Hi everyone. I thought I would just let you know that I follow a Blog called Advanced Style, which features photos of very elegant older ladies. One of them, called Ruth, is 100 years old and really is an inspiration!
I am including a link to the latest post from Advanced Style so that you can pop over and see just what I mean! I love the list of Ruth's Life and Style Tips, especially the one where she says that she makes herself go out every day, even if only for a walk round the block. At 100 years old! Obviously she is blessed with good health, and of course that makes such a difference, but even so, I still think that she is an inspiration.

"Age is no barrier. It's a limitation you put on your mind".--Jackie Joyner-Kersee.
"Age puzzles me. I thought it was a quiet time. My seventies were interesting and fairly serene, but my eighties are passionate. I grow more intense as I age".--Florida Scott-Maxwell.
"The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball".--Doug Larson.
"Another belief of mine: that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise."--Margaret Atwood.
"Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old."--Franz Kafka.
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether this happens at twenty or eight. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young, but becomes constantly more valuable regardless of physical capacity".--Harvey Ullman.
"At age 20, we worry about what others think of us.
At 40, we don't care what they think of us.
At 60, we discover they haven't been thinking about us at all".--Jock Falkson.
At 40, we don't care what they think of us.
At 60, we discover they haven't been thinking about us at all".--Jock Falkson.
Thanks for the new link 100 years they are still going strong and making life grand. I have done several ladies hair that are over 100 + the oldest I ahve done was 107 what a hoot! Love them
How awesome to be 100 and still rockin' the style! I am off to check out the site. :)
Lovely post Diane!
I love this blog! The ladies really are an inspiration to just do what feels right!
Dear Diane,
WOW, 100 years old!!!
Unfortunately, the link doesn't seem to work in Japan.
But I'll try to stay healthy as much as I can by doing some stretching.
Haha, recently I am feeling bit low for my aging body, p;)
Thank you for sharing us the fabulous quotes as well.
Love and Lots of Hugs to you, Orchid*
Good for you, Thisisme! Believe it or not I went through a phase in my mid 20s in which I felt old. I told myself that my best years had come and gone and that it was time to "settle down" and become conservative in thought, word and deed. Fortunately my temporary insanity didn't last. I feel younger today than ever before. I feel like I'm just getting started, just beginning to hit my stride. Thank you for acknowledging these older women who are still in the game, still caring about how they present themselves to the world, still thinking and acting young. People search everywhere for the fountain of youth not realizing that it's located right between our ears.
Wonderful women, and terrific quotes. Love it. Stop by for a laugh today.
Bethe - hi there. Thanks for popping by today. Gosh, so you've seen these older ladies first hand. It really does give us all hope, doesn't it. Wonderful!
melody-mae - I like that, "rockin' the style!". Brilliant. I don't comment on the Advanced Style blog, but it really is worth checking out all these wonderful ladies. There's hope for us yet!! Hee Hee!!
Claudia - thank you!
Gawgus things - all the ladies really are an inspiration to all of us, aren't they?! Do you think I will still be "rockin' the style" (see above) at their age?!
Orchid - hallo dear friend. I'm sorry that the link didn't seem to work for you, because it really is worth checking out. The photoes are amazing of all these wonderful ladies. You're a mere youngster yet, my little friend! I'm sorry you're feeling a bit low at the moment because of your "ageing body". Onwards and upwards my friend. Hugs to you.
Shady - hallo again dear Tom. I'm like you now and really feel that I'm in a good place, with lots of exciting things still to do. Age is just a number, and we really should disregard it. After all, some people seem middle-aged in their 20's, whereas I have a couple of friends in their late 80's and they are still full of beans and enjoy having fun! Take care my friend.
Linda - they are wonderful women, aren't they?! I will pop across to your blog in a moment. Hope all is well with you;.
I just turned 50, and so the whole age thing has been in my mind. Unfortunately, I was unable to open the link, but I am going to continue to try. My grandmother was 93 when she passed away and a fashion plate to the very end. I want to be like that, myself!
Hi Shelly. Sorry you couldn't get into the link. It really is worth paying a visit, so I've just posted another link. Good luck! At 50, you are a mere spring chicken my friend. How lovely to hear that about your grandmother though. I think it's terrific!
What an inspiration to all of us. There are 2 older ladies at church like this. They are always stylishly dressed with matching accessories. They have their hair styled and wear makeup. I'm so impressed by them.
The link didn't work for either, so I just googled Advanced Style. It took me right to it.
Grammy - glad you got to the blog in the end. I hope you agree it was well worth a visit! Those ladies in your Church surely must be an inspiration. I really think it's great that they still take the trouble to look as good as they can.
Love it!
Such a lovely lady at 100! An inspiration to be sure! I do struggle with the age thing, but sometimes forget my age and still throw snowballs. I recently climbed a brick wall, at my age, to get a photo of the old bath houses behind a 'haunted hotel'! Forgot my age that day! All of your quote choices make sense and we'll be better off to keep them in mind! Hugs to you for keeping us moving!
I'm so behind on reading. I loved this post. Especially after just seeing my Mom and how full of life and energy she is at almost 87. Don't think of the number. Think about the day and if you enjoyed it!! Hugs.
You know we have southern old ladies here that look wonderful too - only problem is they are rich $$$$.
How about over there?
chambanachik - thank you ! I thought it was something different so show people.
Bouncin'Barb - lovely to see you!! I was actually thinking of your mum when I posted this, having just seen the photos of her on your blog. Doesn't she look wonderful?! Hugs.
Susan - Those ladies are an inspiration, aren't they? Oh my, I did smile at you climbing that brick wall to take the photo. There you are - how great was that!
Chatty - Yes, I guess that money does help somewhat!!!
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