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Monday 13 December 2010

Easy, peasy!!

My good friend Jumble Mash, over at invited another good friend of mine, Bouncin'Barb over at to write a guest blog for her a couple of days ago.

Well now, this set me thinking..... (not always a good idea!)... I have 30 followers at present, so if I asked every one of them to write a guest blog for me, that would give me a whole month off blogging!  Cunning, eh?!

Don't panic, I won't put you through that - not this year anyway.


BB said...

We couldn't bear the thought of you being away for 30 days This.

Unknown said...

Let's not be taking any long vacations. You are part of our family and we don't want to wonder where you are. OK?

Teresa said...

LOL! I have 30 followers, too. It didn't take you as long to get yours though. hehehehe!

Maybe I need to try some fancy "giveaway" on my blog. Not sure what I'd giveaway though.

Esther said...

haha thats not a bad idea :D ♥ xxx

colenic said...

Wow...30 followers...that's pretty amazing...I don't even have 30 followers...
I would write a guest post for ya any time....

Southhamsdarling said...

Hugs right back at you Col! Thanks for the offer of a guest post. We will certainly do that next year.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks Bouncin'Barb & Odie!

Southhamsdarling said...

Teresa, you deserve loads more followers, you really do.
We'll have to have a think about those 'give-a-ways'!!

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Esther. Thanks for popping by. I thought it sounded quite good! LOL!

caterpillar said... about alternative days...and I think I'd like to get a li'l cunning as well...;)

Jumble Mash said...

LOL that's not a bad idea. While I LOVE blogging, sometimes I need a break. Just to get fresh ideas.

Southhamsdarling said...

I do find it quite hard sometimes Jumble to keep the blog going every day, I must admit.

Rebecca said...

phew you scared me there for a minute

Southhamsdarling said...

lol Becca!