But, guess what, it's just arrived (very quickly I thought) AND they accepted the photos that I sent up to them where I was wearing my glasses! Result!!
So much for those jobsworths at the Post Office. I'm tempted to go up and wave my new passport in front of them - BUT, I won't do that because I'm a nice person. LOL!
Anyway, I just thought I would share this piece of good news with you, as you had to listen to me complaining the other day.
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That is most awesome news This - SO happy for you. I know the process is not easy - and YAY! you now have it. :D
Good for you. What a great way to start the week.
Have a good one darling!
woo hoo!!!
Score card:
Thisisme 1
Red Tape Bureaucracy 0
Hurrah! That is good news - watch out world, you're free to roam :)
SkippyMom - thank you my little friend! It WAS a good start to the week.
lyndylou - woo hoo indeed!!
Shady - yes, indeed, kind sir!
Gawgus things - Free to roam indeed. Just need the money now to get myself out there!
YAY!!! So happy for you! Now, you need to plan a trip to the states and visit ME!! :)
Good. Now you can come to the states and visit us. Hugs.
Awesome!!! And I'm with Barb! Come visit!
Yay!!!! I strongly dislike my passport photo but hey, have passport will travel :)
yay glad you finally got it
Becky - how cool would that be, me actually being able to spend some time with you. I often wonder about my friends in America and if their accents are all different from one another!
Bouncin'Barb - wouldn't that be good - me strutting my stuff on Myrtle Beach!!! LOL!
Jumble - thank you. You'd all start panicking like mad, if I suddenly said I was coming over!
Becca - yes, I've got it!
Tanya (A Taste of T)- I don't suppose many of us actually like our Passport Photos :( It's because we're not allowed to smile, so that's not a good start, is it?!
Ha! I have a lovely southern accent. Some would say it is not lovely but I like it very much. We once had a pastor from South Africa with a very proper British accent (lovely) and he thought I had a fabulous southern accent.
Olive - Ah'm sure your southern accent is wonderful ma dear!!(Is it like something out of Gone With The Wind?).
I am glad to hear this, and wanted to thank you for coming over the the Cinful side of things to comment on my blog. Thank you sweetie.
So glad you finally got it. I dread when me, hubby and the kids go to get ours when we get to go on that dream cruise!
That is wonderful news based on your other post about the process. Glad that is behind you. Have a wonderful week.
Let me hold it. I'm not nearly that nice and would be more than happy to wave in their faces on your behalf. LOL
Goodnews! Now you can travel the world. Blessings
Dear Thisisme,
I am enjoying your writing style so very much! You have a lot of energy, passion and a lovely sense of humor. I know just what you feel like when dealing with official business. Congratulations on your new passport complete with a photograph that includes glasses. I am so nearsighted that I probably need them while sleeping so that I can see my dreams more clearly. Thank you for visiting and commenting today:) P.S. Where will you travel with the new Passport?
Cinnamon - it was my pleasure to visit! I shall be over there again, so be warned.
amber01sw - what's that? Dream Cruise?! Wow! How wonderful - when is all this going to happen?! Be a great subject for your Blog!
Odie - thanks. You too.
EmptyNester - that comment did make me laugh!!!
Bethe77 - thank you.
kneesandpaws - gosh, thank you so much for your lovely comments. You are too kind! I liked your comment about needing your glasses to see your dreams. LOL!! My daughter, son in law and granddaughter live in Paris, so I go there quite often.. I am going to Spain in September, and hopefully there might be something in between!!
Okay I am happy for you - where are you going to go and when?
Now you can go swim across the Mississippi River! Glad you got it, I need a new one next year and I hate to see my picture on that one.
So glad you have your passport so you are free to roam. Seems like it takes forever to get them after you apply. Thanks for stopping by to see me and the lovely comment on my header.
Chatty Crone - Thank you. Paris quite often to visit my family and Spain later in the year.
Belle - LOL! Yes, I could swim that river, couldn't it?! You've got such a pretty face, so you haven't got anything to worry about.
Stella - nice to see you here! I was lucky, because mine only took just over a week. I was very impressed!
What a relief it must be to have that process behind you now! Happy Travels!
glad that you got it! so, now you going to come visit us on the other side of the pond? just think of the fun you'd have!
Yay! I am so glad they accepted your pictures :D
Yay! My passport will need to be renewed this year. Hopefully I won't run into as much trouble as you did!
That is good news, now you need to plan a trip to visit us all.
LindyLouMac - gosh, wouldn't it be wonderful to come and visit you in Italy (sigh!).
OnMySoapbox - I hope yours will be plain sailing. It really was SO frustrating, but all is well that end's well!
Jax - thank you!
Teresa - It would be SUCH fun to visit you all. Wouldn't it be fantastic to meet everyone?!
puppykisses - thank you!!
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