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Sunday 19 December 2010


I was reading Donna's blog, over at Mystical Journeys 

The following words are an excerpt from the chapter entitled The End of Imagination, from this book
"There are other worlds.
Other kinds of dreams.
Dreams in which failure is feasible.
Sometimes even worth striving for.
 Worlds in which recognition
 is not the only barometer of brilliance
or human worth.
There are plenty of warriors
that I know and love,
 people far more valuable than myself,
 who go to war each day,
knowing in advance that they will fail.
True, they're less successful
 in the most vulgar
 sense of the word,
but by no means less fulfilled.

The only dream worth having...
is to dream that you will live
while you're alive
 and die
 only when you're dead.
 To love.
To be loved.
 To never forget your own insignificance.
To never get used to the unspeakable
 and the vulgar disparity
 of life around you.
To seek joy in the saddest places.
 To pursue beauty to its lair.
 To never simplify what is complicated
 or complicate what is simple.
 To respect strength,
never power.
 Above all, to watch.
 To try and understand.
To never look away.
 And never, never, to forget"

by Arundhati Roy
I love the line "to seek joy in the saddest places", and I thank Donna for giving her permission to let me pass these words on to you.


SkippyMom said...

I like the snowflakes on your blog. :D They add a touch of whimsy.

How have you been - I have missed keeping up with you on the other side of the pond.

Hugs and love!

Southhamsdarling said...

SkippyMom! Yay, you're back. We sure have all missed you! Hopefully you're here to stay now! I'll pop over to your blog soon to read your post.

BB said...

This...I love this. It's so true isn't it? This is truly about living and cherishing each moment.

Shady Del Knight said...

Key for me, Thisisme, was "never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity." It's appalling how far we've slid down apathy's slippery slope. We have become desensitized to violence. Indeed, blood sport seems more popular than ever. We have become complacent and cynical about social injustice. Popular entertainment is dominated by shallow, materialistic, mean spirited characters who do unto others and then split. It's jolting to rewind back a few decades and to realize how different our values were compared to that which we now accept as "normal."

Unknown said...

Shady hit it on the head & if we don't get it turned around we will have such a mess that can't be resolved. We can do it.

Southhamsdarling said...

Shady & Odie - how very true your words are. It's just gone so far the wrong way and some younger people don't seem to even realize it.
I do hope that you both read my comment when I said that you were truly wise men!

Southhamsdarling said...

Bouncin'Barb - so glad you liked those words. It's really strange when you write a post, because you never know what is going to really resonate with people!

colenic said...

I love it....thank you for sharing!

Teresa said...

i love the "seek joy in sadness" part. that's how you just have to look at life. there IS joy in everything - you just sometimes have to dig really deeply for it.

Kelly~ Wave of Life Surf Studio said...

Beautiful writing- very moving.. Hi~ I am your newest follower from the LBSTP & would love it if you stopped by and returned the love :)

Southhamsdarling said...

Col, glad you liked it!!

Southhamsdarling said...

Teresa, that was the part I liked as well, but you are quite right - sometimes you do have to dig very deeply indeed to find it!

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there Kelly. How lovely to pop by. I will head right over to your Blog right now!

Rebecca said...

wow i love that thank you for sharing very powerful words

Let'sMakeADifference said...

Beautiful blog!!!! I'm blog hopping and found your blog. I'm a new follower. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!