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Monday 29 November 2010

10 Things I Love (Continued...)

Right then, how many 'loves' have I done so far?  Oh no - only 2!!

3.  Well, I suppose this is a good time of the year to say that I love Christmas.  I love everything about it, apart from the crowded shops and crowds of people of course!  I love the sherry and mince pies, the roast turkey and all the trimmings, (not a particular fan of Christmas pudding, but I will eat a portion on the day), being with loved ones, the Christmas carols, having the house all cosy and warm with all the candles and festive decorations and fairy lights.

4.  As it's so bitterly cold outside today, I love a roaring log fire. We are fortunate to have an open fireplace in this house, and I love it when the log fire is burning.  As well as looking so good, it gives a lovely smell as well, especially if you put orange peel and pine cones on the fire.  I thought I had a photo on my computer of our log fire taken one Christmas, but I can't find it, so I shall have to take one for my Blog another time.

5.  I love chocolates!  I'm afraid I try not to buy bars of chocolate very often, because once I start eating, I just can't stop.  I try to be good and eat the dark chocolate, but I'm afraid that it's just not the same as good old Cadbury's milk chocolate.  That's one of the things my daughter and her family miss by living in France, so I have to send food parcels over every so often!

6.  I love my pink laptop!  I've always had a computer, but my little laptop was given to me for my birthday in April of this year, and I love, love, love it!  Even more so, of course, since I've become a Blogger.  I love it that I can just carry it to any room in the house, and off I go!  I know, it's sad, isn't it?!
7.  I love my Apple iPhone.   This is on a par really with the love that I have for my laptop.  It is fantastic.  I've got all my music on there, plus games such as Scrabble, along with all my photoes of the grandchildren.  It takes really good photoes and videos, as (here comes the technical bit!) it has a 5 megapixel camera, so I don't always have to carry my digital camera with me.  I can see what the weather is like in countries all over the world, plus the different time zones, and all the different Apps are fantastic.  I'm beginning to sound like a nerd (geek) now, aren't it?! 

I still love to listen to the music of the 60's and I have this fantastic App, whereby you can pick up music stations from all over the world and I listen to 1.FM which comes from America, and they play 60's music non-stop. 

Another really good App allows me to text my family in France, as well as sending them photoes and videos of the two grandchildren in this country, all for FREE.

Right, let's move onto the next 'love' of mine, before you start to get really worried about me!!

Actually, I am going to finish this post here and continue again tomorrow.  I've been reading all about Blogs and blogging, and the 'experts' say that your Blog shouldn't go on for too long, as people will just get fed up and move on to the next post, and dear Bloggies, I don't want you all deserting me.  See you tomorrow - bet you can't wait (LOL!)


Belle said...

I love all your picks and love them too - except for the phone because I don't have on like that. It sounds wonderful.

Unknown said...

Very good pick so far and I am really enjoying following along with you. Can't wait for the next one.

Gawgus things... said...

Ahhh, sherry! Yum!

colenic said...

I love it!! Happy Monday!!

LindyLouMac said...

I love plain chocolate, my Sony VAIO laptop and my Itouch. Are you an Aries or a Taurean?

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi LindyLou. I'm afraid plain chocolate doesn't do it for me!! My Star sign is Aries.

Southhamsdarling said...

Happy Monday to you too, Col! Can't believe it's the start of another week. Where does the time go?!

BB said...

Your fireplace sounds gorgeous This. Would love to see a picture of it. And don't worry about going on for too long. Those of us who follow you, follow YOU. Hope you're staying toasty warm. Hugs.

Rebecca said...

i love chocolate and christmas to very nice post

Olive said...

I love a log fire. I actually started one myself today and usually am never good at that...please don't laugh at me. I also love chocolate but limit myself to two squares of a good quality with sea salt added...weirdly good. Stay warm over there, I know it's really cold.

Sandra said...

You have all the best toys! Now i want a pink laptop too!

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks Barb! I'm trying to keep toasty warm, but it has been SO cold over here these past few days, with a bitterly cold wind.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks Becca - you and me fighting over the chocolate then!!

Southhamsdarling said...

No Olive, I am not laughing at you. Would you believe that I had never lit a fire myself, before last year! I went on the internet and googled "how to light a log fire", and it worked a treat. I was very chuffed with myself, I can tell you!!

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks Sandra. Yes, my pink laptop is very cool!!

FauziUzi said...

Thank you very much for sharing this very useful information, I am very happy to have found the information I was looking for. Once again, thank you so much.
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