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Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Don't Worry....Be Happy...

So then, how are you all doing out there in your own little corners of the world?

Hands up all those of you who have spent quite a lot of time worrying over the years - often quite unnecessarily so. The following quote is so true, isn't it, and something that I have learned more and more as I progress through this wonderful life that we have been given. 


I thought that, today, I would show some quotes about worrying, and how, really, we should try to live 'in the moment' as much as we possibly can. Obviously, there are certain times in life that this is easier said than done, but I'm speaking generally here, and when we worry unnecessarily about what really are the 'little things'.





I hope that perhaps this will give you some food for thought as you go about each day. Meanwhile, enjoy what's left of the weekend and I'll see you again soon ๐Ÿ˜Š

(All quotes today courtesy of


Suzanne said...

Good Morning Diane. I read through all of your quotes, and each had a bit of good advice for me. I do worry too much about things, and, I try not to. I did receive a phone call from Scooter's teacher telling me she would promote him on to the third grade for next school season, if I agree. I've been so worried about his education, since he had missed a lot of school, and he has struggled to catch up. So, we've been excited an relieved that he can move on.

"Forget yesterday-it has already forgotten you." How true, Thisisme! I never thought of it that way.

"Don't sweat tomorrow-you haven't even met." Now that one is a little hard. I do sweat tomorrow, every day! But it is a true statement. You can't always predict what will come tomorrow. Anything can come along to change the expected.

I often feel guilty for things that I had no control over. And, I have come a long way in pushing that guilt's not mine to carry. That has eased my mind tremendously!

Thank you, Thisisme for this post. Food for thought is correct. We're not perfect, but, most of us try to be the best we can be. You're a wonderful lady, and I'm proud to know you! Have a great week! ♥

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Suzanne. Thank you for leaving your comment. I think we ate all guilty of worrying too much about certain things, especially things over which we have no control. I'm really am so happy that Scooter seems to be doing well now, and is able to move up. I hope that he will continue to do well, with your encouragement. Your comment was so kind - thank you my Texan friend ❤️ As you so rightly say, all we can do is to try to be the best we can, and do the best we can, whatever life might throw at us. Have a good week, Suzanne.

Unknown said...

Way too many times I have done the wrong things like worrying over things in the past making my present not as good as it could have been. All these quotes are great to read over and over again. Thanks for helping us get it right.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hello Diane...thanks for the great quotes..oh yes definitely need these right now. I am ok but every now and then I drift back to the past ..who doesn't, we are only human. Thanks for the duper little post. X anne. Great to see a log post from you too.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

A big OOOOPS ...Super not duper AND blog not log !!

Southhamsdarling said...

Hello Odie. AlwAys lovely when you come over and leave a comment. I'm so glad you enjoyed the quotes in my latest Post. Hope you are doing well, along with little Rocky ๐Ÿ˜Š

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Anne. Good to see you. Yes, of course it's human nature to love ok back. Especially in the situation you find yourself in right now. Hang on in there. THINGS WILL GET BETTER.

Southhamsdarling said...

I'm doing the same as you, Anne! That should have look back!

Unknown said...

I'm late to the party again ๐Ÿ™„! This is a wonderful post my awesome friend. We do need to let go of worry and focus on the here and now. Enjoy today! Awesome advice my awesome friend ❤️

Southhamsdarling said...

Well, hello Bee Bee, my awesome friend. You've obviously been catching up on your blog reading. Anyway, it's always lovely to see YIU here. It's all too easy to worry about things, isn't it? It really serves no purpose whatsoever. Only to get us in a right state! Be happy, Bee Bee!!