Today, the 8th March, is International Womens' Day. I like to remember this date on my Blog every year, and I do this in honour of all the women over many, many years who have fought courageously for women to be considered equal to men. It saddens me today, to look around and, although, yes, things have altered beyond recognition in many ways, there still seems that there is a lot yet to be done.
Each year, the United Nations declares a theme for this important day, although some groups select their own individual theme, more relevant to what is going on in their particular area. The theme this year is "Inspiring Change." If you are interested, please go along to their official website, where you will gain more information.
Annually on 8 March, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate achievements. A global web of rich and diverse local activity connects women from all around the world, ranging from political rallies, business conferences, government activities and networking events, through to local women's craft markets, theatrical performances, fashion parades and much more.
I would like to thank all those women, from the Suffragettes onwards, who fought so hard to gain women's rights and to make the world a much better place for the women of today, although, unfortunately, there are still parts of the world (Afghanistan and the Middle East for example) where there is still a long way to go for women to be treated with the respect they deserve.
This post is also in honour of all the wonderful women out there who, like me, write a Blog. These women really are the very best. When I first joined the blogging community, I had no idea just how wonderful an experience it was going to be. I feel that it has enriched my life, with 'talking' to these women from all parts of the world. Women who are caring, generous, funny, supportive when we need a helping hand, and only too happy to celebrate in our good times as well.
Thank you each and every one!!
Happy day my dear!
And a wonderful day to you to my dear blog friend, Indeed we have come a long way.
Hallo, dear Thisisme, and happy International Womens' Day to you! I remember quite well your previous posts on this date over the years I've known you. Thank you for doing your part again today to spread awareness that not all the battles have been won and that there is still work to do. As always I am here to let you know that I fully and wholeheartedly support IWD and all it encompasses.
I hope your weekend is off to a great start, dear friend Thisisme. Take care and I'll chat with you again soon.
Hugs, love and smooches!
Dearest Diane;
I never knew much about this important day for us before I started blogging p;) I don't know why not in the topic of news or something in Japan.
Happy March 8th and I wish you a wonderful Sunday♡♡♡
Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Happy Women's Day to you! "We've come a long ways, baby!"
Thanks for sharing about IWD and yes we have come a long way but sometimes I wish the kids today could feel what it was like to have a stay at home Mom. My Mom was the BEST my teacher, adviser and VERY BEST FRIEND.
Hi Thisisme! It's an honor to know you, a woman who understands and appreciates the ups and downs we women have experienced throughout the years. We have come far, but you are correct, there are many more bridges to cross. I try to stand tall and cross them with dignity!
We can haul rock with the best of them, can't we!
I Love blogging with you-I'm so grateful I caught you from another's blog several years ago! Have a great week!♥
Thank you Claudia. Always good to see you here.
Thank you for popping across Linda. We certainly hav come a long way, from what WE remember. When I see the actions of certain young women when they're out drinking, I do wonder where it all went wrong !
Shady- I do know what a huge supporter of women you are. Unfortunately , however , there are still a few cavemen out there. Anyway , we must be thankful for all the positive improvements that have been made for women. Onwards and upwards dear friend.
I am late to the game, but Happy Women's Day to you, too, my friend!
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