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Friday 5 November 2010


Dear Blog, Well, here we are again and this time I thought I would just say a few words about songs and music.  I love music of ALL kinds, apart from heavy metal and house music!  I was almost there at the beginning of rock n roll (well, I was there, but too young to take any real notice of it, if you know what I mean!), but I was certainly aware of Bill Haley & The Comets with Rock Around the Clock.  Then, of course, came Elvis and I still love listening to his music to this day.  He had such a distinctive voice.  Roy Orbison was a great favourite of mine during my early teenage years, all heartbreak and tears, and, again, on my iPod today, I still love listening to him.  There are far too many to mention here, probably because there have been far too many years!

I like Gilbert & Sullivan, in particular The Mikado and Pirates of Penzance and have been to see both of these shows.  Now they are really uplifting!

I like light opera and can never fail to be moved by Luciano Pavaratti singing Nessun Dorma.

I live ten miles outside Plymouth, here in Devon, and every two years they have a musical spectacular which ends with an amazing fireworks display.  This is held on Plymouth Hoe (where Sir Francis Drake played his  famous game of bowls before sailing out to beat the Spaniards!),  and the backdrop to the whole thing overlooking Plymouth Sound, is amazing.  I am not going away from music here, because during every show and as the fireworks are getting more and more breathtaking, the musicians are playing Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.  The music is building up, getting louder and louder, the fireworks are getting higher and higher, and then the canons start firing. Boom! Boom! It  just sends shivers down my spine and I never tire of hearing that particular piece of music.

I simply cannot imagine a life without music in it - it can really change your mood when you listen to a particular song. 

As a complete change of scene from the 1812 Overture, here are three songs that would really get me up on to the dance floor!  I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor, Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain, and It's Raining Men by the Weather Girls.  Let's go girls!!


Ellielou said...

I wasn't even born when all of thos musicians were out!!! xxxx

Gawgus things... said...

I'll have to see if I can find you....10 miles outside of Plymouth ;)

Becky said...

Awwww... your posts warm my heart! I love the way that you write. I can just feel the love that you have for music through your words! ~ The music & fireworks at Plymouth sounds awesome! I would love to experience that! ~ Shania's song - "Feel Like a Woman" has always been one of my favorite songs! :)

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you ellielou! No need to rub it in!!!

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you for those nice words, Becky. They warm MY heart!!

BB said...

There's nothing like Roy Orbison and Elvis to get you singing. I love all the old rock and roll. I love music!!! Great post.

Rebecca said...

you and i could be music buddies i to adore all music and i love the song "its raining men" by the weather girls it is a very catchy tune. i love discovery new music as well as listening to the old. thanks for the great post.

Susie @ A Slice of My Life said...

I think I may be one of the few people in the entire world that prefers quiet to music. (Maybe because I live in such a zoo?) Yet you make it sound so dramatic and wonderful! It makes me wonder how to put music on my iphone. :D

(visiting from LBS)

Amy said...

Nice to meet you!

Elvis is always a good choice.

I must say, Nessun Dorma is one of my all time favorite songs. I took Opera Appreciation in College just because of that song.

LindyLouMac said...

That music event sounds well worth attending, I love the idea of Fireworks set to music. As you are a music fan I hope you will become a regular listener to my Sunday Songs, I know you enjoyed it last weekend. Have a relaxing weekend.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Amy. Glad you liked the choice of music! Hope you will stop by again.

Southhamsdarling said...

LindyLou - yes, I will certainly be listening to your Sunday Songs. I think it is a really good idea. See you soon!

SkippyMom said...

I love all types [except Rap and Hip hop - does it make me sound old to say I can't understand a word of it] I love that are kids are involved in band at school - I love to hear them practice, so lovely.
I grew up listening to my parents favorites [Elvis, country music] and my sisters music [70s rock] and then developed my own ecletric tastes from those influences.

The fireworks display sounds fabulous. That's how they do it hear, on our 4th of July, in Washington DC - really neat.

Single and Sane said...

I love a wide range of music, too. Music really is the soundtrack of our lives, and different styles seem to fit different moments.

Stopping by from the Lady Bloggers social.

Daphne Gadd said...

I'm glad you like Gilbert and Sullivan, Diane. Many people seem to turn up their noses at them these days because they're so dated, but some of the operettas are really very funny and the music is so well written.

I've always liked Gilbert and Sullivan, but I have a particular reason for my affection as well. I met my husband during a production of Ruddigore - he was singing and I was playing in the orchestra. :-)

Southhamsdarling said...

What a lovely story about meeting your husband during a Gilbert & Sullivan performance, Daphne. Thank you for sharing that. My husband played one of the little girls, many, many, many years ago, during a Forces Concert Party performance.

Silvia said...

Cute Blog! I'm italian, will you check out my blog? It's new and i need followers, will you help me? I hope to gear from you soon!

LBDDiaries said...

Well you hit on all the songs and artists I love, too! LOVE playing oldies during the day. I love how you describe yourself - a woman of a certain age! Visiting from the Lady Blogger Tea Party.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks for popping by LDB Diaries - please come along again!