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Monday 27 January 2014

Happy Monday Dear Bloggies

Well, I hope it's much drier where you are than it is here in deepest Devon.  We have several flood warnings in place, and still the rain continues to fall. 

Oh well, I shall just have to stay indoors nice and snug, listen to some 60's music on my retro record player (Christmas pressie from hubby) and eat some choc chip muffins. Well, I can think of worse things to get up to, can't you?!

"Make the rest of your life the BEST of your life".

I entered this on my Facebook page this morning, and it seemed to resonate with quite a few people. I certainly aim to make this true for myself. 

Having almost reached the age of 67, I feel more confident, happy and content with my life than at any time previously. 

This stage of life (the Autumn of my life if you like) seems to be my time, and I am really enjoying myself. 

Having been quite poorly for most of the previous two Summers, I realize, of course, that good health is everything, and my heart goes out to all those that are suffering for whatever reason, and unable to do the things they would really want to do. 

I consider myself so blessed to have my beautiful grandchildren. For me, they really are the icing on the cake, and they have brought so much love into my life. 

So, although it's the depressing month of January, and although the weather outside is a bit grim, I am feeling good and truly blessed. 

Sending hugs to all my bloggy friends. 


Shady Del Knight said...

Hallo hallo hallo, dear Thisisme! It's good to see you back on your blog again, dear friend. If memory serves, Devon was blessed with fine weather through most of 2013. I'm sorry your luck's run out. Here's hoping there'll be sunshine aplenty during the warm weather seasons this year. Here in the states they are bracing for another bout of Arctic cold whilst here in Florida it is pleasantly cool.

I can see why that quote garnered a load of likes on Facebook. It's a positive affirmation we should all embrace. I remember posting the lyrics to Frank Sinatra's hit "It Was a Very Good Year" here on your blog one year when we were discussing age. Perhaps this is a good time to do it again.

But now the days grow short
I'm in the autumn of the year
And now I think of my life as
vintage wine from fine old kegs
from the brim to the dregs
And it poured sweet and clear
It was a very good year

Hugs and smooches, dear friend Thisisme! P.S. - Both Kathleen and Margaret were very grateful for your inquiries about them on my blog. You are a great friend!

Montanagirl said...

Love your retro record player! We have minus 4 this morning, but I see the sun's peeping through. I figure any day I wake up above the lawn, is a good day!

Grammy Goodwill said...

Oooh, autumn of your life - that's where I am, too. Good thing autumn is my favorite time of year! I love that quote. It will help keep me positive.

Claudia Moser said...

I so like you enthusiasm and optimism! You are an inspiration

Manzanita said...

Are you familiar with the musical "Funny girl?" In the song Sadie, Sadie, married Lady, she eats her bon bons and listens to her records all day. Your sentence reminded me of that. LOL
If you are in the autumn, I gotta be in the "beyond winter." haha But you are so "right on" about time now. I recently spelled out to myself that what time I have remaining is for what "I" want to do. If people bore me, I give them good wishes but pass by but I will spend more time with those in whom I find delight. So be it.
My love and I wish you peace

Unknown said...

Dear Diane,

I am a bit late, so will say Happy Tuesday to you :) It has been pretty wet over here as well in the past days. Still raining on and off but at least the wind has eased off for now I might add, it could be different tomorrow.
That's a really cool record player I must say, no wonder you love it!!
Enjoy your day, am having my lunch break at work. Looking for hotels in Gothenburg, will travel home to see my grandchild in April. Gosh I'm feeling old saying that, but I am very exited about it. Probably going to be the coolest granny around due to my age lol! And it's nice now when I have somebody to travel with and do things together with.


Shelly said...

I am late to the game, but I love this post and what you wrote is so true. Despite the general gloominess of January's weather, there is still much to be thankful for. Thank you for the reminder~

Unknown said...

Just stopping by to say Hi and sending you a hug back. We are getting lots of rain also, but fortunately in spite of previous warnings no floods. Snow has been mentioned but so far so good.

Suzanne said...

Well, Thisisme, it's Tuesday here, and probably Wednesday in deep Devon, but, it's always nice to pay a visit! I love the look of your muffins! And, I've had too many muffins lately, lol! I must get back into a regimen of less sweets and more exercise.

Your weather has been so beautiful this past fall and winter, and you've posted the greatest photos of your journeys thus far. We do have so much to be grateful for. I'm so glad you have felt better and better, so you can say this has been a great year! I hope to see you for many more years!

It's bitterly cold here in Texas, but, secretly, I do love it. It is exhilarating to me. I deliberately wait until the weather truly sucks to stop for gas, tonite exactly! Now, I feel energized to catch up on blogging..working on a couple of posts for my blogs, doing laundry and planning some other projects! So, I will not be overly anxious to give winter up.

So, I've talked your leg off! I'm sorry to be late, see you soon! Hugs! ♥