation!
i'm a "pink" kind of girl, too. i had a pink dell - until ron decided he wanted a lighted keyboard; now, he has a pink dell. lol...
love your pink stuff!
i didn't get up early to watch the wedding but i did watch the replay of it. she was beautiful and the dress was stunning. i loved that her shoulders were covered with the lace. it was so pretty.
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