I just love the month of May, with everything coming to life in the garden and the greenery looking so fresh and vibrant at the moment. For me, the month of May serves as the transition period between Spring and Summer.
Most of you will know by now, that our Summers over here in England can sometimes be a little disappointing, but for the month of May I can always have the hope that this year will be the one! The one when we have balmy, warm, sunny weather for the next couple of months. When I will be able to actually sit out in the garden during the long, light evenings with a glass of Rose` and with a book on my lap. Yes, hope is what makes the world go round my friends, and May is my month of hope for a glorious Summer here in England this year.
"March winds, April showers, bring forth May flowers."
May is traditionally called the merry month, probably because of the warmer weather, balmy air, flowers, and rising energy levels. May brings forth a rush of spring greenery and the glory of the blossoming trees. Doesn't it just make you feel glad to be alive!
I still remember the old saying from my childhood days though - "Ne'er cast a clout till May is out." I decided to Google that particular saying and, apparently, in the olden days, 'clout' could have several meanings, including 'clothing', so it really means don't leave off your warm winter clothing until the month of May is ended. That is why, here in England, we don't usually plant out our tender bedding plants or hang our hanging baskets until the end of May.
I wish you all a very happy and, yes, 'merry', month of May!
I also love this month, it represents for me the quintisence of spring! Happy 1st of May
Hallo, dear Thisisme! I can't wait to experience the rising energy level that you say is characteristic of the merry month of May. So far, no trace of it! (LOL) I can understand why you look forward to May and its promise of better weather. You live north of the Arctic Circle! (LOL) For those of us sweltering in Florida May means more of the same only worse. Instead of rising energy levels we endure rising humidity levels and blazing hot temperatures. I already have cabin fever from being confined to quarters with the a/c running. Seriously, I am happy for you, dear friend, and I wish you many happy days and evenings in your beautiful garden. Have a wonderful day, week and month, dear Thisisme!
You summed it up: rising energy levels!
I, too, hope your May is spectacular. Here we are already in the mid 90's, with lots of wind and humidity, so I am hoping at least our wind situation will die down.
Spectacular pictures! I can only imagine how glorious they are in real life.
Happy May Day to you, my friend!
May is my favorite! I was just thinking how late I am in planting my tomato seeds. Now I can just tell everyone that I'm following the classic and wise English garden rule to wait until the END of May, instead of the beginning. I wonder if that means my harvest will go on for an extra month in the fall?
Happy May Day Diane! This was a lovely post full of good energy and colorful flowers. It put a smile on my face first thing this morning.
I have to say that May is probably my favorite as well since it is hard to deal with triple digit temps in July or August. Lately I am encouraged about my gardening project. I have these two pepper plants in a pot that I move inside at night. Saw something on Pinterest about mixing a very mild solution of epsom salts to a bottle of water and spray the plant. At the moment I have "8" bell peppers coming one plant and about the same hot peppers on the other. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Have a wonderful rest of your day.
well here in FL all our seasons look the same green and brown and we good from extremely hot to mild hot so May means we will be heading into the extremely hot weather soon. Love the pictures of the flowers so pretty wish I could grow a garden but I do not have a green thumb hubby jokes and says i could kill fake flowers if given enough time. anyways have a happy May 1st
Dearest Diane,
Oh, pictures are spectacular, the first one may be cherry tree♡♡♡
Thank you very much for sharing how May means to you and very educational!
I am glad you always have positive attitude and really hope the glorious Summer waiting for you.
Merry, Merry month of May to you, too♬♬♬
I love May!I like the weather ect.,but out of all My big family there's not one birthday.I love taking vacations in May.Pretty and I don't miss out on anything at home.Love your new photo header you have.
I love the saying. It certainly hold true here. Happy May!
I was out just a few minutes ago after a rain. The world smelled so fresh and wonderful. Love May too. I love your blog. So beautiful with all the flowers and such.
Hi Diane, May is a lovely month! The trees are starting to look nicely green now. Some nice and warm weather now is very welcome :) Have a lovely evening my friend!
Big hugs
Hi Diane and Happy May Day to you too - your flowers look so lovely! Hope it is getting warmer there. Love, sandie
I love the month of May! It always puts me in a grand mood! New baby animals and plants growing, sunny yet still cool weather! Can you tell I'm in a grand mood today? Thanks for your vote. It's looking like the ape may have it!
What I love about May is that it's not to hot or too cold here in Australia and it's the month that has Mother's Day in it and I do love Mother's Day........
A lovely post. I love the month of May too. All the women n my family (Mum, sister, me, and 1 daughter) were born in May - it's a female month!) We too follow the tradition of not planting until the May long weekend (around the 24th).
THANKS SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR POST TODAY. I have been on such a downer this whole year and all that has kept my sanity has been my blogging friends. I have not been committing much but I have been here reading. Your thoughts on HOPE are so right. It is up to me to get the real Lyn back and straighten things out. LOVE TO YOU AND PLEASE HAVE AS LOVELY A MAY AS YOU ARE.
Make it a GREAT week and a better, BLESSED weekend! THANK YOU MY FRIEND I am going to take my own advice.
rainbow (Momma Lyn)
Right back at'cha sweetie! Oh, what wonderful May flowers ya have there. Thanks for showin' me your beautiful bloomers!!! Heeehehehe!
I'm so outta control!
God bless ya and have a fantastic day sweetie!!! :o)
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