I hope you have all recovered from your Thanksgiving celebrations and the crush of the Sales on Black Friday! We don't have Black Friday over here, but I suppose it must be a bit like the Boxing Day Sales , which take place the day after Christmas Day.
Personally, I can never face going out in all those crowds. Everywhere is packed, you have the devil of a job to get a parking space and people don't even seem be very happy! I would much rather stay in the warmth of my own home, with my family, listening to Christmas music, enjoying the pretty lights all round and helping myself to a glass of sherry. (Just the one, you understand!!!).
I thought I would give you something a bit different on this Sunday, and post some photos of stunning sunsets around the world. Enjoy! But first of all, here is a photo of a rose in my garden , which was taken yesterday, the 26th November. Surely, this must be the last rose to flower this year!
Aitutaki, Cook Islands. |
Los Cabos, Mexico.
Villingili, Maldives.
Sedona, Arizona.
Panama City Beach, Florida.
Samoa, South Pacific.
St. Lucia, Caribbean.
Rangali Islands, Maldives.
I think you'll agree, they're all pretty stunning, but I would think to actually watch the sun set over the Pyramids in Egypt would be very special.
All the above photos courtesy of Trip Advisor.
“Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven.” John Lubbock (English Biologist & Politician).
Wow...beautiful and God's work in Glory! Stunning indeed...Claudia will hopefully have some beautiful sunsets to share.
Thanks Diane for finding these beauties for our viewing pleasure!
The fragrance of the last rose always lingers longest, too! These skies around the world are incredibly varied, each as beautiful as the other, yet so, so different! What a glorious place Mankind has been awarded curatorship over...pity he makes such a mess of it!
BTW I am so pleased to see you put that nasty Mrs Grundy in her place. The audacity of leaving such a rude comment on YOUR blog! Maybe we have all seen the last of her now.
I am looking forward to seeing you at Carol's Christmas Party. I do think you ought to be Guest of Honour since I clearly recall it was your suggestion she do a Christmas Party after the phenomenal success of her launch party.
Enjoy your day. It's miserable here. Overcast, but no sign of rain. Exceedingly windy! Not a day to spend outdoors.
Big hug xoxo
It's surprising you still have a rose in your garden! Lovely. The sunsets are beautiful. I would also like to see the pyramids in Egypt. Maybe someday. :) I have been to Sedona, Arizona. I love the desert. It is so quiet and majestic.
We have Boxing Day here also. When I was in my twenties I used to shop on that day, but I haven't for many years. I'm like you, I would much rather stay home with the family. Lovely post, dear friend.
Well look at this! All my favorite people are posting comments ahead of me! Hello, Sush, Desiree and Belle! Hello, Thisisme! Yessum. I'm still going strong on the East Coast. No rest for the wicked, as they say. Thank you for posting these beautiful sunsets. No artist can match the splendor of mother nature's painted skies. Sunsets fade and darkness comes but the dawn always follows in good time. The rose must wither and die but spring will come again to fair Devonshire and your garden will return to glorious bloom. Have a wonderful Sunday, dear Thisisme!
The sun always likes to go down in a blaze of glory doesn't it. And we mere mortals love to photograph them. Your rose is gorgeous too.
Sush - Aren't they beautiful? God's work indeed. Yes, hopefully Claudia will share some lovely photos with us, as well as having a nice rest!
Desiree - hallo my friend! As you say, the sunsets were all so varied, and it really makes you realize just how beautiful this world is. I know! I couldn't believe that Mrs Grundy had left such a comment on my nice blog! Hee Hee!! Guest of Honour - now there's a thought!! You will have to mention that to our friend over at facing50, who I think has been neglecting us all very badly recently. 10 a.m. here at the moment and bright sunshine, but rain forecast for later this week.
Belle - yes, the end of November here in England is VERY late to have a rose blooming. It just shows how mild it has been all this month. Sedona does look beautiful. I've been to St Lucia. Like you, when I was younger I used to rush to the Sales, but I just can't be bothered now!
Shady - yes my friend, you had all your favourite ladies lined up in a row above you today!! Goodness me, your comment was quite poetic today dear Tom - lovely! Enjoy your Sunday and be good.
Pat - sunsets are just so beautiful, aren't they, and my rose was a real surprise in the garden, but a lovely one at that. Enjoy your weekend.
nice post! thanks for sharing...God bless you
Nature produces the most beautiful sights by far! Happy Sunday :)
How glorious! I love watching sunsets and these (plus the rose) were a special treat. And, I'm like you in hating sales that draw huge crowds. Life is too short to have to go through all that unpleasantness-
faith hope love - hallo! Welcome to my blog. Thank you so much for popping over to leave a comment, and I'm so glad that you enjoyed the post today. Blessings to you.
Gawgus things - yes indeed! Happy Sunday to you too. The sun is shining brightly at the moment, which is lovely. x
Shelly - Sunsets are rather special, aren't they. Oh, the thought of all those people in the sales, and being crushed, just makes me shiver! As you quite rightly say, life is far too short for such unpleasantness! Take care.
I thought you might like to know that I have put in a very polite request to Carol to make you Guest of Honour. I also suggested, ever so sweetly, that she might care to withdraw Mrs (real or not!) Grundy's invitation to the Christmas Party.
Desiree - thank you so much for approaching Carol ever so politely!! I agree, we certainly don't want old Mrs Grundy coming along to spoil our fun. Hugs to you my friend xx
There are some beautiful photos you're sharing with us today - the sunsets are beautiful!
Hope you're having a lovely Sunday my friend!
Hugs x
Good afternoon, it's 8:45 AM here across the pond and chilly but looks to be a beautiful day. That rose was gorgeous and the sunsets breathtaking. Linda and I love to watch them wherever we are in the world and I too have always wanted to be near the pyramids to get a feel for how huge they really are. Enjoy your Sherry and have a wonderful Sunday afternoon. Always a joy to spend time at your spot on the blog.
The sunset over the pyramids are indeed beautiful, but I think that a lot of people will be avoiding Egypt for the time being. Poor countrymen and all the unrest there now.
I have to say [and not just because I am America] but I really like the sunset in Florida, although I wouldn't sneeze at being in one of those huts and watching it go down ::wink::
Enjoy your rose - it is so lovely and I can imagine it smells wonderful. Amazing in November.
Eva - Happy Sunday to you my friend. Hope it's nice and relaxing for you. I am so glad that you enjoyed the views today. Hugs.
Odie - thank you, and it's always lovely having you over here as well. Hope little Rocky & Soffie are having fun today! Sunsets are very special, aren't they? The sun is shining brightly here today as well, so all is right with the world! Take care my friend.
SkippyMom - hallo dear friend. Yes, you are right, no-one will be going to Egypt at the moment, which is so sad, because they rely on the tourists so much :( I think a sunset is lovely wherever it is really, but I do like to see it go down over the ocean. Take care and sending hugs across the pond.
You never dissapoint us with the beauty you share with us. I love sunsets. And have had the wonderful pleasure of seeing some amazing ones. I love that you shared from around the world. As some I may not have ever been able to enjoy. Your rose is amazing!
Such beauty this late in the season!
I like you dont do the sells after any Holiday Thanksgiving Christmas New Years. it is so aweful! I perfer staying in where it is warm and cozy and enjoying family and all the glitter left behind.
Those sells seem to turn perfectly normally nice people into rude inhuman stupid people. My oppinion.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi Bethe - happy Sunday to you and I'm glad you liked the different sunsets today. Nice that you have seen some special ones. Yes' it is very late to have a Rose in bloom at this time of the year! I totally agree with you about rude people attending the Sales. I can do without all that! Blessings to you.
Stunning sunsets but I was disappointed none of our beautiful Italian ones were featured, just joking :)
LindyLouMac in Italy - hallo! Good to see you here. Yes, I'm sorry there were no Italian ones on the list! :( Hope all is well with you.
Beautiful beautiful shots
but I think that at Christmas or at anytime there is no place like home.
Wishing you a great week filled with lovely things.
Fiona x
Raindrops and Daisies - Hi Fiona. Nice to see you here today. Certainly at Christmas, there is no place like home. Have a nice week over there.
Your rose is splendid. I am happy to report we do not go to any Black Friday sales but we did go to a moving sale and bought up many vintage items as is our habit. It was great fun because we went with our SIL and family and swooped down on those folks in a terrible way. But hey they sold a lot. The sunsets are stunning too:)
wow stunning makes me want to go see them in real life
Love the pictures....I skipped black friday sales all together this year...loved the excuse of not haviing enough room in my suitcase!! Hugs to you
I love all the beautiful sunset photos! Isn't it wonderful we can see such stunning views...and all for free?!
I don't do any of the crazy "Black Friday" shopping! There can't be an item or thing that I want THAT BAD! I'm with you on what's a great way to spend the day! :)
Hi, Dearest Diane!!!
OMG, what a Gorgeous pictures you showed us. They DID give me a wonderful tour of the sunsets of the world♡♡♡
And your last rose looks splendid with your shot♬♬♬ I'll post about camera I'll buy in my next post, not SLR p;)
I've learned about Black Friday through friends, wonderful to know other culture♬ I don't like crowds, would be squashed,haha.
I wish I could visit you earlier. So Sorry for the belated comment, really busy since last Fri. And still AM, whew... Students are going to have term-test.
Blessing to you and all of your family♡♡♡ Miyako*
Olive - hi there. I'm sure your vintage shopping is much more exciting than any Black Friday sales!! I do envy you all your lovely bargains, I must admit, and everything always looks so lovely in your home.Lovely to see you here today.
Becca - glad you enjoyed the sunsets today. They were all different, but all equally beautiful I thought. Hope all is well with you my friend.
Col - hallo! Haven't seen you over here for a little while. What a lovely excuse for not trudging out to the Black Friday Sales!! Thanks for popping over. Always good to see you.
Becky - you're so right. Isn't nature wonderful, and all for FREE!! I so agree, there's nothing I want that badly to have to go pushing and shoving with all those people in the shops! No thank you!!
Orchid - Hallo dear Miyako. No need to apologize for being late. It's just lovely to see you here. I've missed you, but thought that you were probably busy!Glad you enjoyed the sunsets from this post, and I look forward to hearing all about YOUR new camera! Hugs my friend.
Hi Diane, This is a wonderful post! I loved the sunset pictures and reading about your idea about how to truly celebrate during the holiday. I am with you on staying in and enjoying good music and family togetherness. I'm also jumping up and down a little because I see that you have shared a sunset from Mauritius. Richard was able to visit that paradise on his way to Madagascar. Even a brief visit there had him talking for weeks. Apparently it is a paradise worthy of Eden. Also, Your last blooming rose is perfection, but a little sad too. I miss flowers in the winter. Thank you for the wonderful comment you left for me today. Sending a big hug and lots of love your way.
kneesandpaws - Hi Jenny. Oh how wonderful that Richard was able to visit Mauritius. I'm sure it is such a beautiful place, AND he got to visit Madagascar too. Wow! How super. Yes, I miss flowers in the winter too, and the garden looks so sad. Never mind, we have next Spring to look forward to!!
Gorgeous sunset and I love that quote that you matched it with. I do hope you had a beautiful, blessed thanksgiving my friend! I've never heard of Boxing Day...I could NOT brave the Black Friday sales in the States...too many people and the deals are certainly something I can pass up. However, I have certainly taken advantage of Cyber Monday over on Etsy!
vintch - lovely to see you here today Courtney, and I'm glad you liked the Sundays. Boxing Day is what we call the day after Christmas Day over here in England. I've entered a giveaway on Erica's blog for your Etsy shop! (Well, not the whole shop, but you know what I mean!!). Hugs to you sweet vintch.
First of all, your last rose is beautiful. I can smell the sweetness of it! The sunset pictures are glorious! I loved how Desiree said it, "What a glorious place Mankind has been awarded curatorship over..."
I also like the new photos of your header, and the quote: Children are the rainbow of life, but grandchildren are the pot of gold - or something like that!
I love the one over Arizona.
I do love the new blog header too. :)
have a great week
Darlene - hi. Lovely to see you. Yes, that rose was lovely wasn't it, and i'm glad you enjoyed the sunset photos. Yes, Desiree was right (but then, she always is!! Hee Hee!!). Thank you for your nice comment about my new header.
Dizzy - Hi there Carol. Hope your youngest one is feeling a little better. Thank you for commenting on my new header, and I agree with you that the colours in the Arizona photo is amazing! Take care.
Great pictures. Nothing like the artwork of Mother Nature I always say. I have always dreamed of being on top of one of the pyramids someday. When I hit the lottery, we're going. Sound good?
Wow! Here I am bringing up the rear again, but I'm working on a printing project for my mom, and thought I'd drop by. Your sunsets are beautiful, but, OH, that rose. Isn't it great to have some roses in November? I think I cut my last Peace rose, and a couple of white tea roses for the year. A lovely treat Thisisme. Talk to you soon!
Bouncin'Barb - my awesome friend - hallo there. Yes, as you say, those sunsets are mother nature at her best. I would think that you have seen a few over Myrtle Beach! That's a date for meeting up at the Pyramids! Wouldn't thar be special!! Hugs.
Hope - Hallo. I haven't seen you over here before, so welcome! How lovely of you to pop over and leave a comment, and I am glad that you liked the sunset photos today :)
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