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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Wordless Wednesday!


Unknown said...

Good morning Diane,
Ruby she is so cute :)
Enjoy your Day!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

So cute! My daughters love playing with the toy food too!
Duncan In Kuantan

Shady Del Knight said...

Hallo, dear Thisisme! Ruby is a sweetie pie and it looks like the candid camera caught her in the middle of grocery shopping. The second image makes her look like a child of the 50s, don't you think? Happy WW to you, dear friend. I hope you are having a fine week and look forward to seeing more of your great pics on Sunday Snaps.

not displayed said...

Love her expression. Looks like trouble might be brewing

Shelly said...

She's such a beautiful child! I imagine she's got some time now to play by herself for a bit with Eli in school~

Rebecca said...

oh my goodness what a sweet face i just want to squish her she so cute

Grammy Goodwill said...

It's a wonderful day when you can see that cute little face!

Chatty Crone said...


BECKY said...

Hi Diane! She is just adorable, as always~!

Denise said...

What an angel face!Thank you for all the birthday wishes My Dear. Denise

LindyLouMac said...

Cute, you have been experimenting. :)

Unknown said...

Ruby is a classic beauty! What angelic cheeks. She looks like she's having fun with her shopping today:)

Katherines Corner said...

no words needed for a face that gorgeous. xo

Claudia Moser said...

She is a sweetie!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Diane,
Wow, how sweet she is and secound pc of retro-type is also gorgeous as well(♥^_^♥)~* Playing a lot with lovely toys♬♬♬
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Unknown said...

She is a darling

Pat MacKenzie said...

Very nice photo editing. Looks like you've been having fun on line.

Suzanne said...

Hi Thisisme! She has the rosiest cheeks doesn't she! I just love her hair, it is so natural. Hope you're doing well, I sure did like your garden photos from France. What a wonderful trip! Have a grand weekend, I know I'll see you soon!♥

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Love the photo I do like the second one with the sepia look......

Sally Wessely said...

Too precious for words!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

She must like her toys !