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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Tuesday's Blog - 2nd November

Dear Blog, Yesterday, I typed out a post which was going to be my Blog for today (2nd November) and I placed it in the Draft section.

However, when I pressed the Publish button a minute ago, I see that it is showing up below my posting of yesterday!

I see now that I should have scheduled it for today's date - DOH!!  Anyway, I am just letting you know that there is a new post there beneath the Reflections one of yesterday.

I was  obviously trying to be too clever!!


BB said...

I read it. Loved it too. Tried putting a comment on it but couldn't so I'm putting it here. Was great and so true.

LindyLouMac said...

Now that is exactly why I do not go in for trying to set up posts in draft. I even hit publish in error the other day so followers will have seen my very rough notes for a post due later this month on their Google Readers. I must say I find it easier to use Windows Live Writer.
Thanks for the comments you have left on 'News From Italy' which I have enjoyed reading and replying to.
Now off to read the misplaced post.

LindyLouMac said...

As Bouncin Barb has already commented, we are unable to comment on that great poem, as it is only here in draft form. I think you will actually have to publish if you want to enable comments.
Where does that poem come from? I hope you do not mind if I post it on Facebook as I know many of my friends will appreciate it :)

LindyLouMac said...

Oh and I will also post link to your blog :)

SkippyMom said...

You can publish a draft on a different day then you wrote it by changing the date in the bottom right hand corner of the draft post. So the one you wanted to post today, but wrote yesterday you would change the date from November 1 to November 2. Hope that helps.

And I definitely like the poem and the quote from Mother Teresa. Both so completely true. Nice picks This.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks for the comment Barb. Glad you liked "Dust if you must...."!

Southhamsdarling said...

LindyLou - Well, trust me to muck up the whole blogging system!!! (My daughter would have a field day if she found out!!!). I shan't bother with the draft section again - it's too dangerous. As you say, you only have to press the wrong button by mistake and .... Yes, of course, you can put the poem on facebook. I just found it in one of my magazines. It didn't say where it had come from, so I couldn't acknowledge them.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks for the advice SkippyMom. As I said to LindyLou, don't think I will bother with the draft again, although I will keep your note in mind.

LindyLouMac said...

Thanks have done :)

Garnetrose said...

I have done that before. I do have a habit of suddenly thinking of something I should blog then I remember I already did mine for the day and do not want to forget what I was thinking. Now I just go to notepad and save them then copy them for times when I need them. Now that I have read this, I can change the date. Thanks to all of you.