Hi everyone. Just a couple of Sunday Snaps for you today. These might be the last for a while, as I thought I would give you all a little break from them!
I will have to think of another snappy title for a Sunday post. Perhaps my witty bloggy friends could come up with some suggestions for me.
Ruby and Eli were helping out in the garden this week, so here is a photo of Ruby helping Papa to water the tomatoes, and Eli planting some seeds. I think it's lovely to get the little ones interested in gardening at a young age, just as it is so important to get them looking at books from a young age.
Thankfully the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games seemed to go without a hitch. I thought parts of it was quite amazing, and that we could be proud of the show that the country put on. There was quite a lot of negativity before the Games started. People whinging about this and whinging about that. I'm afraid that it does seem to be part of the British psyche, in that if we haven't got something to moan about, then we're not happy! It probably all starts with the British weather, which we certainly do have a lot to moan about!
Life is short (the older you get, the more you realize just how true that is) and surely it makes one much happier if you can try to be positive and really look out for the good things each and every day. It might only be small things, like finding a parking space in a crowded place, or seeing the beauty of a flower in the garden, but each little thing is a blessing in our lives and something that we should hold onto, especially in these times that we live in.
I don't know about you, but I find that my bloggy friends are all blessings and they generally spread happiness amongst us, which is something that we all need.
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Sunday, 29 July 2012
Friday, 27 July 2012
Countdown to the Olympics 2012!
"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning, but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering, but fighting well."
So said Pierre de Coubertin, the French educator, partly responsible for the revival of the Olympics in 1894.
Well, this evening at 9 p.m. British Summer Time, the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games direct from London will commence, and millions of people will be watching it all round the world. This is quite a momentous event for our country, following close behind all the Jubilee Celebrations that took place only a short while ago.
We have had problems (as one of the American presidential candidates pointed out on the television news last night - and, yes, that's you I'm talking about, Mitt Romney! Apparently, he thinks that we're not ready for the Olympics. Well, if we're not ready now, it's all going to be a bit of a disaster!), but, hopefully, all those are behind us now and we will present a great spectacle to the rest of the world.
I think that most of us in the United Kingdom are praying that everything will go well, and that it will be an uplifting event for everyone. Certainly I wish all the competitors the very best of luck in all their respective events. I'm sure world records will be broken and we will all be willing on the country of our choice.
The Olympic Games celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship. The Games are also a medium to spread the message of unity and peace. I will leave you with some images of the 2012 London Olympic Games courtesy of Pinterest.
Well, this evening at 9 p.m. British Summer Time, the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games direct from London will commence, and millions of people will be watching it all round the world. This is quite a momentous event for our country, following close behind all the Jubilee Celebrations that took place only a short while ago.
We have had problems (as one of the American presidential candidates pointed out on the television news last night - and, yes, that's you I'm talking about, Mitt Romney! Apparently, he thinks that we're not ready for the Olympics. Well, if we're not ready now, it's all going to be a bit of a disaster!), but, hopefully, all those are behind us now and we will present a great spectacle to the rest of the world.
I think that most of us in the United Kingdom are praying that everything will go well, and that it will be an uplifting event for everyone. Certainly I wish all the competitors the very best of luck in all their respective events. I'm sure world records will be broken and we will all be willing on the country of our choice.
The Olympic Games celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship. The Games are also a medium to spread the message of unity and peace. I will leave you with some images of the 2012 London Olympic Games courtesy of Pinterest.
A prayer in preparation for the 2012 Games.
Eternal God,
Giver of joy and source of all strength,
we pray for those
who prepare for the London Olympic and Paralympic games.
For the competitors training for the Games and their loved ones,
For the many thousands who will support them,
And for the Churches and others who are organising special events and who will welcome many people from many nations.
In a world where many are rejected and abused,
we pray for a spirit
of tolerance and acceptance, of humility and respect
and for the health and safety of all.
May we at the last be led towards the love of Christ who is more than gold, today and forever. Amen.
Eternal God,
Giver of joy and source of all strength,
we pray for those
who prepare for the London Olympic and Paralympic games.
For the competitors training for the Games and their loved ones,
For the many thousands who will support them,
And for the Churches and others who are organising special events and who will welcome many people from many nations.
In a world where many are rejected and abused,
we pray for a spirit
of tolerance and acceptance, of humility and respect
and for the health and safety of all.
May we at the last be led towards the love of Christ who is more than gold, today and forever. Amen.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Sunday Snaps!
Happy Sunday everyone! Well, guess what, we have a lovely, warm and sunny day here at the moment, and it's forecast for the rest of this week, so it would seem that summer has finally arrived here in my little corner of the world. Of course, the family are driving back to France at this very moment, so it's a real shame that we only had two dry days whilst they were here. Never mind, they will be back again in August, so, hopefully, they will be able to go to the beach then.
I wasn't really intending to do a Sunday Snaps feature today because I have been feeling so weary again over the past few days. I think I managed to keep going for the week when Eleanor and I were out and about every day, and quite a few evenings as well, but I think I will probably just collapse in a little heap during this coming week and try to recharge my batteries a little.
We really did so much though, and had a fun time together, which really is priceless. Went to see the Musical, "Grease", which was absolutely fantastic, and also saw an open air spectacular on Plymouth Hoe which, again, was brilliant.
We also went on lots of day trips, plus meals out, along with a wonderful Spa & Pamper Day at a new Spa which recently opened in a hotel on the coast.

On just one of the two dry days that we had during that time, we went on a lovely river trip up the River Dart to visit Agatha Christie's house, "Greenway", which Eleanor really enjoyed looking around, as she loves Poirot and Miss Marple!
Some other news, and here again, my facebook friends will have to close their eyes, because poor little Ruby broke her arm on Thursday evening, by falling down some stairs. It was a really bad break and she had to have a little operation and her arm is now in a purple plaster cast! Luckily, little ones are very resilient, and I'm sure she will sure be bouncing back! She is still in a lot of pain, but they are hoping that the cast might be able to come off in just two weeks, which is remarkable really. I know that, here in the United Kingdom, we are very grateful for our National Health Service, but, sometimes, they are so overstretched, that it's unbelievable really. Ruby arrived at the hospital by ambulance at 9 p.m. on the Thursday evening, and she didn't go into Theatre until the Friday afternoon at 3.30 p.m. That's an awfully long time, when you have a little one in so much pain. Here she is in the summer house, trying to play chess!!
In amongst all this, hubby celebrated his 68th birthday, so it's hardly surprising I'm feeling a bit worn out by it all!!
I do hope that all my friends all over the globe are keeping well and managing to relax a little amongst the hurly burly of everyday life. Take care and we'll meet up again soon.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Sunday Snaps!
My dear bloggy friends,
Can you believe that another week has just whizzed by in the blink of an eye?! I'd love to tell you that we are now right bang in the middle of the warmest and pleasantest (is that such a word!!) sunshine that I have ever known, but, of course, I would be telling porky pies (lies), so I won't even say anything more about the weather, apart from the fact that my wellie boots have become permanently attached to my legs!
Well, here is my first Sunday Snap for you today. It was taken when Eli and Ruby's mummy and daddy were enjoying their honeymoon in the Dominican Republic earlier this year.
When daughter number 2 saw this photo, she said "why is Eli wearing Ruby's pink pyjamas?!". I thought they were a bit small, but Eli assured us that they were his pyjamas. Mmmm, should we be worried, do you think?!
This second photo was taken this week (facebook friends, please look away now, as you have already seen this one!) and I just think it is such a happy photo. Even hubby is smiling!! Apparently, I was looking really silly trying to hold a large golfing umbrella (which was almost as big as me) and trying to take the photo at the same time.
Actually, there is a very interesting story about this tank which I think, certainly, my American friends will be interested in, so I will probably tell you about that in a future post.
I'm delighted to say that I have booked a holiday at the end of October for Eleanor and I, and we are going to Puerto Mogan, which, apparently, is the prettiest resort in the Gran Canaria. Can't wait! The hotel looks gorgeous as well. Hubby did blanch a bit when I showed him the brochure, but I just played on the sympathy bit, and said that I did deserve something a bit special this year. Hee Hee! I can be a cunning little mynx when I want to. Here is a photo of the Hotel and a view of the resort.
This last one is for Shady, as he has mentioned that he hasn't seen Alfred for some time now. This was taken last year when the sun was shining!
I will finish with an Apache Blessing for all my bloggy friends today, to thank you for your friendship and your love.
Friday, 13 July 2012
My Painting Has Arrived, and an Award from Jo-Anne
Well, I was very excited to receive a large parcel in the post today, as it meant that my painting from my good bloggy friend Eva, over in Dublin, had arrived! Voila! Here it is. Can't you see how it is just going to bring sunshine into my home, even with the rain still falling outside?!
If you haven't seen Eva's blog yet, do go over and have a look. She is so talented and virtually every day seems to come up with another painting. Her latest one is of The White House in America, and the detail in it is amazing! Thank you Eva - this painting will give me much pleasure as I walk past it every day.
I had a surprise last week, because Jo-Anne gave me an Award, and it is one that I haven't seen before, so thank you Jo-Anne. I was delighted that you thought of me.
Now comes to the hard bit, because I have to pass this Award on to seven fellow Bloggers. I have gone through my blog roll and tried to pass this on to people who I haven't nominated before. If I have given you an Award, and yours is an Award Free zone, then please feel free to just ignore it!
Sush over at First Do No Harm
Shelly at Le Tejana
Pam at Empty Nest
Skippy at I Make Soap (because she really deserves it)
Eva at EM Illustrator
Bouncin' Barb (just because she is awesome!) at This and That As I Bounce Thru Life.
Sandie at Chatty Crone
Believe me, all of the above ladies are more than deserving of a Sisterhood Award!
I also have to tell you seven things about me, but this post is getting rather long, so I will save that for next week, as I don't want you all going to sleep on me here!
See you soon my friends.
Now comes to the hard bit, because I have to pass this Award on to seven fellow Bloggers. I have gone through my blog roll and tried to pass this on to people who I haven't nominated before. If I have given you an Award, and yours is an Award Free zone, then please feel free to just ignore it!
Sush over at First Do No Harm
Shelly at Le Tejana
Pam at Empty Nest
Skippy at I Make Soap (because she really deserves it)
Eva at EM Illustrator
Bouncin' Barb (just because she is awesome!) at This and That As I Bounce Thru Life.
Sandie at Chatty Crone
Believe me, all of the above ladies are more than deserving of a Sisterhood Award!
I also have to tell you seven things about me, but this post is getting rather long, so I will save that for next week, as I don't want you all going to sleep on me here!
See you soon my friends.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Just A Quickie....
Hi everyone. Just a quickie for you today, which I hope will make you smile!
A six year old goes to the hospital with her mummy, to visit her grandad. When they get to the hospital, the little girl runs ahead of her mother and bursts into her grandad's room. "Grandad, grandad", she says excitedly. As soon as mummy comes into the room, make a noise like a frog!"
"What?" says her grandad.
"Make a noise like a frog, because mummy said that as soon as you croak, we're all going to Disney Land!"
Hope you're all keeping well.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Sunday Snap!
Hallo dear bloggies everywhere. Well, in my little part of Devon during the past 24 hours, we have been on high flood alert, as it was forecast that a month's worth of rain was going to fall on us overnight. Oh deep joy! We woke up yesterday morning, to find the garden looking like a lake, with great pools of water everywhere, and the garage had flooded. Luckily, most things were up on pallets, because this has happened before.
However, my real sympathies lie with the poor people whose houses have been completely flooded on the ground floor. It really is terrible, with all the mud and sludge that float through the house. Usually, when this happens, it is a few months before the families can return to their homes. So, we are the lucky ones today!
I just have ONE Sunday Snap today, and it is of my number one granddaughter - isn't she gorgeous?! Oh, she is the blond one on the right hand side! She is working at the French Open Golf Championship with her French friend, doing hospitality work, and she is absolutely loving it. She will be very good at it, I know, because, although she is only fourteen and a half, she loves meeting people and chatting!
When she stays with me, she comes to my Ladies' group meetings, and they all absolutely love her, because she goes around talking to them all. In fact, it's difficult to shut her up. LOL!! As I said to her over the phone, she will be really good at this work, because she is really good at talking AT people. Then I said, "Ooops, I mean talking TO people"!! Fortunately she saw the funny side.
Anyway, here is my lovely Eleanor with her new best friend, Graeme McDowell, who was the 2010 US Open Champion. Apparently, she tried to sign him up, as she didn't realize who he was. He thought it was very funny, and signed her cap and also gave her a signed ball!
She'll go far that girl!
I hope you are all keeping safe in your little corner of the world and I hope you are having a lovely weekend. See you again soon my friends.
Friday, 6 July 2012
In Honour of Grandparents ....
Well, I have been thinking of how very blessed I am to have my three delightful grandchildren, and I thought that perhaps it would be rather nice to devote a post to Grandparents. I hope you enjoy it!
Each time I go to Grandma's place
To spend some summer hours,
She lets
me pick a big bouquet
Of pretty garden flowers.
I've learned the names of
almost all
The flowers Grandma grows:
Carnation, iris, pansy,
Petunia, and rose.
The sweet pea is my favorite;
It has a lovely
The flower Grandma likes the best
Is Canterbury bell.
I think my
Grandma's wonderful
And hope that when I'm grown,
I'll have a "green
thumb" just like hers
And flowers of my own.
~By Pauline S. Walker~
Grandparents bestow upon their grandchildren
The strength and wisdom that
And experience have given them.
Grandchildren bless their Grandparents
With a youthful vitality and
That help them stay young at heart forever.
Together they create a chain of love
Linking the past with the
The chain may lengthen,
But it will never part...
~Author Unknown~
A grandmother has a special talent-
She always knows just what to do
make her grandchildren happy
And to show she loves them, too.
At the family get-togethers,
She's the first person to look for-
can entertain small children for hours,
And they always keep asking for more.
You can tell when a grandmother's teasing
By the twinkle that shines in
her eyes-
She's an expert at settling problems,
For she's loving, patient
and wise.
Her grandchildren always admire her,
Even when they are grown-
always feel proud and happy
To claim Grandmother as their own!
~By Mary Dawson Hughes~
Everything my grandma does
is something special made with love.
take time to add the extra touch
that says, "I love you very much."
She fixes hurts with a kiss and smile
and tell good stories
It's warm and cozy on her lap
for secret telling or a nap.
And when I say my prayer at night,
I ask God to bless and hold her
Cause when it comes to giving hugs
my grandma's arms are filled
with love!
~Author Unknown~
Grandpa's tool shed is a special place,
Full of mystery and
Where little kids can come and watch
While Grandpa builds a kite.
Each day before the sunset,
Grandpa is always there,
The sound of his
saw and hammer
Filling the evening air.
Grandpa can fix anything
And make it look brand-new-
He fixes toy cars
and airplanes,
Trucks and trailers, too.
There are many happy moments
Pleasant to recall,
But Grandpa in his
tool shed
Is the nicest one of all.
~By Marie Dostan~
A grandmother who's special
Who's caring and sincere.
Who's always took
good care of me
And always brought good cheer.
A grandmother who's loving
Who's patient and kind.
Who's always made me
And always on my mind.
A grandmother who's sweet
Who's gentle and polite.
Who's always made me
After a scary night.
You'll always be the best
No matter where you are.
You'll always be in
my heart
And in God's hands..
"I Love You Grandmother"
~By Amy E. Mortimer~
Quotes courtesy of Pinterest.
Sending Blessings To You All.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
"Happy 4th July Y'All!"
To My American Friends Today
Hi everyone. I just wanted to pop by and wish all my American friends a very happy Independence Day. I hope you all enjoy your celebrations on this special day.

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave". ~Elmer Davis.
Images courtesy of Pinterest
May God Bless America!
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