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Monday, 30 April 2012

Pinterest and Private Family Photos...

Hi there everyone.  Here we are at the start of another week, and it will soon be the start of a new month.  Can you believe that we are almost in May already?!  With the dreadful weather that we have been having over here just recently, it seems more like November, which is not good.

Anyway, we can't do anything about the weather, so we just have to try to remain upbeat and positive, even if the skies are gloomy overhead. (Gosh, I almost felt a song coming on there for a minute!).  

I don't usually post the day after my Sunday Snaps feature, but I read a post yesterday from Bouncin'Barb which did worry me a little, I must admit.  Please click on the link and pop over to read her post.  I love Pinterest and enjoy pinning things onto boards that I have made up.  Just to give you an example, a few boards I have are entitled "Venice", "Elvis", "Vintage Greetings Cards", "Beautiful Gardens" etc. etc.  

However, I have never actually posted any of my personal photos onto their site, as I just wouldn't feel happy with doing that.  Most of you know that I do post quite a lot of family photos onto my Blog, but I have the Copyright by doing that, and, really, the pictures are just for my Followers to have a peek at, just as I enjoy seeing other peoples' family photos and hearing their family stories.

I didn't realize that   my blog photos could end up on  Pinterest.  I do know that my daughters wouldn't be very happy about their photos being on there, and, certainly, they would not want the grandchildren on there.  I know it all seems very harmless, but you just have to be SO careful these days, as you never know who might be looking at those photos, especially where young children are concerned.  It really is a shame that we have to think along those lines, but I'm sure you will understand.

I was wondering what you all feel about this.  Perhaps some of you might think that I'm worrying unnecessarily.  Anyway, do let me know.

If anyone does think of putting  my blog photos onto Pinterest (and I can't possibly check on everyone!), I wonder if they wouldn't mind checking with me first.  Thank you so much.  As I said, I hope you will understand what I'm getting at.

Meanwhile, I hope you all have a good week.  Finally, I would just like to congratulate everyone who will be completing their A - Z Challenge today. I have been reading many of the entries, and I admire all of you who have taken part.  Each one of you has dealt with the Challenge in a slightly different way, and I have enjoyed reading every one.  Well done Y'All!!


Claudia Moser said...

Yes Barb did raise a good point, nevertheless I only use the Pin It button if available. Nothing used from your site I can assure you :) and as for the privacy matters, it becomes less and less easy to control it I'm afraid!

Sush said...

I'm with you on not posting photos from other blogs without permission. Those are extremely personal pictures and I would hope that doesn't happen. I do 'repin' on food, etc posts when bloggers have a Pin It icon next to the post. Is that considered okay? I don't use anyone's personal pictures...just food or advice. What is the correct thing to do when they have a repin or I think it says 'Pin It' icon? How do we know?
Food for thought...

not displayed said...

I think that pinterest can be a great marketing tool if used properly.
People need to be aware that if they pin something without permission, they are liable.
We all have copyright on what we post on our blog and should be able to post personal photos if we wish for surely they should only be interesting in the context of the story or to those involved. I love seeing photos of your family here.
If a website or blog offers a "pin it" button then they are pretty much giving permission and people should feel comfortable pinning from that site.
My issue to Pinterest is though, the potential for people to pin thoughtlessly, without regard that the image owner might not actually want this image out on a 3rd party sharing site, for that is what Pinterest is, specifically for sharing. The original pinner might have completely honourable intentions, but what about the stranger who sees that pic and repins? In the end, these are your photos and nobody should take them from your blog without your permission, even if they consider it some sort of tribute or compliment

Shady Del Knight said...

Hallo, dear Thisisme! Your new header picture is another award winner! I don't like the thought of family pictures going viral and winding up in the wrong places. Beyond that I can't offer an educated opinion because I do not use Pinterest, nor do I have a Facebook or Twitter account. I can't imagine being any busier than I already am unless I participated in the A to Z Challenge! (LOL) I don't know how any of you manage to juggle any more than just occasional blogging. I hope the news is good about dear Alfred over there. My prayers are with the little guy. I hope your weather improves and that you have a glorious day and week, dear friend

Shelly said...

Do I detect some of the American South in you, my friend? I love it!

I've never had the time to get involved with Pinterest,although I am registered on it. I do feel like you do. I don't put many pictures at all on my blog, usually reserving that for FB. I agree that pics should only be used with permission.

Rebecca said...

i heard about this it is really frighten knowing people are stealing private photos to pin. really scary

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Diane,
Oh, How can we manege the safty of our pictures☆☆☆ I have heard of the problem with pinterest through another blogger friend. I dont know the system or repin of the site, but you never know what will happen nowadays.
I was so scared when I was told my funny picture was spread by the way stealing my account. Even though I stopped connecting between my SNS, I am not sure how safe it is.
I wonder if Pinterest is more risky for the faulse use...
I can understand the feeling, my friend. When I put my relatives' picture on my blog lately, I made sure if it is OK to do it with my cousin.
Lots of Love and Many Hugs to you, xoxo Miyako*

BB said... post was written as an eye opener to everyone on what can happen. This certainly opened my eyes and I was shocked at what I saw on Pinterest. Thankfully, all that was removed. I knew the post would ruffle feathers, much as I knew that "anonymous" people would be coming out of the woodwork! It is an eyeopener and I thank you for sharing it with your readers as well. My thoughts are exactly how Mynx described them in her comment here. Big hugs to you my awesome friend.

Masia Mum said...

I decided when I first started my blog that no family photos were to be put on it and even that no-one's real names either. I made be taking this to extremes but the internet world is really not controlled very well, and frankly facebook and twitter are worse. When we are marketing our holiday property in Spain we obviously include photos but I just think we should all approach this "open world" with a little caution.

Pearson Report said...

Excellent post! Worth bringing to the forefront as Barb and Mynx have done.

www = world wide web. Enough said, don't you think.

Our blogs, are out there well beyond our own network of followers - it is out in the "world wide web" for anybody to see and read.

Caution and common sense are often thrown to the wind when our desire to "share" our lives with others takes over.

Thought provoking post - timely and relevant. Jenny

Pearson Report said...

I can see it's early and tense is not being my best friend.

In my last comment it should read:

Our blogs are out there well beyond our own network of followers - they are out in the "world wide web" for anybody to see and read.

Time for my first coffee if I plan to continue commenting.

Smiles and Hugs, Jenny

Belle said...

I've only gone to visit pinterest once. You are right, no one should post other people's families on there. I love your header photo - you both look so happy and your yard is beautiful. It has been great weather the last while here in Kelowna but is raining like crazy right now. God bless!

colenic said...

I have now read about this pintrest issue on three different blogs...I wonder if there is a way to make sure that the pin button isn't on your photos? I may have to do a bit more kills me to think that some of my pictures may be out there...and they are inconsequential compared to many of my friends. I wil have to do some more research...thanks for the attention to the issue. hugs!

Empty Nester said...

I know! I never thought about that. It's so easy to pin things. I know that when I pin someone's blog, I have not pinned a picture of their family. I usually pin their header or a picture of the blogger. Guess I better stop doing that though. It's crazy that we can't just have fun without all this worry just because of all the perverts and thieves out there.

Chatty Crone said...

I will go over there and check out her post. I would never want to post someone's family. How did you find out they did that?

Love, sandie♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane,
It's not easy to control those things though, wouldn't want my family pics to end up all over the place either. Hope you've had a good day in spite of the wasn't too bad here...well cloudy and windy of course but no rain at least [phew].
enjoy the rest of your evening my friend
Big hugs

Olive said...

Once your photos are posted they can be swiped by just about anyone. You can watermark them with your name or blog name as I do. That may help a wee bit. It is easily done in PicMonkey. Blogger owns your blog and mine we do not. I bought the name of my blog but that is all I actually own of it. Facebook and Pinned images are owned by those two sites as well. I do not Pin or Facebook. Not yet anyhoo. I never take a photo of a minor child without asking permission of the parents first. I have had people tell me they pinned my images and that's fine because they told me and my images are watermarked but who did not tell me? That's the real issue.

Knitty said...

I would never post someone's photo on Pinterest either. I realize there are boards for all types of interest there, I am interested in ones that link to a how-to, be that a craft, a recipe or possibly a book review. Pinning a dress or pair of shoes with no mention of the maker means nothing to me. What if I loved the shoes and wanted a pair of 5" heels (stop laughing!!) and your pin didn't tell me they were made by the Marquis d'Sade and were available at Tortured Tootsies? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would ever post anyone's photo without permission.
It is scary out there. So many sicko's.
As you know I have first hand knowledge here.
Take care my friend. By the way you and your grandaughter look lovely in the above picture.

Sally Wessely said...

This is definitely food for thought. I hate that people can use our own personal photos for reasons of their own sites like Pinterest. All things must be monitored on occasion. I rarely visit Pinterst, but I will check this out.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I have never been to pinterest but of course I have heard about it but now I wonder if any of my family pics have ended up there and if so how do I find out........

romance-of-roses said...

Yes, have heard of this and Pinterest isn't my thing. I do not post on my blog any family pictures, once I posted a picture of my parents wedding and it was stolen, so never again. Think especially little children pictures should not be posted in our blogs. Hugs...Lu

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

When we put photos in our blogs, which are on the World Wide Net, we have no real control over them.

Copyright? What good does that do? Unless you find the photos, and sue the one who stole them? And long before that, your family photos have gone world wide, in some (perhaps awful Photoshopped) way.

I have been posting baby pics of our youngest "Grand." But he is now 2. Time to stop. HARD to DO! But I either stick by my plan, or I do not.