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Tuesday 21 January 2014

What Might Have Been ....

This is a funny old time of the year really, isn't it?! Some people start to have a good clear out, getting rid of things that they aren't going to need any more.

Some people feel a little low, especially when the days are so short, and the weather outside the window is pretty dreary to say the least!

Me? Well, this year, I'm trying to be more proactive in my life, and to arrange things throughout the year, so that I have something to look forward to. 

I am going over to see the family in France on the 24th February until the 4th March. Then I have arranged for three weekends away throughout the year with three different friends, so I have made a start, and it's only January!

When I left school, back in the dark ages, the opportunities for women were nowhere near as varied as they are now. I was a Secretary/Personal Assistant for most of my working life, until I re-trained to be a Massage Therapist at the age of 57. A job which I loved.  With the relaxing music playing and the scented candles lit, I think I was always as relaxed as the client!

I was wondering what I might like to do if I had my time over again, and I really would have loved to be a Photographer.  I absolutely love taking photos, and I post a lot of them on Instagram. 

I thought you might like to see a few of them, so here is a small selection...






Hope you are all keeping well, and I'll see you again soon. 


Shady Del Knight said...

Hallo, dear Thisisme! I'm sure my friends up north have the winter blahs today because another terrible snow storm is sweeping through and will be followed by another steep plunge in the mercury. It's a beautiful day here in Florida, sunny and mild.

You were a massage therapist? Well, I'll tell you this, dear friend. You have never rubbed me the wrong way! (LOL)

I think it's a great idea to plan ahead and always have exciting holidays and meet-ups with friends in the pipeline. I hope you accomplish each and every one of the items on this years's bucket list.

I totally agree with the sign you posted. If you're creative and resourceful enough, all work can be perceived as play.

Thank you for another delightful post, dear friend Thisisme. Good evening to you and have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!

Claudia Moser said...

Sounds like a wonderful 2014, great plans

doodles n daydreams said...

I too am looking at the options for this year, having recently retired. One thing I want to do is go for a day cruise on Milford Sound but beyond that I,m not sure yet.
I'm looking forward to reading of your exploits throughout the year. I hope you really enjoy 2014.


LV said...

Do whatever you feel like and are cable of doing. Go for it.

rainbow said...

Sounds like a LOT OF FUN already! Enjoyed reading about the jobs you have had and may want to try but it got me to thinking about all I have done. My guys often asked "When are you going to learn how to drive a truck - that is the only thing you have not done!" I told them when I decided what I wanted to be when I growed up I would let them know! I still have not decided but I would not change a job I have ever had. LOVED THEM ALL but still have not been a Truck Driver. HAVE FUN IN FRANCE.

Montanagirl said...

Hi there! I'm an x-secretary in banking, x-school teacher, and an x-legal secretary. Both jobs were challenging and rewarding. Now, I just enjoy retirement! LOL

Suzanne said...

I would never have thought of you as a massage therapist...actually, I see you as the massageee recipient, then becoming the message therapist,sending us messages whilst you bask in the sauna, lol! Just kidding...I know a couple of other lady massage therapists, and they love it too!

Your getaway plans sound fun and exciting. I think it's important to have some plans and goals for the year. I'm working on a plan to retire by year's end...whatever will I do? I will still have to work part time probably somewhere-but like you, I want to love whatever I do.

Food for thought Thisisme. Thank you for the thoughtful post. See you later! ♥

Shelly said...

You've done a wise and fun thing in structuring your year so you have new things to look forward to at each turn of the season. I love hearing about what you would have been interested in!

Olive said...

I cannot afford massages anymore but the few I had were lovely. The tension melted away. It is interesting that it soothed you as well.

Grammy Goodwill said...

How interesting. I often told my students that I was trying to prepare them for jobs that didn't exist yet. And now there are so many of those that I can't even understand. All I ever wanted to be was a stay at home mom. But when I had to go back to work, the only thing I wanted to do was teach. (You are right about that.)
I am so envious of your travel plans. But I can't complain. We had a wonderful trip to Turkey in December. That will be it for awhile.

BB said...

My awesome friend, why didn't I know you were a massage therapist? I had a day spa. We could have worked together!! I truly enjoyed giving facials and pedicures because of the music and massage involved. I tended to massage with the music. Loved it. Miss it.

Had I gone to school when Rich told me to, I wanted to be a forensic psychologist. I wanted to get into the minds that committed the crimes. We certainly have similar likes. No wonder!!! I think it's great you're planning things throughout the year. You certainly deserve it my friend. Hugs XX

orchid0324 said...
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orchid0324 said...

Dearest Diane;
Wow Wow, you amazed me a lot with your working career, a Secretary/ Personal Assistant and Massage Therapist♬♬♬ They sure sound really exciting to work.
As for the Forensic Scientist; it is a bit different but I remember enjoying "Diagnosis: Murder" in English and had fun learning a bit of words related with them p;) I wish you the best of luck in your future plan, my friend!!!

Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in England, xoxo Miyako*

PS> haha, some typos. Please delete the former one forever.

Linda O'Connell said...

I've been teaching for 38 years and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I love my job, but can see myself travelling in the future. Good for you for planning ahead.

Lyndylou said...

I never knew you were a massage therapist! I have a few friends who do that and they love it!

I always wanted to be a pop star! It is good to plan things ahead otherwise the days can drag on with much of the same old stuff so no wonder people get down. I am struggling a bit myself but trying to keep positive :) xxx

Manzanita said...

An interesting post. So you were a massage therapist. I bet you made a lot of people feel good. A really beautiful thing to do.
I've never really worked outside the house. My husbands never wanted me to work and I never wanted to. Womens Lib never made me yearn for anything except just what I had. My dancing took up most of my time so I guess that was "my work." ha

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Good luck with your life. An interesting post.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Sally Wessely said...

I bet you were just awesome at every job you had. It's true. When we were younger there were not as many opportunities for women as there are today. I started teaching late in life. I have no regrets. I loved being a teacher. I would have liked to be an attorney. I also would have like to be a journalist. Crazy, huh?

Denise said...

What fun that You are traveling with friends.I have never traveled since I've been married with anyone but Him.I hope You have a wonderful time in France too.Someday like I've said before I do want to travel all over Great Briton.Thank You for keeping in touch with Me -Denise

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Well done to you for re-training to me a Massage Therapist. I don't have many massages.

I was a mum at 18 but I would of loved to have joined the Royal Air Force but one of my sons did that for me. :-)

Thinking on this now , I might of liked to have been an Air hostess if I had of been a bit taller , or worked in a Travel Agency .

I have been a Waitress trained with Forte , A bar maid, ran a Post Office, worked in the Head Office of the Motor Neurone Disease association in the Fundraising department , and numerous volunteer jobs too.

Take care and keep warm x