Here is a photo of my youngest daughter (well, she is actually 32!) - the bride to be :
As you can see from the second photo, she really has curly hair, like my older daughter and myself, but they both like to have it straight - like me! Isn't it funny that if we have straight hair, we want curly hair and if we have curly hair, we want straight hair!
"Only choose in marriage a man whom you would choose as a friend if he were a woman." ~Joseph Joubert
I'm still up on the east coast of the USA, Thisisme, so I get the early bird honors this time around. She's a beauty just like her mum and sister! I know how excited all of you must be to have the end of May approaching and wedding day drawing near. Happy Sunday to you, dear friend!
I cannot wait to see the bridal pictures! You and your daughters are just like mine in wanting straight hair. The invention of the ghd has changed countless hairstyles worldwide ;)
There she is in all her glory! Does she know she's your star today?!
Hi dear friend Shady! Yes, first one to comment this time! Yes, actually, all the worry is starting to drain away, and I really am getting very excited about the upcoming event now! Happy Sunday to you as well and thank you for always taking the trouble to pop across and leave a comment!
Desiree - yes, imagine a world without hair straighteners now!!! The bit I don't like about curly hair is when you go out in the damp, and it just all frizzles up!!! Hope you having a lovely weekend over there in S.A.
Gawgus things - I'm sure she won't mind being the star of the day. It will be good practice for the 11th June!!
You you were posting very early this morning Diane, lovely photos. My dear daughters would never ever agree to photos of them appearing on my blog. :)
Hi LindyLouMac - I wasn't posting quite as early as you thought! My posts are usually scheduled for the following day, whilst I am still sleeping!! LOL! That's a shame about your daughters, because I would love to see photos of them, but I quite understand how they feel.
Happy Sunday to you too Diane :-)
I so much wish that I had "thicker" hair instead of just plain straight...looking forward to see the bridal pictures! Not many days to go now ;)
what a beautiful girl. I know what you mean about hair, mine is poker straight and I would give anything for your curls.
Yor daughter is lovely, but I like her best with curly hair. Lois has curly hair too, as I do, but she loves to straighten hers as well. I have tried at the hairdressers once or twice, but it doesn't feel like me. Love your marriage advice too. Thanks for the visit and your supportive comments, it was a bit nerve-wrecking to put out the statement, but it feels right, and you've got to go with your instincts. Lots of love to you Diane, Linda x
EvaMarie - you see, we're never satisfied with our hair!!! No, not long to go now until the 11th June. Eeeek!!
lyndylou - nice to hear from you, and I hope that you and gorgeous Jack are now fully covered. What is it with ladies and our hair?!
flowers on my table - yes, she looks really pretty with her curly hair, but she doesn't think so! Most of my friends tell me that they prefer mine when I leave it curly, instead of putting the straighteners on it!! Thank you for your support too, and for always taking the time to pop over and leave a comment.
Hello Thisisme, I have really enjoyed reading you blog and what lovely daughters and grandaughters you have. I have three lovely daughters,aged 40, 38, and 34. Our youngest daughter is getting married next year.
I love your quote about true!
Incidentally, my name is Diane too!
Will be back to read more, later as I should be cracking on with the Sunday Roast!
11th of June - this is will be a specil day indeed! And for sure all of your followers are awaiting the pictures, bride, garden, mom, family, food :)
She is beautiful with straight or curly hair, I too try to straighten my hair - you're right - we all want what we don't have.
And I love the quote about marriage - how true it is.
Trubes - how lovely to meet you! and you are my namesake too! My other daughter will be 40 in a couple of weeks! Eeek!! Sunday roast - yum yum!! Hope to see you here again.
Claudia - a special day indeed! We are just praying for a dry day. My other daughter (who you know!) will be taking the photographs!
Chatty - thank you, and thank you for always popping across to leave a comment. I really do appreciate that! Yes, we ladies are funny creatures indeed!! Hee Hee!!
But I beg to differ on the issue of you all straightening your hair. Oh no!!!!!!!!! Please! Embrace your Curly Girl self! Please..
She is going to make a beautiful bride. I can't wait to see your family all dressed up for the wedding. And in that garden. Oh it's going to be lovely.
Aunt Amelia's Attic - I know, I know, we should be satisfied with our curly hair. Trouble is, it's not very fashionable at the moment!
Bouncin'Barb - Hallo! Hee Hee! Yes, I'm starting to get excited now! Hope the sun is shining over there for you today.
She is STUNNING This, what a beautiful woman.
I have super, straight, fine hair - I dont' want curly, but I sure wouldn't mind the nice, thick hair everyone in my family has, especially my girls. grrrr :D
Can't wait to see the lovely wedding.
she is beautiful and i can't wait to see her wedding pictures.
i have super fine, very straight hair. in order to have any body at all, i have to pay for perms. it's much cheaper for curly-heads to attain straight than it is for straight-heads to attain curly. lol - i am a tad bit jealous, but only a tad bit.
SkippyMom - thank you. Grrrr! indeed about your hair! Isn't it strange how some people have curly hair, some have straight, some have thick and some have fine. Weird! I blame the Zombies. Hee Hee!!
Teresa - yes, you are quite right. At least we can straighten our hair, whereas you have to pay for perms. Oh dear! :(
I've missed your updates - my reader says 22 - I've missed a lot!
You're daughter is so pretty, you must be so excited about the wedding.
Amy - hallo!!! Where have you been?! Yes, we're all getting very excited about the wedding now. Lovely to hear from you again.
Your daughter is indeed beautiful. I'm glad all is calm about the wedding too. I can't wait to see her in her dress.
So easy to see that good looks runs in your sweet family and as we say in NC, you are in the short rows now, meaning time is drawing close for the wedding. I am sure it will be a beautiful event & I am anxious to see the pictures. Take care & have a great week.
Belle - thank you so much for your lovely comment and for always taking the time to pop across to my blog. I do appreciate it dear friend! I think she is beautiful, but then I am a very biased mum!!!
Odie - you are always so kind my friend, and I really do love to read your comments. We are in the short rows indeed. Eeeek! I have never heard that expression before!
You speak truth my friend! Curly wants straight; straight wants curly. Always!
She's beautiful! Cannot wait to see wedding pix!
Empty Nester - we're never satisfied, are we?! The wedding will be here before we know it, and I'm sure it's going to be very exciting!
Lovely photo .. she has wonderful hair .. look forward to seeing the wedding photos,, wonder if she is going to wear her hair up or down :-) I will have to wait and see.
Like Linda , my sons would have a fit if I put them on my blog .. not really allowed to do my grandchildren either ... it is their choice.
I love the quote ..I have thought about it , very difficult to picture him as a woman , ha ha .. xox
Lovely to see TRUBES posting here too ;-)
What a beautiful woman she is and no doubt she will be a stunning bride.
If we didn't want hair different to what we naturally have then the sales of hair straightners and curling wands would be in the toilet.
It is so true that those with curly hair want straight hair and vice versa. Maybe we think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence?
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