I don't believe it! I have an award! I would just like to thank my producer, my immediate family, all of my friends, and the lady who runs the local coffee shop....... Oh, sorry, I thought I was Gwynneth Paltrow there for a moment, when she accepted one of HER awards!!
Seriously though, this award has been given to me by my dear blogging friend, Bouncin'Barb who lives on the other side of the pond. She has assured me that she hasn't given me this award because of the birthday cake I gave her....... Mmmmm! I'm not so sure about that. Still, if bribery works, what the heck, I'm all for it!!
I'm sure most of my blogging friends already follow Bouncin'Barb, but if you haven't popped over to see her, you really must and, in particular, you must read her recent blog, entitled "Award from Down Under." Just read her list of 5 indulgences - waow! I tell you, she is my kind of lady!! Her blog is called This and That (As I Bounce Thru Life) - and bounce through life she most certainly does.
I believe that one of the conditions of receiving my award is that I have to now list 5 indulgences of my own, so I will give that some serious consideration during the day and write about them tomorrow. But I was so excited and overcome by my Award, that I just had to write about it.
Thanks BB!
WOW!!! Congratulations to you! Much deserved though, I really look forward to reading your posts every day.x
Thank you Gawgus things - I feel quite chuffed and happy x
This...You deserved that award more than you know. You are a genuine, sweet person and that's all there is to it! (Now Chocolate layer cake might get you into the Hall of Fame..hint, hint). Just kidding.
Congrats!!! That cake looks yummy. :)
congrats! in the short time i've read your blog i can see that you're very deserving of it!
Awwww.... this is wonderful! You are VERY deserving of this award! :)
Thank you to all my blogging friends that have offered their congratulations! I do appreciate them all xx
:) Congrats!
Congratulations on the award. I follow Bouncing Barb and enjoy all her posts and look forward to following yours as well.
Thank you for popping by Odie and hope you will come by again.
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