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Christmas is a-coming! |
Yesterday, I had a lovely day looking after my youngest grandchildren, whilst their mummy and daddy went shopping.
All was going really well until 4.30 p.m., when I was dealing with the eleven month old, and the two year old said that he was going into the other room to see Papa (grandad). Anyway, he was gone quite a while, so I went out to see what they were both up to, thinking that they would be happily playing with the trains or cars.
NO! The little boy wasn't with Papa at all, but in the kitchen, and when I walked into the room, this is what I was confronted with!
He had opened one of the drawers and found my nail varnish (of course, it had to be the darkest colour that I had) and was having great fun painting the kitchen cupboards and tiled floor. (When you consider the size of the tiny brush in a bottle of nail varnish, he had managed to spread it around quite a lot!).
We did try to remove it immediately with nail polish remover, and then white spirit, but to no avail, so something stronger will have to be looked for today.
The best bit really, was his little face looking up at me, as if to say "look what a masterpiece I've created for you, grandma."
As I said, it had been going so well up until then!`
This has made me smile x
My nieces and grandchildren "expressed themselves" in the same manner on the walls of our home, Thisisme! I remember doing the same with crayons on my neighbor's driveway at age four.
Oh. My. God. Hope you can laugh about it now...;)
Ohh nooo!!! Eeek!! Sorry that happened to you. :/
Well, PaulaMJ, I'm glad it bought a smile to your face! x
Hi Jenni! Thanks for popping by. Hope to see you again!
Gawgus things - I couldn't be cross, even when I first saw it. These things can be remedied, and it will teach me NOT to leave nail polish in the kitchen drawer in future.
Hi Shady. Yes, I think we've all been through it when you have children and grandchildren. Still wouldn't be without them!
We do live and learn about leaving things they can get into. Mine are boys and are 2 & 4. I do hope you can get it all removed without leaving any damage. Good Luck.
This...oh my goodness! I would have cried. If you can go into a beauty supply place, ask for pure acetone. That will get the nailpolish off but you might have to paint the door. Most retail nail polish removers are acetone cut with something else so it's not as potent. Just a suggestion! And look at you with 30 followers! woohoo.
Oh my!! What a little artist you have there! ;) I pray that you can find something that works to remove the polish. Barb's idea sounds like it should work.
I still remember the time that my grandma caught my cousin and I just as we were about to FINGER PAINT (with paper & paint) on top of her white bedspread! She literally SNATCHED US UP and took us straight to the sink to clean our hands! To this day... I still remember her cross face and words! I wonder if she ever laughed about it later!! Haahaa
Hi Barb. Thank you for the advice about the pure acetone. Perhaps I should get some in just in case it happens again! LOL!.Apparently, his daddy felt so bad about it that, whilst I was out this morning, he came down and treated it with paint stripper. OK, it removed the nail varnish, but also removed the paint as well!!! The door is now off, and my better half is going to re-paint it. Fortunately, we still have the same paint, as he re-did all the doors and drawer fronts just over a year ago. Yes, 30 followers. I'm well chuffed!
Phew Becky. Thank goodness your grandma caught you in time - a white bedspread too!
LOL - don't mean to laugh at you but laughing with you. When my oldest (now 32) was about 5, h drew (in black crayon) on every wall high as he could reach in his freshly painted bedroom - white walls. I was sick in bed, he was sick, Amy was sick - and I was divorced, so no other adult home. The medicine I took and what I gave to Amy made us sleepy, so we napped. During his "nap" he was high as a kite (medicine reaction - he never got that again) so he entertained himself.
ugh - my keyboard is skipping letters. sorry...
Hi Teresa. Yes, it was quite funny really!! Now I can laugh at your little boy when he was much younger. I can imagine how you must have felt when you woke from your nap, especially as you were feeling poorly anyway! Bless!!
The painting on the door looks like a spider gone crazy! He'll be quite an artist some day. I was surprised how much mess a jar of fingernail polish can make!
Such a shame you have started to remove this avant garde work of art - surely it could have been entered and indeed even win the next Turner Prize! Oh the joys of grandparenthood.....
Gosh Masia Mum, I hadn't thought of that - too late now!!!
Not a spider Belle, but a mischievous 2 year old!! LOL!
leave it to a child to find something to do
Yes Becca, you can't really leave them on their own for even a few minutes!
OMG! That was so so funny! poor you but I can just imagine his wee face! Just beaming eh
lindylou - I just couldn't be angry with my little man!!
I have no clue how I would have reacted but I can comment that you're a real patient Grandma...:)
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