Summer Memories Of A Garden In Full Bloom
The month of January is almost over, and I am very relieved about that. I'm sure we're all mightily fed up with the Coronavirus at the moment. Suffice it to say that we are still in lockdown over here in the UK, and will be for a long time yet to come by the look of it, so we are all struggling a bit at the moment. That is why I have decided to concentrate on brighter things as I write to you today!

The days are gradually starting to lengthen, and I am so looking forward to when I can start on my coastal walks once more. It might be a few months yet, as we are not allowed to drive anywhere for exercise at the moment, but one day....At the moment, the footpaths would be far too muddy. In fact, with all the rain and storms here in the South West of England, much of our coastline is eroding away, which is quite worrying, especially for those with houses close to the sea. What happens then, is that the cliffs have to be shored up, sections of coastal paths closed and routed away from the sea. The shoreline really does take quite a battering during these Winter months.
For newer Followers of my Blog, I thought I would share some photos of my garden as it looks in the Summer. Looking out of the window at the moment, it’s hard to imagine it being full of blooms. But I know that time will come round once again, and even by the end of February, quite a transformation will have taken place, as new life starts appearing. The changing of the Seasons really are a wonder to behold, and I always say a silent prayer at the start of each new Season, that I am still here to appreciate it.
Just looking at these photos has lifted my spirits, as I sit here enjoying a nice cup of green tea with lemon. A garden can be hard work, but, my goodness, it’s worth if when everything falls into place.
If you want to enlarge any photo, you can just double click on it. I hope you’re all keeping safe in your own little corner of the world. I know that there are a couple of my bloggy friends who are coping with certain things in their lives at the moment, and prayers are with them that all will be well. Look after yourselves everyone.
Photographs are my own, apart from the quotes, and these are courtesy of
Love your positivity my awesome friend ��
Stay safe and you’ll be walking those paths soon enough ❤️
Thank you BB. Good to see you here. I'm afraid my positivity hasn't been too good lately, but I'm
Back on track now - I think! This too shall pass......🥰
Hi Thisisme! What a lovely post, and refreshing to see you here! Your gardens thrive so beautifully in spring and summer, and you will jump for joy as they return this year 2021. I just love your daisies-you have hundreds of them! I used to raise daisies, and found that when cutting, they last a while indoors in a vase. And, your dahlias are so pretty!
We have had rain for several days, and it finally stopped this morning. Things are starting to dry out. I have already had Iris bloom, and I've cut some for indoors, but I am not seeing my daffodils popping through yet. I guess they will come in February.
Have a wonderful week, Thisisme! We're still coping, but I get tired of planning fun meals! Take care, see you soon, dear friend!
Great post. Hopefully now with the vaccine we are slowly working our way back to the freedom of our walks. I know walking will be something l will always do now. This experience has made me appreciate nature and the simple things so much more. As l cannot go out for a walk today the many beautiful colours of your beautiful garden have given me my daily dose of of uplifting my mood. Brightening my day.
Lovely to see you here Nikki. I think a lot of us are appreciating nature and the little things much more during these unprecedented times - so that's one good thing I suppose ! That's good that you will continue with your walks once this is all over, and, yes, we must be positive about the vaccine. So glad you enjoyed the Post today my friend.
Hallo Suzanne, my lovely Texan friend. Thank you, as always, for your unswerving support of my Blog over all the years! Yes, I couldn't believe that it was October when I put up my last Post! Eeeek! To be honest, with all that's going on, I just haven't had the motivation. It's all dragging on a bit now , isn't it. Eli and Ruby are so missing their friends and not going to School. What a mess! Your Irises sound lovely - one of my favourite flowers. Well, keep safe and keep plodding on Suzanne. What else can we do?! Love and hugs to you 💕
Looking at your posters and pictures brings me such joy.
Linda! Sorry I'm late in replying. I'm so glad you found some joy in this post. Take care and let's hope for better times ahead 💕
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