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Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Trying To Make It Snappy!

Hallo again - it’s me, writing from heavenly Devon.  Whenever I’ve glanced at any advice about writing a Blog Post, invariably they tell you to start off with a snappy title, to draw people in.  Hence the title of this Post!  So then, did it work?  Were you all agog to see what I was going to be writing about today?!  Oh well, it was worth a try 😊

Hard to believe, but just for a few days last week, Summer suddenly arrived. No Spring - just Summer!  Everyone had their shorts and t-shirts on and, suddenly, everyone looked happy, as they basked in the warm temperatures.  Here are a few photos of the delightful little coastal resort of Salcombe - a haven for tourists during the Summer months, but at this time of the year, still relatively peaceful, which is just how we locals like it. I mustn’t say that really,  because Devon and Cornwall rely heavily on tourism.

I was also able to pay a visit to one of the best National Trust properties here in the South West, on a perfect, balmy day.  I have to say that I count my blessings every day, and especially for having the good health to be able to get around to do all these things.  Something that I never, ever take for granted.  A few photos of the magnificent gardens at Stourhead. 

I have been giving some consideration to starting up a completely new Blog, in addition to this one, but one that focused on gardening and my own garden.  But, on reflection, I thought that might get a little confusing, so I have decided to incorporate gardening photos in with my Southhamsdarling Blog.  

These two photos are special to me - the first one features a new garden fairy, given to me by daughter number 1, and the second shows lovely tulips and anemones, which were bulbs given to me by daughter number 2 in the Autumn last year.  Did I tell you how blessed I am with my two beautiful daughters?!  Also, of course, I am very blessed with three healthy grandchildren.  So much to be thankful for.

I hope this Post might have been of some interest to you, and I will try to think of some ‘snappy’ titles to use in the future 😊.   Sending best wishes to all those who ‘follow’ my blog, and thank you for your support. 

Meanwhile, something to ponder on, as I leave you ......

Last two images courtesy of

Monday, 2 April 2018

Here’s To Another Year

As I write this, I find it hard to believe that in a week’s time, another birthday will be here.  I often think about my birthday last year, which was a very special one for me.  I’ve put up a new Featured Post, where you can read how I reached that ‘big ‘O’ birthday. Just click on the link at the top of the right hand side bar.  I always think that with each passing year, we appreciate things just that little bit more, and count our blessings just that little bit more. 

 The important thing for all of us to remember is that “age really is just a number” , even more so these days. I think the important thing to do is to surround ourselves with people who uplift us, who make our souls happy and who make life ‘fun’.  It’s not exactly rocket science, is it?,  we also have to look after OURSELVES, and to remember to be gentle with ourselves. We might not always get it right,  but that’s not the end of the world, is it?  


Perhaps it’s better for us not to think about age at all, but to just live in the moment.  Sometimes getting older isn’t quite so easy, but I believe we must embrace it - not look back to what might have been, but to always look for the positives in each day, and, believe me, there are ALWAYS positives. Each year of our life is special and precious. 

So I look forward to this next year with hope and expectation of good things to come.  Despite the weather still being chilly, I decided to go out and make a start on the garden during the Easter weekend.  Here are a few photos, which I hope you will enjoy. 

Hope the week ahead will gradually see warmer weather over here. This Winter seems to be dragging on and on! 

Quotes courtesy of