Hi all my little bloggies. A couple of quotations to start the post with today. Hope you like them. (Quotations from Pinterest).
I have a few "thank you's" to say today, and the first one is to YOU my little bloggy peeps! I would like to thank all of you that come over to see me with every post, and leave such sweet comments, that always lift my heart. I would also like to thank the peeps who just visit occasionally and, last but by no means least, all those of you who might just have a little peek at my posts, but don't leave a comment. This is just a little something from me to you!
My second "thank you" today goes to my very good friend, SkippyMom over at I Make Soap. Along with Bouncin'Barb, Skippy was one of my very first Followers when I started this Blog at the end of October last year. They were both extremely encouraging and supportive of me, giving me advice when I needed help!
Anyway, SkippyMom had a giveaway a little while ago and I was the lucky winner. The prize was a box containing all the ingredients to make S'mores! Now my American friends had mentioned this delicacy quite often, but I had never heard of them before. However, I decided that anything that contained melted marshmallows AND chocolate was bound to be a winner in my eyes.
Poor old Skippy duly posted the parcel off, all the way to England, BUT it never arrived. Would you believe that SkippyMom then parcelled up another package, and insured it this time (costing her an arm and a leg in postage, I would point out here!!), as she really did want me to sample these wonderful S'mores.
Hey, the second parcel arrived a couple of days ago, and this is what I unwrapped -
So, a big "thank you" SkippyMom, and I'm looking forward to tasting the finished product!
My third "thank you" today was going to be to PencilGirl, who very kindly awarded me The Versatile Blogger Award a few weeks ago. However, you'll all be starting to doze off by now, so I will write about that in my next post!
See you soon.
See you soon.
What a lovely gesture from Skippy Mom! And I cannot wait to see the results!
You are such a wonderful person, your post lifted ME up! Thanks!
Congratulations on your blog award from P-Girl, Thisisme! It's easy to understand why your blog has become so popular so fast. You are a lady with a kind heart and a sharp wit. Besides, your blog is one of the most visually appealing sites I've seen anywhere! That care package from Skippy looks (as my friend Gawgus would say) scrummy! Just think - at this very moment somebody somewhere is happily munching your original box of S'mores!
And thank you, Thisisme, for providing this lovely blog for us to read. It has become a lovely part of my daily routine. Thanks.
I predict you are going to LOVE the Smores, as will your grandkids. I love the quote about the beach. Sometimes when my day is long at work, I open a certain desk drawer where I have suntan lotion and a bag of sugar free coconut treats. I sniff the suntan lotion and pop a coconut treat in my mouth. Voila- I am at the beach again, if only in my imagination.
Congratulations all around girl. Those smores have to be heavenly and I don't know of anyone who deserves to be blessed more than you my friend. Have a great rest of the week and I may see you over at Pinterest.
I like what Shady said - that is a good way to look at it. Someone somewhere is getting to enjoy the other box. Made me laugh! [Thanks Shady]
I can't wait until you get to try them. They really are great!
Enjoy. And thank you for being my friend. I adore you.
Dear Diane, What a wonderful package to open! I also am so richly blessed to have blogging friends. When I began blogging I had no idea that it would feel this way. I recently listened to an interview from a firefighter who survived the attack on the twin towers. He was asked about the meaning of life. His response was to live life to the fullest, try not to be self absorbed and to help people. Although we bloggers write about our lives, the way you do it is not self absorbed and fits that firefighter's meaning: you give of yourself in kind, supportive comments, posts with uplifting photos, quotes and stories. You always stay true to what is really, truly important in life. xo Jenny P.S. and you have helped me in ways that you aren't even aware!
Great quotes. :)
Claudia - it was SO kind of Skippy to send the second box, wasn't it?! Thank you for the last part of your comment my friend.
Shady - Hi dear friend. That's nice, that you find the look of my blog visually appealing! (Bit like me myself really then!! Hee Hee! Joke!!!). Yes, I know, someone has probably been really enjoying MY box of S'mores! :(
Pat MacKenzie - Thank you for that my friend. We are very lucky with our blogging friends, aren't we?! People who don't blog, would just have no idea of how good it is for us.
Shelly - Oh, I love the fact that you sniff the suntan lotion, and pop a coconut treat into your mouth and you are transported to the beach! Wonderful! Hopefully the students don't see you doing this! Hee Hee!!
Odie - great to see you here today my friend, and thank you so much for the kind comment. Yes, I'm really getting into this Pinterest thing now.
SkippyMom - hi there. Yes, I can always rely on Shady to come up with a witty comment, that always makes me smile. He's right though, probably someone has been munching away on MY S'mores!! :(
kneesandpaws - gosh, my friend, thank you so much for that wonderful comment. I don't know what to say really. I am just so touched. (Well, I'm touched anyway, but you know what I mean! LOL!).
LindyLouMac in Italy - hi there! yes, I really liked those quotes. All courtesy of Pinterest, so you will have to go in and have a peek!! Hope all is well with you my friend.
Hey there! I guess I didn't know, or I forgot you just started blogging a year ago. And aren't we all glad you did! Have a wonderful day and enjoy your goodies!
Yummy post...and Congratulations on the award also.
I hope you will post a picture (or two) of the S'mores once you've assembled them - and before they are devoured!
Lucky you...I'm drooling at the thought of such a sweet treat!
Cheers, Jenny
Becky - well, it will be a year on the 28th October, so I've got a little way to go yet! Yes, I'm looking forward to my S'mores!
Pearson Report - Hi Jenny. Gosh, I will have to try to remember to take some photos before the S'mores are eaten, although if my grandchildren are in the area, I will have to be quick!!
What a wonderful gift :) It's great to have really good friends like that. Nice post today, I agree with Claudia, it was very uplifting:) enjoy your evening my friend.
Hugs xx
You can see what a loving, giving and wonderful person you are to have such a following in less than a year. The first thing I do each day is check out your blog. I know it will put a good start to my day that will carry on through out the day. THANK YOU MY DEAR FRIEND and I WISH YOU MANY MORE AWARDS IN THE NEAR FUTURE. Our award is getting to hear from you.
rainbow (Momma Lyn)
This, you are one of the most original people I know. I loved your blog from day 1. You've been a great friend to me. I especially love the new heading pictures. So great. Enjoy your Smores and take pics of the grandkids eating them. They can get messy but that's half the fun. Hugs and Love.
Hi Diane,
It's so simple for all of us Followers to know why you win awards and how quickly your blog has grown. Your love for life and people is contagious and you always have a kind word and thought for everyone.
I love the new header...such darling photographs...
Enjoy the s'mores and I'd take a page from Shelly and open a bottle of suntan lotion and imagine you're on the beach roasting those marshmellows!
Eva Marie - I'm glad you enjoyed the post today. It's funny really, but when we write a post, we never actually know what people are going to think of it, and sometimes, something that I think is a simple little post, seems to resonate with others, which is nice of course! Getting quite cold over here now and forecast not good for the weekend! :(
rainbow - another very kind comment, and I do thank you very much for it my friend. I really do think that bloggy people are the best of people!!
Bouncin'Barb - hallo my awesome friend! Always lovely to see you over here and I'm glad you liked the new header photos. I shall look forward to getting messy with the S'mores!! Hugs.
Sush - really good to see you back here today. I have been wondering how your dear hubby is, and I do pray that the pain is much easier for him. Thank you for your lovely comments. Hugs.
Hi Diane! I'm later than usual as I've been away from home all day (will be blogging about my fun outing soon). Anyway, I'm here now and so excited to see you're the recipient of a most interesting parcel! I've never heard of S'mores and so, naturally, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product and hearing your verdict once you've tasted them :)
Thank you for the beautiful flowers!!! I love your latest blog header!
Big hug! xoxo
Desiree - Hi there! Look forward to reading about your fun day out, and so glad you liked the flowers! Hee Hee! I thought it was time for a change of blog header - the wedding seems like a long time ago now, but it's only 3 months! Hugs.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe there's an actual Smore's kit!!! Hmmm, not surprising that didn't turn up - probably shared that out at the post office! Love your new header - much better than the old one!
Beautiful new header photos.
Thisisme,You really know how to cheer us girls up.Your post's do that for me.I've been eating s'mores at mountain and beach campouts since I was a tiny girl.I don't think most people sit around at home and eat them.They are famous for around a wonderful campfire.Oh the memories as a camper.The wedding on your header is gorgeous!
A beautiful post of gratitude. may I also extend to you my gratitude for your visits at Katherine's corner and for your continued bloggy friendship. Congrats on the award and enjoy the smores.xo Katherine
P.S. new giveaway started today
Gawgus things - glad you liked the new header photo. We were hoping that the S'mores would be here when number 1 granddaughter was here! :( Yes, it was a shame that the first parcel didn't turn up.
Dizzy - Thank you Carol! Glad you liked the new header photos.
Denise - I'm glad the post about the S'mores brought back happy camping memories for you. I'll have to put a tent out in the back garden. Hee Hee! Thank you for your kind comments. The photos are from my youngest daughter's wedding in June.
Katherines Corner - Thank you my friend. Yes, I've already put entry in for your Autumn giveaway, which looks great by the way!
Oh I LOVE the pictures in your header thingy at the top of your blog.LOL Seriously, those are fantastic! Can't wait to hear what you think about s'mores! They are delish!
You gotta love them Smores. Jilda makes those.
That Skippy Mom deserves an award too.
Hi! my Dear Lady,
Really happy for you that finally you got what you want(thanks to your best friend). I wonder how it tasts,hehe. Congratulations♬♬♬
Oh, it has been about a year for you. Yes, I had a help for my friends when I started blog and I really appreciate it (oh, including you of course, my lady!!!)
Wishing you to have a lovely weekend form east, Orchid.
Orchid again,
I loved your Quotations, and especially the one with your handwriting(is it?)
I'll check the Pinterest thing later when finding time)
Hugs xoxo, Orchid
You'll love the S'mores almost as much as your followers love your blogs! My first S'Mores were at camp when I was twelve (many, many years ago!). I've been smitten with them since.
Keep calm and pretend you are at a camp out with your Simores! sandie
You will love those S'mores! SkippyMom is very nice to have sent you those wonderful treats.
s'mores are awesome... enjoy!
you deserve all the wonderful hings coming your way - awards, gifts, etc. your blog is a joy to read and you are such a sweet person to everyone whose path you cross.
I just want to say I love the new pictures in your header. Enjoy the s'mores, too.
EmptyNester - so glad that you like the 'thingys' at the top of my Blog! Hee Hee!
Life 101 - Hi Rick. I couldn't agree with you more. That SkippyMom DOES deserve an Award!
Orchid - I guess we are all here to help each other! I'm glad that you liked the quotations today. Yes, you must try out that Pinterest when you have time!
Glenda - thank you my friend! I can't wait to try my S'mores now!!
Chatty Crone -Hee Hee! I will close my eyes and imagine that I'm in the middle of a forest somewhere. Just me and my S'mores!!
Retired English Teacher - Skippy really is a lovely person. I can't believe that we don't have these S'mores here in England!!!
Teresa - thank you, thank you, thank you!Those are such lovely, sweet comments and I do appreciate them so much.
GrammyGoodwill - I'm so glad that you like my new header photos!
I am so glad that you received your lovely parcel, well done you on winning it!
I love the photographs at the top of your blog, they are wonderful, happy pictures.
Am sorry that I haven't been around all week as "real" life sometimes gets in the way!
I will try and play catch up this weekend.
ps you have a lovely blog.
Raindrops and Daisies - well, I have missed you, but I know exactly what you mean about "real life"! Lovely to see you here today anyway. Glad you like the header photos of my youngest daughter's wedding., which took place in June.
Cool present to get through the post! Yum yum :)
lyndylou - you're obviously catching up on your blog reading at the moment! Yes, it was a very cool pressie, and I can't wait to try them. Hope the weather is much better up there with you, than it is down here! :(
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