There was political upheaval, particularly in my Country and the United States of America, and I'm sure there is more of that to come in other countries around the world. Then, of course, we had the terrible atrocities caused by terrorists, with so much loss of life. Major terrorist attacks occurred in Brussels, Nice, Syria and Orlando. These are the ones that made headlines, but there were, in fact, more than 100 terrorist attacks in 2016.
We can only pray that there will be more peace and understanding in the year of 2017. We must all stay strong and continue to believe that good will overcome has to...for the sake of our children and our grandchildren. One of my favourite words is 'kindness' but, at the beginning of a new year, the word 'hope' always springs to mind.
Anyway, as you know, this Blog isn't supposed to be all about doom and gloom. We get enough of that when we watch the News every day, don't we?! Why do the Media almost always dwell on the bad things that are happening around us. Why aren't all the good things celebrated? All the unsung heroes....ordinary, everyday people, that spend their days doing good and caring for others in their home or in their communities.
I suppose, at the end of each year, we all feel a little reflective, thinking of times gone past, and family and friends that are no longer with us. Perhaps we should all learn to 'seize the day" or Carpe Diem as a Roman poet said back in the dark ages!! As for me, on a personal level, I will be celebrating (if that's the right word!) my 70th birthday in April. I have lost many friends who have died far too young, so I feel blessed to be approaching that age. I still like to think that I'm young at heart, and I don't think that will change! I think we all know people who seem to be middle-aged when they are only in their thirties, whereas there are other people in their 90's who are an inspiration to us all. Me? I intend to wear purple, and grow old disgracefully.
So then, at the end of this Post, it only remains for me to wish you all a happy, healthy, peaceful and fulfilling New Year. Let's make this year an amazing one for all of us. We can do this!
New Year quotes courtesy of