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Saturday, 1 March 2014

Bonjour My Little Peeps!

Bonjour. Ca va bien? Of course, I could write this whole post in French, but I don't want you to think that I'm showing off!

I thought my photo today is probably how a lot of you think of Paris.

In a quieter moment, I was reading the English version of The Good Housekeeping Magazine, which, for my overseas Followers, is a lot more exciting than it sounds!

Anyway, it contained an article by Mireille Guiliano, who wrote the best selling book, French Women Don't Get Fat. 

Apparently, French women don't hanker after youth, but, instead, they embrace the different stages of life. (Having said that, I certainly don't hanker after youth either! I think most of us women (not forgetting my male Followers) of 'a certain age', are far too intelligent for that. )

I did rather like the quote by Coco Chanel though - "no one is young after 40, but one can be irresistible at any age."  So that is what I shall aim for (not to mention "awesome" as well, of course!!! I so love that word that I was introduced to by my American friends!)

I always find it amazing how people can make so much money out of writing these sort of books, when most of it is just plain common sense. 

For example, being "bien dans sa peau" (comfortable in one's own skin). Perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones, but I certainly feel comfortable in mine. Okay, it's a bit saggy in places, a bit wrinkly in others, and there's a bit more of it than there used to be, but, hey, I'm here and at almost 67, there's a lot of my friends that didn't make it, so I am grateful for each and every day that I am given, dear friends. 

As we have said before, quite often, it really is the simple and little things that can bring the most happiness. 

A smile from someone as we walk along the street, a hug from a small child, a walk along the beach, the gift of friendship (which seems to get more important to me, the older I become), finding a parking space etc etc. All blessings, which help to brighten the day. 

Talking of friendships, I'm sure we have all been disappointed by certain people in our lives, but how wonderful it is when everything clicks into place, and you know that that person would always be there for you, no matter what, as you would be for them. Something, indeed, to be treasured and nurtured. 

I hope you have enjoyed my little Post today and I hope to see you all again soon. 


And finally ....


rainbow said...

So glad to hear from you and glad you bring a shining spark to Paris! I am sure Paris will never be the same when you go home. Enjoy the FAMILY TIME and be SAFE. Make it a FANTASTIC WEEKEND and DOUBLE BLESSED SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glenda said...

Delightful post today Diane! Although an ocean lies between us, I'm proud to have such an "awesome" friend! I'm one of your American friends who probably overuses that word, but hey, what better way to describe our lives when we're "a certain age".

Unknown said...

Yes you are awesome and incredible and lovely and sweet. I could go on but I'll save some for others to add to. Hope the weather is kind to you this weekend as you surely deserve some great weather after the rough stuff you had recently. Say hi to your sweet French family for me and take good care of your "Awesome" self. Hugs

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Glenda. Lovely that you seem to be able to actually comment here now ! yes, indeed, what better word to describe us "women of a certain age !

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you Lyn and, thank you for always taking the trouble to leave a comment for me.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you so much for that lovely comment, Odie. Always appreciated and never taken for granted.

SkippyMom said...

I don't know what it is - but even when my Mom passed at 73, I still thought of her as 30. She did get old[er] but she never aged to me.

And I feel the same way. I look in the mirror - I see the crinkles around my eyes and the not so elastick-y skin - but I don't feel or look 47 in my eyes.

I think it helps when we are surrounded by people who love us and see us as the same person we have always been.

And a BIG smile always helps. A smile will always keep us young.


Montanagirl said...

I like your post today (well, everyday)!! I always feel lucky if I wake up above the lawn. I'll be 67 in October. LOL

Shady Del Knight said...

Hallo, dear Thisisme! It's so nice of you to send us a postcard from France today. I've been wondering how you're doing over there.

You wrote:

<< Talking of friendships, I'm sure we have all been disappointed by certain people in our lives, but how wonderful it is when everything clicks into place, and you know that that person would always be there for you, no matter what, as you would be for them. Something, indeed, to be treasured and nurtured. >>

That paragraph hit home and touched me deeply, Diane. You know that when I use your real name I am being very serious. What you expressed there is the definition of true friendship. I have been disappointed when people I thought were friends abandoned me. You, on the other hand, are a friend who has stood by me year after year, allowing me to be myself, appreciating me for who and what I am, celebrating all we have in common and downplaying our differences while keeping a sense of humor. You have a great big heart, Diane, and I "hanker after" special people like you!

Please continue to take care of yourself and give my good buddy Alfred a biscuit and a pat. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, dear friend Thisisme!

Southhamsdarling said...

Janine - how awesome to see you over here today my friend! I so agree with you about the smiling bit. That will keep us forever young, and also draw people to us (as you draw me to you with your wonderful attitude to life, despite what is going on with you. Hugs.

Southhamsdarling said...

I love that saying "lucky if I wake up above the lawn". Well, let's hope we wake up above the lawn for a long time to come!

Southhamsdarling said...

Shady, Shady. I can always rely on you to take the time to write a long and heartfelt comment. I was a bit worried there for a minute, when you said "you know that when I use your real name that I am being serious". I thought I was in for a telling off (LOL!). I know that people have let you down and you haven't known why, which can be upsetting. Well, you know you can always rely on thisisme! Thank you, as always, for your sweet comments. Smooches and more smooches !

Linda O'Connell said...

Age is a matter of mind over matter. Winter zaps my energy, but summer restores my youth, which is long gone :)

Southhamsdarling said...

I agree Linda. It certainly is mind over matter. After all, age is just a number. I don't think Winter does us any favours, so we must look forward to the seasons ahead :)

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Diane;
Good Morning from Japan♪ As I've written you before,Paris is my dream place to visit p;) Love the picture, my friend. Oh, wonderful quote from Coco Chanel "no one is young after 40, but one can be irresistible at any age." I wish I can be!!!
And I have to remember your "simple life" quote as well; it is simple but REALLY true and kind of easy to keep them in mind(^_^)v
I wish you will have a wonderful Sunday♡♡♡

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs, xoxo Miyako*

Southhamsdarling said...

Hallo dear Miyako. Always a pleasure to see you here. The irresistible quote is so good, isn't it? I hope you are keeping well my friend. Sending hugs from West to East x

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi Diane this certainly struck a chord with me. I have been let down quite a few times in my life..but the one that has affected me most is happening right now..abandoned by my best friend. We are not children in the playground ..but it hurts.

I never used the word awesome before I met my American friends especially one who lives in New Jersey..she elongated the "AWE" bit ..makes me laugh..not quite the same when we say it, I don't think.

I love reading those books. "Comfortable in one's own skin?" Not really ..inside I do worry what I look like and what people think. Huge insecurities.

Sorry this seems like a "moaning" feel sorry for me's not :-)..

So pleased you are having a super time. Xx

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Oops beautiful photo. X

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Thank you for sharing "Paris" with us ..that always makes me smile. I love Good housekeeping too, I get mine from my mum in law ..she has been getting it for years.

I am grateful , I have all my love blogger friends, my son's and family too.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Anne. I'm just going to inbox you, just in case you don't come back here!

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you. I took that photo on Friday.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi again Anne. We really do have so much to be grateful for, including out beautiful and healthy grandchildren 😊

Grammy Goodwill said...

I love this post, probably because it echoes how I feel. Well, sort of. hehehe Let me explain. I have 2 sisters in law. One is currently having lots of procedures done as her daughter has become an aesthetician. (Spell check says I didn't spell that right, but that's the best I can do!)My other SIL asked if there was anything I wanted to change about myself. I said, no, I was happy with myself. Then, as days passed and I had to search for my glasses to read something, I thought, hmm, I do wish I could still read without glasses. Then there are those pesky chin hairs that keep returning, and that extra 20 pounds that won't magically disappear. Maybe that's the end of my wish list. I've found the secret is not to spend too long in thought about myself. Have a great time in Paris.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there. Your comment did make me smile ! Well, let's hope that your sisters in law don't go over the top! Lovely to see you here today, chin hairs and extra pounds and all!! :)

LindyLouMac said...

Awesome! :)

Suzanne said...

What a wonderful post Thisisme! I can't add a thing-I can only agree with you!

I don't pass out this word freely at all...but, you are awesome, my friend! You're like a spring chicken, always full of fresh chirps! Paris is always so good to you...sending you back to us refreshed, and full of gorgeous photos and fun quotes!

I am so grateful and proud to know you! Hugs ♥

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Linda. It's such a great word , isn't it?! I just love it , especially when it's said with an American accent :)

Southhamsdarling said...

Suzanne , my Texan friend. You're just like our mutual friend, Shady (dear Tom) and always leave such kind and thoughtful comments. I thank you for that. Yes, that's me - always full of fresh chirps!! :). We are blessed, indeed, with our bloggy friends.

Shady Del Knight said...

Just popped in, dear Thisisme, to let you know that I read Suzanne's comment and your sweet reply. :)

Hope you are having a marvy day, dear friend!

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks Shady. I thought I would start responding to my posts again now , as I don't get so many comments. Marvy. I do think that made up words are the best, don't you?! See you again soon.

Belle said...

Hi Thisisme! I loved your post. I don't long to be young again either. I will do my best to be irresistible! We have the magazine, "Hello Canada," which is like your "Hello" mag. It is always good to appreciate the little things of life, like reading your blog which always brings a smile to my face.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi dear Belle. How wonderful to see you here again. It's been a long time, and I do think of you often , and your little family. You were always irresistible to us!

Unknown said...

What an 'awesome' post!! Love love love it! Apologise for being a wee bit late to visit, but really enjoyed reading your uplifting post today.
Enjoy your weekend!

Manzanita said...

How delightful. You can put the words together.... not matter what the language. I don't know how I missed this but I miss a lot of blogs lately as I don't spend much time at the computer.

You do have a beautiful life and you should enjoy it every moment, as you do. I do smile though, when you talk about 67 as if you were old. It's just the beginning and there is a lot more to come.
Best wishes.... Lovely beautiful lady Diane

Unknown said...

I have read that book! And it really was full of common sense, but sometimes we just have to have more than three bites of dinner. So even though I am a little bit French, I'm also a little bit fat. And over 40. But I'm enjoying life much more than I was at twenty and even thirty. And friendship does mean more to me now. This was a good post with important perspective on what really matters!

Sally Wessely said...

Loved this. Such truth here, my friend.