Today I have three Sunday Snaps for you. It is a series of photos taken at the same time, when my grandson was 15 months old.
As you can see, it all started off very well, and he was delighted to have his own little chair (which used to be my eldest granddaughters).
In this second picture, he is settling down, probably to watch Thomas the Tank Engine.
It's this third photo that I thought might make you smile. It's just a typical little boy photo, don't you think?! All he needs now is a can of beer and he'll be well away!!
To think that my granddaughter used to sit so daintily on this very same chair!
You had me laughing like crazy. I just love these pictures!
Sitting here chuckling as i admire the beautiful chair and imagine your daughter sitting in like alittle lady. Then this handsome all boy doing just what boys do. So precious
Thank you for sahring Thisisme
Not a beer, so much as a remote. giggle. I thought you would have a pic' of him asleep by the fourth - he definitely looks like he is fading there at the end.
That chair is adorable - almost as sweet as your grandson. :)
Belle - glad you liked them. Actually I like Skippy's idea, i.e. not a can of beer, but the remote!!
Bethe77 - Glad it made you smile today.
SkippyMom - the chair is rather cute, isn't it?! I love your idea about the remote. Now why didn't I think of that?! It's much better than a can of beer. LOL!
Oh dear what a little character he looks too. These photos have made me grin from ear to ear this morning. (Aided as always by your witty captions).
Well done on sorting out Facebook. See you are turning into a technological guru.
By the way, yes the conservatory looks dismally bad. I shall have to clean it all again and thank you for dahsing over to read my post.
M&S be avoided on a Friday morning especially in my neck of the woods. Those pensioners are feisty and have sharp elbows :)
That's me after dinner every evening! (LOL) Good looks run in your family, Thisisme, and you have no one to blame but yourself! I hope my favorite little girl Ruby is healing up just fine. Have a sensational Sunday, dear friend!
With his pants unbuttoned after a full belly meal, with a beer, and Skippy's remote. hahaha. Boys are so different. I loved having a boy but when he had 2 girls, I so enjoyed their daintyness (most of the time). What a little cutie pie! (I nearlhy typed Facing60 there for a minute. Eeek! You would not have been amused!!). Yes, I smile every time I look at these photoes. I know what you mean about M&S on a Friday. I'm one of them!! LOL!!
Shady - Hallo! Yes, I can imagine you sat like that after dinner !! LOL! Thankfully, little Ruby's finger is fully healed now, and I appreciate you asking dear friend.
Bouncin'Barb - Your comment did make me laugh!! Hope you're having a good weekend. Starting to pack up, all ready for the move, I guess.
I so love that last photo of him! Fantastic :)
Just save these lovely pics, he will appreciate them later! Thank you for sharing!
That was soooooooooooo cute and he was just being a normal little boy making us all smile and feel good this morning. Thanks
Gawgus things - it is funny, isn't it?!
Claudia - thank you. Don't worry, in this digital age, everything will be saved to embarrass him when he's older. LOL!
Odie - normal little boy indeed! He is so funny sometimes.
Hi, Thisisme! (Don't you have another name? Shame...I'd sue my parents if I were you!)
Your grandson is too, too cute...but has clearly been identifying with too many of the males in his immediate surroundings!
I love the chair! I don't have any grandchildren yet, but my daughter has an adorable pup (I think he'd look great on a chair just like that!)
Thanks so much for coming over to my humble abode (blog!) and for 'checking' me out 'in person' today. As I said in response to the comment you'd left...MIND? I'd be delighted!!!
Super to have met you! I'll be back!!!
Ha ha Facing60 here! You behave yourself young lady or I might have to come down there and chase you about M&S with my zimmer frame. I'm really pleased that you found desiree...she is great fun and her photos are FAB!
A lovely set of photos.
I am wondering if the little boy is aware of your perception?
oh my gosh to adorable love that he just got more relax in each shot.
Hahaha! I laughed at this adorable series that tells the story of men everywhere! What a gorgeous boy. I am going to have to share this with my husband and son.
Mevely317 - thank you! Lovely to receive your comment.
Desiree - lovely of you to pop over. Don't worry, I'm putting lots of my feminine influences on him and he's a real little sweetie now!! Hope to see you here again, all the way from South Africa. Isn't it wonderful to be able to meet all these people from all around the globe?!
Facing ? - two comments in one day. I consider myself to be very honoured! LOL!
LindyLouMac - thank you!
Munir - Probably not! Lovely to receive your comment.
Becca - Yes, it's a wonder he didn't end up on the floor! LOL!
kneesandpaws - he is gorgeous, isn't he, but as you say, it's men everywhere really, isn't it?!
Adorable....that last one had me laughing out loud...I think i have a picture of one of the nephews sitting just like that....I just want to squeeze him....
Col - it is the last one that is so funny, isn't it?!
Oh my! He is SO precious!! And quite comfortable! ;)
Little boys are nothing like girls but aren't they just adorable? sandie
Awe, he's precious!
Newest follower from the Say Hi Sunday blog hop! Would love for you to stop by and follow back! Have a great day! (:
Ok, this is too much...not only did the last picture make me smile, I roared with laughter. And your comment fit perfectly! Love that little chair. I kept my son's little rocking chair loves it more than my son did! Wonderful pictures Thisisme!
What a cutie! Great pics.
Becky - very comfortable indeed!!
Chatty Crone - yes, boys are adorable.
AmberFaith - thank you SO much for popping by, and for becoming my latest follower.
Susan - glad you liked the photos and, yes, the little chair is really lovely!
What a precious little guy he is -- and a real boy, you can tell that already!
Annie Joy - thank you. Yes, he is very precious indeed!
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