Yesterday I was fortunate enough to go on one of my coastal walks with a friend, so here are a few piccies which I took.
It all looks very peaceful, but, in actual fact, this coast can be very dangerous, especially with on-shore winds and fog, and there are over 100 wrecks in the bay.
The spectacular cliffs that surround the area are home to many species of birds, especially Oyster catchers, who feed on the shoreline with many wading birds, and Fulmars, tube-nosed birds, similar to Gulls.
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oyster catcher |
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Fulmar |
After we had finished our walk, we popped into the village pub (as you do!) for some heartwarming soup. This time it was Spicy Parsnip (and very tasty it was too). As you walk in, you are welcomed by a roaring log fire, which is just so cosy, especially when it is bitterly cold outside.
You've probably gathered from this post, that I haven't really got very much to say today, so forgive me for that. Perhaps I should be more like my husband who "only talks when he's got something to say!" (his words, not mine!!).
Hope you all have a very pleasant weekend.
Oh...I am aching inside to go on this walk with you and to enjoy the parsnip soup in the pub too! Parsnips remind me of my Dad. OH! How blessed you are to live in such a scenic, interesting city! Oh how I would LOVE to beachcomb on the beaches of the ship wrecks...
Please don't apologize after blessing us with such wonderful pictures to bless our morning. You did such a great job with those pictures. I especially liked the birds. We have been having some welcome sun the last couple of days but they say we may have snow flurries today but time will tell. Thanks again for such a good post.
Odie :)
looks gorgeous! And the soup and roaring fire were just the perfect ending if you ask me!
This is the perfect post for today because it delivers on the promise set forth in my feature on you, your blog and your songs. Come over and enjoy, dear friend!
Those photos are amazing! Oh, to have Parsnip Soup in a proper 'pub'! Bon week-end...
I thought it was a wonderful post This. The oyster catchers are such lovely birds aren't they.
And the fireplace looks so cozy. Now I want parsnip soup. YUM.
What a beautiful post! It's been cold, cloudy and dreary here this week, too. Thank you for the "warm" & "sunny" pictures! The coast is so beautiful, where you live! Love the birds, especially the Oyster Catcher. What an interesting name! And oh..... to be able to WALK to a pub!!! That is AWESOME! :)
What beautiful pictures....thanks for sharing...
If this is your not much to say mode, you can be quiet anytime. This was a great post. Love your pics.
I think I would have to have a roaring fire and a glass of red wine , after the lovely walk.
If I talked as little as my husband .. this house would be a very dull place to live .. He also only talks when he has "something" to say .. not as he says "Trivia"!!!
How BEAUTIFUL it is there!!! Can I come visit you in England?! Hehe... no but really, these pictures are beautiful, and I enjoyed getting this little peek into your day. :)
oh my goodness! i love this! the sunshine! the soup! the pub! you live in a fairytale land, my sweet friend! soak it all up:)
A lovely walk, roaring fire and warming soup. Perfect for a bright and sunny winter's day. It seems we have swapped weather we are now bitterly cold, grey and snow on the surrounding hills.
Donna B - gosh, you had better hop on a plane right away and I'll take you there!!!
Odie - I'm glad you liked the bird photos and that you, too, are having some sun at the moment. Have a good weekend.
lyndylou - yes! Just the thing to finish off the walk.
Shady - that was a really lovely post that you did on Southhamsdarling, and I appreciate all the effort that you put into it. Thank you dear friend.
Gawgus things - I presume that they don't have 'proper' pubs in France then?!
Anne in Oxfordshire - LOL! Our husband must be very similar then! Strange, isn't it. Yes, our house would be very quiet if I didn't talk! Hey ho!!
Jenni - thank you! I hope that the operation went well for Edd. I have been thinking of you all.
vintch - I'm sure you live in a lovely place as well. It's a pity that I can't have a big party and invite all my blogging friends from all over the world!
LindyLouMac - Yes, it was perfect. Hope you get some sunshine soon over there in Italy.
SkippyMom - I'm glad you liked it. It is such a typical ye olde worlde English pub. I know you would find it Awesome!
Becky - Awesome! There's that word again. I love it! Hope you get some sunshine again soon.
Col - thank you.
Bouncin'Barb - glad you liked the photos. I'm surprised that post seems to have gone down so well. Just goes to show!!
Oh, what nice pictures! They really brightened up my day. It is dark, damp and dreary where I am. :-(
please send some of that sun my way
On My Soapbox and Becca - I hope that the sun will be with you again very soon!
BEAUTIFUL!!! I woke up to about 6 inches of snow this morning. I could actually see the grass yesterday. Now it's gone.
Oh, how I love this post! The scenery and birds are wonderful. Going to a pub with a roaring fireplace afterwards is great.
Oh no, no, no! I love posts like this, so please don't think you have nothing to say. Tell your husband that I don't know England so well (been 3 days to london and 3 to Ipswich) so seeing more, specially coastal living gives me a boost! Thanks for sharing! I have to come more often to the other side of the water, enjoy your weekend!
Maureen x
Jumble - gosh, that's quite a lot of snow you have! Keep warm and have a good weekend.
Belle - so pleased you enjoyed the post. Enjoy your weekend.
Daydream LivIng - thank you Maureen. You'll have to come down to this part of England when you next visit ! Happy weekend to you.
Thisisme - Did you notice in my latest blog post that the video for "Lipstick on Your Collar" was uploaded to YouTube by a man named Carl who lives in Devon? On his profile he writes: "I've been living in Devon for quite a few years now but i'm originally from Southend on sea in Essex and i still have my strong Essex /east London accent." By chance, do you know this fellow or know of him?
never had parsnips at all... but, i do love a good potato soup. is it similar?
beautiful, beautiful pictures! i want to come and go on a walk with you and eat at the pub and see the sights and... and... and... lovely!
thanks for stopping by the blog! yes, I asked Ben first. Don't think that he was very happy, but he has said that he is ready to settle down, and has been for several years, so.......there are several prospects within 30 minutes from his house!! wouldn't that be something??!! I'll keep you posted! have a WONDERFUL weekend! Bonni
Shady - yes, I did notice about the man from Devon and Lipstick on your Collar! Certainly a coincidence, but I'm afraid that I don't know of him at all.
Teresa - You can boil parsnips, or roast them, so they are like potatoes in that way, but they have a taste all of their own. Glad you liked the photos. Hope you are having a good weekend over there.
Let'sMakeADifference - That's amazing that you have some prospects so close to where you live. It would be wonderful indeed if he could meet that someone special, so certainly keep us posted!
The day that you described is what I would call my "dream day." I want to walk on the beach with you and sit in front of the fireplace and eat soup.
Sandy - Hi. That would be very nice to have your company!!!
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