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Wednesday 4 January 2017

Is That It Then?!

Hello my friends. Well, there you go... It's all over again for another year.  Christmas and New Year, that is, and here I am writing my first Blog Post of 2017.  I thought the following quote (yes, courtesy of again!) was as good as any to start the New Year with. 


To be honest, I'm glad all the chocolates and goodies have almost gone - otherwise I would be a very chubby Southhamsdarling! I'm fine if I don't buy all those treats,  but if they're in the house, I have no willpower at all.  I just keep stuffing my face, so it's a good job it only happens once a year!  


I'm pleased to have gone out for a coastal walk with my youngest daughter a few days ago.  It was a beautiful, sunny day, and the sea was so calm. I took a couple of photos to show you ....




With apologies to my Facebook friends, who will have already seen these photos.  I suppose that January is one of my most least favourite months, but I have noticed that the days are getting just that little bit lighter already by late afternoon, so that has to be a good thing. I'm quite happy with February, because that's when all the tiny shoots suddenly start poking up from the ground here  in the United Kingdom, and you get the feeling that the whole cycle in the garden is about to start all over again.

I feel grateful to be here at the start of another year, and I feel positive about the months ahead. I hope you feel the same - who knows what the year ahead might hold for us?!  See you again soon ❤️ 

I have put up a new Featured Post, entitled What Might Have Been, in which I showcase a few of my photographs. Perhaps you might like to pop over and have a look.  Just click on the link at the top of the right hand sidebar. 


Glenda said...

Beautiful! I've seen the photos on Facebook, but loved looking at them again. Still laughing at your chocolates in the cupboard quote. I still have one box of chocolate biscuits, and yes, that's what they're called even here (they must be imported)! Yes, I just looked. European Choc & Milk Butter Biscuits. They're so good, but I'm limiting myself to one per day until they're gone. Hubby said I may as well eat them all at one time, they'll put on the same amount of weight! What do men know? :)

Unknown said...

Yippie!! I can comment!!! So here's what I have to say: yes, there's a let down after the hype of the special season and yes, those treats still lingering in the cupboards and wine locker are sabotaging my resolutions, but a BIG YES to a new beginning once temptation is gone. Happy New Year dear friend.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Glenda! It's funny, but when I'm talking to Eli and Ruby now, we always call biscuits, cookies! The American influence, you see! What do men know indeed, but I love Henry's logic. 😊Keep well this year, twin.

Southhamsdarling said...

Yay, Rosemary. You finally made it! That's good. I hope you're managing to keep warm where you are at the moment. Brrrr! I'm with you - a new beginning once all the treats have gone. Happy New Year to you 🥂

Suzanne said...

I love your photos of the shore and water...the one that overlooks the water and town is calming to whatever might ail a person. What a fun walk with your daughter. I have been so blessed to spend time with my mother twice in the past year, and, hopefully more in this new year. You are so right about the goodies, mine are gone now, too! I'm trying to cut back with grapefruit, applesauce, salad and raisin toast! This is a lovely post, Thisisme. Welcome to 2017, and, best wishes! Sending hugs! ♥

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Suzanne. Thank you for your lovely comments, as always. Gosh, you're really going for it, with that eating regime. I must do better!! It's lovely that you managed to spend time with your mum like that. It's lovely having one of my daughters living so close by. You will probably have realised that this is Eli and Ruby's mum. Happy New Year once again, my Texan friend. ❤️

Unknown said...

Always great to see a post from you and yes I am encouraged by the new year going into it with much improved vision after both my eye surgerys in Nov. & Dec. I am really blessed and to be almost 70 I am so much better shape than so many people I see. Take care and know your posts are always such a blessing to your friends.
Love you,

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there my friend Odie. I'm glad you are feeling good about going into the new year and into 2017. Yes, you and I both have our 70th birthdays in a couple of months, and I do feel that we are blessed, especially when you look around and see some people of our age. I pray that this good health will continue for both of us, as the year goes on. Thank you, as always, for coming over to leave your comment. It's always lovely to see you here😊

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Super post and lovely photos. I know I have seen them on FB too. I don't mind. How great it is that you have the sea . So calming for you. Take care and Happy New Year. xx

I am not a big biscuit eater, nor cake or many sweet things. My downfall is Crisps..just love them. So now I have to avoid them. Bit hard when you see your favourites on offer ..and I am having a DRY January. No wine has passed my lips since New Years eve.. bit tough going. Determined. xx

Southhamsdarling said...

Hello Anne. Good to see you here, and I'm glad you enjoyed this Post. Happy New Year to you too, my friend. I do hope it will prove to be a much better one for you than these past couple of years. You're lucky that you don't have a sweet tooth! Well done you on dry January. I don't really drink much at all, so that's not a problem for me! Funny how we're all different. Thank you for dropping by 😊

LindyLouMac said...

Just enjoyed a lovely browse and catch up of your always entertaining posts. xx

Southhamsdarling said...

Awww, thank you Linda! Always a pleasure to see you here. As with many others, we met through blogging of course 😊. A very happy new year to you and your family, Linda. x

Unknown said...

It's always a bit of a let down after the holidays, isn't it? All that excitement and decorating and shopping etc., then it's all gone. However, you have quite the positive attitude and taking these beautiful walks with your daughter give the message of happiness and positivity for the beginning of the new year. The photos are gorgeous.

Southhamsdarling said...

Well, hello there Bee Bee. You must be catching up! Yes, sometimes January can be quite dreary after all the build up of Christmas. I was so happy to see that you had a lovely start to the new year though, at the beach and meeting up with friends. Hopefully those memories will carry you through, although I know you don't get the miserable days of Winter quite so much as others. Hope you manage to get lots more beach days in, Bee Bee.

flowers on my table said...

Hello Diane, I am with you on the chocolate thing! January can be a hard monthe for a lot of people to get through. I am trying this year to be grateful for all the season's and the treasures they hold. Winter is such a good time for reading, hobbies, planning and dreaming, taking life a little more slowly, so I intend to make the most of it. I also intend to take a few walks, as they always make me feel much more involved and alive. Have a very happy January, with much love, Linda xx