When I was younger, I used to love going to Antique shops and Fairs. My husband and I used to spend hours at weekends, always looking out for special pieces that we thought would look nice in the home.
However, as I am getting older I find that I really do want to de-clutter and have a good clear out. These things do go with the house that we have, which used to be two 17th Century farming cottages, which were then renovated and knocked into one, but I find myself wanting a complete change of scene!
Just a few of the collected pieces
What would you do? I have bought a few more modern bits recently and I have to say that I like them.
I certainly can't imagine either of my daughters wanting any of the things that I have collected over the years, and then, of course, there is the dusting. Say no more!
Isn't it funny how our tastes change at different stages in our lives.
In the 1960's my home was very trendy. In fact, my daughters look at photos and say "why didn't you keep any of this stuff. It is so NOW?!". Doh - because, where would I have kept it all these years, that is my reply.
I will finish today with this little cartoon, which certainly made me smile. I hope it will also make you smile!
Love your cartoon at eh end! PERFECT! I love your de clutter and change. It is funny how those thing s seem to happen. They are beautiful peices too. Id put them on Eby maybe and try and sell them. But ... then that could be more work. I started getting rid of things about two years ago. It is very hard. Still ahve so many things to go through and get rid of. It does feel good though. Blessings
These are such beautiful pieces - how can you want to get rid of them? I'd maybe move them in to the attic for a while and then rotate different pieces round every now and again. When things are under your nose every day you sometimes forget how beautiful they are...
My mum and dad were into antiques and my mum always said that she couldn't leave any of it to me as I was far too trendy! I think you should declutter but keep a few small pieces since you love them and mix the old with the new :)
The cartoon did bring a smile this morning and I needed that. It is a puzzle what to do with all the accumulations we have. Selling means more work and who to give it to. I would do away with so much stuff in an instant but my wife is still grasping tightly to everything.
I understand the idea of "decluttering". I have been trying to do that myself, but I have also been bringing new things in! LOL! So, my work is really pointless! ~ Do you know anyone that has a thrift shop?? Maybe you could put some of your things in there on consignment to sell. It would be an easy way to sell them, if that is tuly what you wish to do. ~ I, too, have accepted the idea of "change". By reading some wonderful decorating blogs, I have realized that my house has looked the same for over 10 years! I am ready to "change it up" some! :)
Hee to the joke...good one...
We are in the same boat....I say, Ask the girls first what they want, and then get rid of what you are ready to let go. Find an antique store to take them and sell on commission, or buy them out right. Sell on Ebay. Give some away as gifts. Maybe give some as prices for something on your blog...donate and take the deduction on your taxes...
I like the new font on your post...
That's ME in the cartoon, Thisisme! (LOL)
It's hard to avoid cluttering up our lives. New things catch our eye and we are convinced that we must have them. We keep adding new possessions while still clinging to the old. The result is clutter and you can't keep peace of mind with clutter all around you. Once a year we should gather all possessions that no longer serve us and give them to the needy.
Bethe77 - glad you appreciated the little cartoon! My blogging friends have come up with so many good ideas, so I am going to work on it!
Gawgus-things - Actually that is a very good idea of yours. I had never thought of that, although, if anything happens to me, the items will still be there for someone to have to clear out (!).
lyndylou - that sounds good to me. Gosh, I have got some very wise friends here!!
Odie - I thought you might like the cartoon! I think it is usually the wife that wants to hand on to things. In our case, my husband is not very keen on getting rid of things! I suppose it all represents security, but I could honestly get rid of it all tomorrow.
Becky - that's my problem, I see nice (more modern) things and they just jump right into my hand! LOL! I am definitely going to be looking at this whole thing in the next few weeks though.
Donna - again, very wise comments, and I think an auction house is the way to go. I certainly don't think any of my blogging friends would want any of it (and it is so fragile, that it would be very difficult to dispatch to different parts of the world!
Shady - LOL! I refuse to think of you as that old man in the cartoon!!! My house doesn't really look cluttered. All the things are displayed very nicely, but, I don't know, I just feel the time has come to off-load a bit. I think the auction house is the way to go, and I can always donate the proceeds to the local childrens' hospice that I do voluntary work for.
Love the cartoon. I can so relate. I too have a bunch of stuff still in the basement of my house in CT. My tenants don't mind. I have depression dishes my grandma gave me. Collections of cats and bells and pitchers. Wish it were worth money. I could use it.
wow beautiful dishes and i to recently did a clean out took two loads to the goodwill
Bouncin'Barb - I certainly wouldn't get rid of anything that was handed down in the family. I just wouldn't have the heart to do that!! Are you sure that none of that stuff is worth anything at all??
Becca - Good for you! Must be the time of the year that makes us want some sort of a fresh start!
When The Man and I downsized from our 4 bed. house I had to declutter and really quite enjoyed it. As you said - tastes change. I have far less items displayed on shelves and have made many a trip to a charity shop with a box full of things which no longer seem so attractive. However, I did used to collect small tea and coffee cups and saucers [some look frightening like your collection!] and as some are quite rare I was loath to get rid. The dusting problem was solved as they are now inside a glass fronted cabinet. Will I keep them forever - who knows? I have found a Tea Museum in Southwark who would be delighted to have my collection when I pop my clogs, so if no-one in the family wants them that's where they will end up.
Masia Mum - Hallo! Lovely to have you over here. That Tea Museum sounds like a wonderful idea. It's nice to know that they will still be appreciated. This is a bit of a problem when one gets older, isn;t it? I suspect that you had to be pretty brutal when you downsized from your 4 bedroom house.
I had to declutter years ago when we moved into an apartment. If I buy anything, I have to get rid of something so I don't buy any more. It sure saves money!
Belle - that sounds like a good way of saving money to me! Have a good week over there.
we have to de-clutter and pack things up as well. you have lovely (fragile) things there. like you, i hate the dusting part and you're right about tastes changing. it's funny how it does that.
There is an expression that if you do not use something or it does not give you pleasure, then out it should go! I am sure all these beautiful things give you pleasure. We had to declutter considerably when we moved to Italy after over twenty years in the family home, trouble is we are slowly gathering possessions again. :)
LindyLouMac - they used to give me pleasure, but I really do feel that it's time for a change. Trouble is, I know that my husband won't be very pleased if I start getting rid of all the pieces!
Teresa - good luck with your de-cluttering (I love that word!). I guess it won't be easy and, yes, it is really strange our our tastes change as we get older. Hope all is well with you and Ron.
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