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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Some more interior shots

Dear Blog, Well, as promised, I am posting some more photoes of my friend's home near the sea.  The whole house is painted white, so it is a lovely light house, and, whenever I visit, I really do feel close to the sea!  I am very lucky in that I only live 15-20 minutes away from some absolutely beautiful beaches, with miles of lovely golden sand.  Whenever I visit abroad, I get a little disappointed, because the beaches are usually quite pebbly.  Anyway, here are the photoes -

I seem to have got a bit carried away, as you can see.  I absolutely love taking photoes, and I would  have very much liked to be a photographer.


Natasha in Oz said...

That is such a gorgeous place. I would have taken heaps of pictures too!

Hope your week has been lovely so far. Enjoy the rest of it!

Best wishes,

Southhamsdarling said...

Thanks Natasha! I did get quite carried away, but I was quite pleased with the photoes, because they were only taken with my mobile phone. Hope your week is going well too.

Gawgus things... said...

I love the little ladder - very cute!

SkippyMom said...

Those are mobile phone pics? Dang - those are awesome This - Her home looks like such a happy place to be. :) Thank you again for sharing.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi SkippyMom. Yes, they are only mobile phone pics. I seem to have quite a good camera on it!

LindyLouMac said...

My first visit since Sunday and I already have lots to catch up with, you are already a very prolific blogger. As a blogger you can now enjoy photography even more, I certainly do, never going anywhere without a camera of some sort, you never know where you might get blogging inspiration as you discovered in your friends lovely home. I hope she gets to see the posts. I also thought your own kitchen was very nice.
See you again soon.

BB said...

This...these are great pics. I am in love with her home. I need make-over. Someday when I have an income You have a great eye too.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi LindyLou. Yes, will be carrying my camera around from now on I think! I will certainly let my friend see all the posts. She lives on her own and I know that they will cheer her up greatly. I don't think I will be able to keep this up - being prolific I mean!!!

Olive said...

I like her lght beachy look. Her furniture is nicely done. She and I have something in common as I worked for the state prison system for some years as a nurse. Many were mentally ill sex offenders. I adore her polks dot cups.

Becky said...

I love your photos! And your friend's home is has such a "cottage" look to it along with the "beachy" look!

You are blessed to live so close to the shore. I wish I lived just a bit closer to ours.

I am like you, and would love to learn more about photography. Although, I am learning a lot just by reading posts like yours and others.

Keep it up! You're doing great! :)

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you for your very kind words Becky!

LindyLouMac said...

I think you will find a balance that suits you. By the way did you realise that your comments are set to no reply, you might want to change this at it means bloggers can only contact you openly here rather than a personal reply if they so desire :)

Southhamsdarling said...

I'll go into settings LindyLou and see if I can change that. Thank you for pointing it out to me.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Amazing photos .. I know the sort of shops that your friend shops in :-) Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog :-) great to see new names.