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Saturday 18 December 2010

Another weekend

My daughter in Paris isn't feeling very happy at the moment, as she was due to fly in to Devon this morning, but, because of the snow, the airport has been closed.  She was looking forward so much  to going out this evening with a group of really close girlfriends, as one of them is celebrating her 40th birthday today. 

AND - she had ordered all her Christmas presents for everyone who lives over here on-line, and the boxes are filling my dining room at this very moment.  Obviously, the plan was that she was going to wrap all the pressies and then deliver them to everyone this weekend.  So we are going to have to speak on the phone in a little while and go through everything together, so that I can do the wrapping for her.

I believe my pressies are there as well, so she has asked her sister (who lives closeby to me) to wrap mine, although I'm not sure that she will be able to get down here because of the snow. 

So my thoughts today are with all those whose travel plans have been disrupted by the severe weather conditions. 

Here are a few photos of our snowy garden, taken earlier this morning. 


Becky said...

The pictures are beautiful, but I know how snow can ruin travel plans and then it's not so beautiful! My mother-n-law will be flying from Pennsylvania to here on Thursday. Our weather here, will be fine. Not so sure about her weather up there yet. I'll have to keep an eye on it. I pray that the weather eases up a bit for you all and you are able to spend Christmas together. ~ Blessings to you!

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks Becky. So many thousands of people will be travelling during this next week to be with their loved ones, so let us pray that all will be well! My daughter was only coming for this weekend, especially for the birthday. My husband and I and younger daughter and partner and little ones are all due to DRIVE to France on Thursday, so it really is all very touch and go at the moment. :(

Unknown said...

Amazing how pictures can be so beautiful and at the same time represent problems that are keeping family members separated. So sorry for the delay of your daughter getting there. Hopefully she will be there soon. Have a wonderful weekend. I am off on a 3 hour drive to my middle daughter's house to meet with my girls and will be running into some weather coming up from the south. Shouldn't be too bad though.

Southhamsdarling said...

Have a safe journey Odie. It will be lovely for you to be with all your girs again. Take care.

BB said...

These pictures are beautiful This. I feel so bad for your daughter but better to stay put then be in danger. Question for you. In the third picture down, what are those called? I have them all over here and don't know what they are. They are pretty and very hardy.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Barb. They are pampas grass. Usually have lovely fluffy fronds on them, but as you can see, looked a bit different this morning. After the feathers have gone and start to look a bit tatty, we just cut it all right back to the ground almost (quite a job in itself!) and then up they come again later in the year. Have a lovely weekend.

Holly said...

Visiting from the lady bloggers tea the pictures of the snow! It's raining here in Florida but at least it's not ice and snow. It does make it hard to get into the mood thou. I hope that you get all the presents wrapped and the travel plans work themselves out in time!
Happy Holidays!

Southhamsdarling said...

Lovely of you to pop over Holly (that's a nice, Christmassy name!). Happy Christmas to you and all your family.

colenic said...

Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous...I know that we are waiting to see if we are going to get hit with a storm that will screw up our travel plans...hoping not...but how disappointing for your daughter....and you cause you didn't get to see her

Southhamsdarling said...

Do hope that your travel plans don't get upset, Col! Enjoy your weekend.

Carol E Wyer said...

Hello fellow snow bound Brit! I've hopped onto your lovely blog via The Lady Bloggers Tea Party. The photos are great. We've got more of the wretched white stuff today too (I live in Staffordshire) and we are due to fly to France in three days. I hope all your plans and those of your poor daughter work out in the end for you. I sympathise totally.
I have added myself as your newest follower.
Please drop by and maybe follow me if you fancy a laugh. I'd be delighted to welcome you.
Friendly wishes from a snowy and cold UK
Carol from
– the blog that accentuates your laughter lines. (Has that put you off?)

Whitney said...

Beautiful photos though!!

Happy Tea Party!

Leanne said...

So sorry your daughter is under the weather ... the photos of your snow are SO beautiful. We've seen lots of snow here in Chicago, but my photos aren't as charming as yours here! SO LOVE them!

Stopping by from LBS tea - lovely to meet you!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful snowy pictures. You're definitely having a "White Christmas".

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've enjoyed visiting yours.

I hope your daughter is able to make it home in time to keep all her plans!

Shady Del Knight said...

When holiday plans go awry due to snow storms and travel delays we can cope by being patient and flexible and maintaining our sense of humor. A temporary inconvenience might be annoying but it's not the end of the world. When I look at those awesome photos of fresh snow on your garden I get homesick for Pennsylvania. I used to love to go sledding on steep roads and hillsides and take long walks in the snow on crisp, starry nights. It's been more than 25 years since I have enjoyed that experience. Therefore, while you are wishing that you could be here in warm, snow free Florida just remember that I am dreaming of a white Christmas like the one you are having.

caterpillar said...

The pictures are so beautiful...but the snow cannot be too nice when it's affecting your plans....

The Splendiferous Life said...

HI I found you through the Lady Blogger Tea Party. Love the pics, it is starting to snow here too. Raleigh, NC..

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

So pleased you like the Robin photo :-) Oh such a shame about your daughters flight :-( and not getting to celebrate with her friends.

Wow you are going to France for christmas .. where are you going ..Hope it does change over night for you all .

Southhamsdarling said...

I really would like to thank all the ladies who popped over to my blog this weekend via LBS. Isn't this tea party a good idea. Hopefully we will all meet up again.

Southhamsdarling said...

Anne, my daughter and her family live just outside Paris in Maison Lafitte. Don't know if you've heard of it . I get to visit quite often.

Southhamsdarling said...

Cat , thanks for your comment. Hope all's well where you are.

Southhamsdarling said...

Shady, thanks for your comments and lovely memories of Pennsylvania. I must say that you and Odie are two real wise men. We've obviously lost the third one!

Rebecca said...

beautiful pictures though a little to cold for me

Belle said...

I'm really sorry the weather has interfered with your holiday plans. I'll be hoping for clear skies for everyone.

Suzanne said...

Thisisme, I just had to look at your blog. I read your uplifting comments on justbeingme-becky's blog. Oh my, what beautiful snow gardens. But, I too am sorry the weather has dampened your holiday plans. Here's hoping the weather clears the way soon!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Snow! We have bunches of it here - and am loving it - as long as my fridge is stocked. My oldest son is coming to spend the Christmas Holiday with us with his new wife - and we are totally exciting. There's nothing more wonderful than having all your children under one roof, with good food and good times!

Beautiful pictures! Merry Christmas!

ParisMaddy said...

So sorry for your daughter being delayed due to snow---but what a lovely place to have to wait in---beautiful Paris :)

Your yard looks magical.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you so much for popping into my Blog, ParisMaddy and that you for your comments.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Bluecottonmemory - thank you too for popping over. How exciting for you with your son and his new wife coming for Christmas. Have a magical time.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you for popping across from Becky's blog, and I hope you will come again. I love her blog! Thank you for your comments.

Southhamsdarling said...

Susan - that last "thank you" was for you!!

Southhamsdarling said...

Becca & Belle - thank you for your comments. You have both been feeling under the weather, so I hope you are both much better again now.

Jumble Mash said...

Beautiful photos...and I hate snow. That should tell ya something :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's A LOT of snow. Where I live, we just had a week of temperature grazing the sixties, and now I'm wondering if we'll see snow before winter's out. Those are pretty pictures, though. I wish we could get at least a fraction of that! Stopping by from LBS.

Southhamsdarling said...

Lauren - lovely of you to pop by. Hopefully see you again sometime!

Southhamsdarling said...

Jumble = I'm not too keen on the snow myself at the moment, as it is upsetting everyone's travel plans over here in England.