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Friday 10 December 2010

Thatched Cottages

A few people have commented on the photo of the thatched cottages at the top of my Blog page.  This photo was actually taken at Hope Cove, which is a lovely little coastal village here in Devon, about twenty minutes from where I live.

It is actually one of my very favourite coastal walks, and Hope Cove is where we end up for lunch at the village pub, which is very olde worlde!  Here is a view from the pub, looking across at Thurlestone, which is where we park the car to set off on the walk.

As you can see, it really is an idyllic spot, and tourists do tend to flock here during the summer months, as there are some spectacular walks around the area.  Here is a photo of the beach at Thurlestone, at the start of our walk.  I couldn't believe how blue the sky was on that particular day.
As I was looking through my photos, I was thinking how  good it was  to be reminded of lovely warm weather, with it still being so bitterly cold at the moment. Here is a photo of my three grandchildren during an absolutely perfect day at the beach this summer.

I love this photo!


Gawgus things... said...

Oh to feel the sun again! Lovely pics - Hope Cove looks gorgeous..

Unknown said...

We all have beauty around us and you sure captured some in your photos. Great post today girl.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks Odie. I love it when you say 'girl'! Makes me feel young again - LOL!!

Becky said...

Oh my!!! How absolutely beautiful!!! ONE DAY... I am going to make my way across the big "pond" and visit your beautiful country!! Thank you for sharing these!

Southhamsdarling said...

Glad you liked the photoes Becky. It is very special in this part of the world! (But then, I would say that, wouldn't it?! LOL).

colenic said...

photos are gorgeous as always.....thank you for sharing....

Shady Del Knight said...

These are breathtaking scenes, Thisisme! I could gaze for hours at those majestic rocks jutting up from the water. I only hope that tourists don't spoil the area's natural beauty over time. Have a splendid day!

BB said...

This...I agree about Odie calling us 'girl'. It does make one feel a little perkier!! These pics are fantastic. I just love the old world look of the thatched roofs. If there is any way you could take pics of the inside of that pub I'd die to see it. Love that old world look. Someday This...I'm gonna come knockin'.

Jumble Mash said...

How gorgeous! I really wanna visit there. I would LOVE to spend days taking pictures.

LindyLouMac said...

Thanks for the reminder of summer sunshine. Although sunny and clear blue skies here today the temperature plummeted to 4C this afternoon.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Barb. Won't be until the new year now, but I will certainly take my camera with me next time I go on my walk, and take a photo of the inside of that pub!

Southhamsdarling said...

LindyLou = 4 degrees is pretty cold, isn't it? Do you usually get really cold winters?? I wouldn't have thought so, but what do I know?!

Southhamsdarling said...

Shady, we do rather curse the tourists when they're here, and are always glad to get the area back to ourselves. Which is very selfish of course, and this part of the UK relies very heavily on the tourism industry. It's usually not too bad, apart from the 6 week summer school holidays.

Donna B. said...

So nice to meet you and thank you for stopping in to visit me. I LOVE THAT PIC OF YOUR GRAND KIDS TOO!! Looks like something I would like to paint!

Those thatched cottages are my FAVORITE! I have such photos and paintings hung in my home. My mother, oldest daughter and I share a love of cottages, England and Ireland.

I saw your button, wishing to go to Venice. My husband is Italian and we have a dream of one day going there to look up his relatives. I have had a romance with anything Italian most of my life.

You are one blessed woman indeed! I was salvating over your beautiful photos of your quaint little town. I would enjoy following you too, I think we have lots in common. I also have another blog, Discovering the Purpose of our Lives. There is a link on Mystical Journeys.

I look forward to more visits!!

Teresa said...

i, too love the picture at the top. it seems so peaceful and restful - a great place to sit and relax.

the view is wonderful! would love to visit.

Danielle Vasconcelos said...

Hi : )
Beautiful blog!

very nice ♥

Rebecca said...


Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks for popping by, Danielle! Hope you will come by again.

Southhamsdarling said...

Teresa, that peaceful place would certainly do you good right now!

Southhamsdarling said...

Donna, welcome to my Blog! I have very much enjoyed reading yours. I think I am also now following Discovering the Purpose of our Lives,, but I will double-check! Yes, it seems that we have quite a lot in common.